Patch AH Exploits sollten nun erledigt sein

Forum für Diskussionen rund um Dungeons & Dragons Neverwinter

Patch AH Exploits sollten nun erledigt sein

Beitragvon Numenator » Mi 12 Jun, 2013 08:03

Patch Notes NW.1.20130416a.30

This build is set to go live at 6AM PDT on Tuesday, May 21, 2013.

Caturday Survivor's Pack
•Everyone will receive a pack that includes a cape, a title, and a couple other items as a sign of our appreciation for players bearing with us through Sunday's downtime. More details to come at 6AM Pacific, during maintenance!

UPDATE: For more details, check out this news post.

Exploit Fixes
•A major exploit in the Auction House has been closed off.
•An exploit involving Jeweled Idols has been addressed. Rhix now exchanges Jeweled Idols directly for Astral Diamond Coffers in his store, which appears when a player has a Jeweled Idol in his or her inventory.*

*When opening Nightmare Lockboxes, players may sometimes get a Jeweled Idol.
-When holding the idol, go talk to Rhix, the kobold in Protector's Enclave next to the Wondrous Bazaar.
-This dialog is also available by clicking on the "Daily Quests" pane in the Landing Page (L key by default).
-Having the Jeweled Idol in your inventory unlocks a new "Store" option (this has replaced a quest named "Give Me the Idol").
-When clicking on the Store option, you may purchase a Coffer of Astral Diamonds for one Jeweled Idol each, and may repeat this as long as you hold at least one Jeweled Idol.
-Each Coffer of Astral Diamonds may be opened for 40,000 Astral Diamonds.

Iam Lack, Toast & Tolerant

Das ist schmutzig, falsch und moralisch höchst verwerflich....ok bin dabei!
Protector (WoW)
Grand Marshal
Alter: 48
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Registriert: So 19 Aug, 2001 19:55

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