RoS: Launch Night Login

Forum zur Diskussion rund um Diablo III

RoS: Launch Night Login

Beitragvon Thunderion » Mo 24 Mär, 2014 07:26

Launch Night Login
Diablo III will be available the night Reaper of Souls goes live and there will be no need to patch or exit the game once the clock strikes GO!

We advise logging in ahead of time to reduce potential queue times. Once you're in-game and the Reaper of Souls has launched in your region, you'll see a server broadcast message letting you know that the expansion is now available to play. This means you can continuously play Diablo III all night long and jump straight into Act V the moment it’s available!

Note: In order to access Act V once Reaper of Souls is live, you will need to exit your current game and select Act V from the Quest Select window. If you want to avoid having to recreate your game, we recommend that you set up your game so that you're killing Diablo after your gameplay region's launch time. This way, you can naturally transition into Act V without any additional effort.

RL: 8) Robert 8)
Grand Marshal
Alter: 48
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Registriert: Fr 14 Mär, 2003 10:22
Wohnort: Österreich - Wien

Re: RoS: Launch Night Login

Beitragvon Thunderion » Mo 24 Mär, 2014 07:29

Regional Launch Times
Reaper of Souls will launch at different times in each Diablo III gameplay region. Please see the below list to learn when the expansion will be available in your preferred region.

For Asia, the expansion will be available to play at 11:00 a.m. PDT on March 24.
3:00 a.m. KST on March 25
2:00 a.m. CST on March 25

For Europe, the expansion will be available to play at 4:00 p.m. PDT on March 24.
23:00 GMT on March 24
00:00 CET on March 25
01:00 EET on March 25
03:00 MSK on March 25

For the Americas, the expansion will be available to play at 9:00 p.m. PDT on March 24.
10:00 p.m. MDT on March 24
11:00 p.m. CDT on March 24
12:00 a.m. EDT on March 25
1:00 a.m. ADT on March 25
1:30 a.m. NDT on March 25
12:00 p.m. SGT on March 25
3:00 p.m. AEDT on March 25
RL: 8) Robert 8)
Grand Marshal
Alter: 48
Beiträge: 3361
Registriert: Fr 14 Mär, 2003 10:22
Wohnort: Österreich - Wien

Re: RoS: Launch Night Login

Beitragvon Thunderion » Mo 24 Mär, 2014 07:39

Queues and You
Depending on how many people attempt to join the crusade against the Angel of Death on March 25, you may encounter a queue when logging into Diablo III as well when you create a game. These queues will be indicated by the following messages.

Login Queue:

"Queued position [number] - approx [X] minutes remaining..."
Game Queue:

"The Diablo III servers are busy." Below this message, you should see a time estimate (if the estimate is < 1 minute) as well as pulsating ellipses.
If you receive either message, just be patient with the queue and you’ll be slaughtering reapers in Westmarch before you know it!
RL: 8) Robert 8)
Grand Marshal
Alter: 48
Beiträge: 3361
Registriert: Fr 14 Mär, 2003 10:22
Wohnort: Österreich - Wien

Re: RoS: Launch Night Login

Beitragvon Cyan » Mo 24 Mär, 2014 08:38

Wie schaut's bei euch aus? Seid ihr heute Nacht beim Start on?
Protector (WoW)
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Re: RoS: Launch Night Login

Beitragvon Pullox » Mo 24 Mär, 2014 08:45

Kloar. :)
this simple answer is never what it seems
Field Marshal
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Re: RoS: Launch Night Login

Beitragvon Thunderion » Mo 24 Mär, 2014 08:46

Ich hab mir mal morgen einen Urlaubstag genommen und werde deshalb wohl auch on sein :)
Da ich aber heute - wie so ziemlich jeden Tag - um 6.00 Uhr in der Firma war, muss ich mal schauen, ob ich am Nachmittag bissi vorschlafen kann ;-)
RL: 8) Robert 8)
Grand Marshal
Alter: 48
Beiträge: 3361
Registriert: Fr 14 Mär, 2003 10:22
Wohnort: Österreich - Wien

Re: RoS: Launch Night Login

Beitragvon Cyan » Mo 24 Mär, 2014 08:48

Bin noch am Überlegen ob ich meine Nachtruhe vorverlege und dafür zum Start online bin...wenn wegen der Serverprobleme dann nix geht wär's bitter. :(

Edit: Urlaubstag is keine schlechte Idee. :D
Protector (WoW)
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Alter: 38
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Re: RoS: Launch Night Login

Beitragvon Numenator » Mo 24 Mär, 2014 11:20

Bin dabei, bin zwar auch seit 7:00 auf den Beinen aber das geht scho :)

Iam Lack, Toast & Tolerant

Das ist schmutzig, falsch und moralisch höchst verwerflich....ok bin dabei!
Protector (WoW)
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