The Druid's 10 Step Guide To Better Playing (Comedy)

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The Druid's 10 Step Guide To Better Playing (Comedy)

Beitragvon Tilluni » Mo 14 Okt, 2002 16:01

<br> First off don't try these on any raids as you will get a natigram, deguilded, killed, and/or hazed by the entire server. <br><br>1) Don't heal the group tank until he is at 20%. When he says 'Heal me sooner!' reply 'Shut up you fookin wuss!'. If by chance you get him killed by doing this... blame it on lag. If the wuss.... err I mean tank uses his discipline when there is only a single mob in the camp, evac to steamfront and tell the group that you refuse to group with wusses that can't tank. <br><br>2) Pull... Pull lots! I mean 8 - 10 mobs. Watch everyone panic and @#%$ themselves as they scream 'EVAC!!! EVAC!!!'. Then just ae root everything, announce that people need to pull back, and start chloroblasting everyone back to good health. Again if you get people killed doing this.. blame it on lag. <br><br>3) Forget to snare! Snaring is for Rangers. The only time a druid should snare is when they are soloing. So you should purposefully forget to snare because then you will get to play out #2. If people die... blame it on lag. <br><br>4) Heal the mob multiple times... make sure to announce it to the group too. This is best accomplished when the tank, or one of the pure casters is at 20% health. Once again, if someone dies.... blameshift to lag. <br><br>5) Always use AE's. That's what they are there for. Only whimps use single target damage spells. It's more efficient to do 100 damage to then entire zone than it is to do 1000 damage to one mob. <br><br>6) Never sit down. Stand up all the time. Don't med, don't summon a horse. Then when it's really critical, /shout OOM. Yes use shout because it's more fun that way. Then /shout Train to zone, and run the wrong way. When you get clear of your group gate out, or evac to zone. If the group asks what happened, tell them you were afk and your little sister was playing your character. <br><br>7) Always port to the wrong destination first. It's pointless to take paying customers to there destination, what's the use of that, they paid... give them a little tour. Better yet, port them to the druid rings in the same zone you are at, just so they know where it is. If you really want them to get their moneys worth... succor them too. My favorite 'tour of norrath' port is Iceclad, and it works really well when you are porting people under level 50. Or wakening lands (wuoshi up) for those over 50. Again blame it on the little sister. <br><br>8) When people beg for buffs, give them your shortest lasting buff. If someone asks for a 'regen', give them like chloro or something. If they ask for a 'skin' buff give them skin like rock. You get the picture. If they ask for a particular buff, stating the correct name. Politely tell them that you don't have that spell yet, but you saw it for sell in the bazaar for 2500pp, and ask for a loan. <br><br>9) When you are solo'ing. Always announce trains just before you zone. Never announce it before, because that spoils the element of suprise, and there is just no fun in that at all. Make sure that when you announce your train that it is not in common language, use dragonese or lizard speak.. you get the idea. <br><br>10) Last but not least. If you are ever in a zone that has animals in it... always charm an animal. I personally prefer to charm one animal and fear another just to emmit that kind of control. When your charm/fear breaks run like a freak to the nearest zone line, or group making sure to aggro as many mobs as possible. Refer to #2, and #9 on this matter. <p><table border="0" width="513"> <tr> <td width="90"><b>written by</b></td> </tr><tr> <td width="90"><b>RealLife</b></td> <td width="150">Jessy</td><td width="100"></td><td width="270"><a href=""></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="90"><b>EverQuest</b></td> <td width="150">Tilluni Tipplefoot (Druidin)</td> <td width="100"></td> <td width="270"> </td> </tr><td width="90"><b></b></td> <td width="150"></td> <td width="100"></td> </tr></table></p><i></i>
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Registriert: So 16 Jun, 2002 23:19

Re: The Druid's 10 Step Guide To Better Playing (Comedy)

Beitragvon Sanyarin » Mo 14 Okt, 2002 23:39

hrhr gefaellt mir ... hat was ehrliches <br>einige punkte hab ich sicher auch schon gemacht *eg* auch druiden haben eine dunkle seite *ne DE maske will* (1 , 3)<br><br>ich hab noch 2<br><br>11) sit down and when they ask for a snare tell them ' sorry, cant do that. its to much work for me to mem a spell ' <br>12) and when the raidleader is blaming you for not snaring the mobs, then just say ' sorry, was doing homework ' ( is really fun on questmobs, which run out of the area, and everythin has to be done again )<br><br>PS: zu den areas bzw waves .... mit meinen areas habe ich bis jetzt erst 2 mezzes gebrochen ( beide in chardok, sollte elva bezeugen koennen). in sebilis haben klap und ich relativ oft wave spells benutzt, auch als mezzed mobs da waren, da wir den radius unserer spell eigentlich relativ gut einschaetzen koennen. und wenn es dennoch vorkommen sollte gilt die regel, die ahl gern zitiert : ' YOU break it , you tank it '. wenn es entweder net geht oder man net will mir zu helfen, dann werd ich halt auch rippen, denn es war mein fehler. und wenn es kritisch ist ( so was wie chardok king area ) dann benutz ich sicher keine areas ... soo jetzt hackt auf mir rum *freu*... ich brauch das <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :p --><img src= ALT=":p"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p><Written by<br><table border=0 width=800><tr><td width=20%><b>RL</b></td><td width=20%>Mathias</td><td width=20%><a href=""></a></td><td width=20%></td><td width=20%>
Written by
WoW active - Shikki (Eonar) / Gairana (Eonar) / Dairana (Eonar) / Tenka(Eonar) / Nyrion(Eonar)
EQ retired - Venerable Nyrion[ 64 ] / Brother Gensei [ 65 ]
Alter: 41
Beiträge: 1157
Registriert: Do 15 Aug, 2002 08:28
Wohnort: Schweiz

Re: The Druid's 10 Step Guide To Better Playing (Comedy)

Beitragvon Tilluni » Di 15 Okt, 2002 01:02

ehehe ich wusste das ich nicht alleine bin,also das mit den Ports ist mir mal passiert aber aus Versehen <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :) --><img src= ALT=":)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <br><br>Alles andere wird schwer sein denn finde nach so einer Aktion nochmal ne Gruppe hrhr <p><table border="0" width="513"> <tr> <td width="90"><b>written by</b></td> </tr><tr> <td width="90"><b>RealLife</b></td> <td width="150">Jessy</td><td width="100"></td><td width="270"><a href=""></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="90"><b>EverQuest</b></td> <td width="150">Tilluni Tipplefoot (Druidin)</td> <td width="100"></td> <td width="270"> </td> </tr><td width="90"><b></b></td> <td width="150"></td> <td width="100"></td> </tr></table></p><i></i>
Registrierter Benutzer
Beiträge: 107
Registriert: So 16 Jun, 2002 23:19

Re: The Druid's 10 Step Guide To Better Playing (Comedy)

Beitragvon Sanyarin » Mi 30 Okt, 2002 10:59

hmm ich glaub wir sollten diese liste mal oefters anwenden ... dann wuerden sie evtl uns auch nen bissel ernster nehmen <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :p --><img src= ALT=":p"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i></i>
Written by
WoW active - Shikki (Eonar) / Gairana (Eonar) / Dairana (Eonar) / Tenka(Eonar) / Nyrion(Eonar)
EQ retired - Venerable Nyrion[ 64 ] / Brother Gensei [ 65 ]
Alter: 41
Beiträge: 1157
Registriert: Do 15 Aug, 2002 08:28
Wohnort: Schweiz

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