Space Virus (engl. Originaltitel Future Fear) war nur der Anfang!
If you love to watch bad movies, then here's one for you. Though not quite as great as Troll 2, Robot vs. the Aztec Mummy, or Black Rage, Future Fear is definitely worth watching for all you freaks out there. A the start of the movie, you get to see what looks like two remote-control planes flying through a desert. At least I thought they were remote control. It turns out that they're supposed to be real! That's where the fun begins. Soon you find out about the confusing plot involving the rights of cloned fetuses, who one of the main characters loves with a mother's passion. Then you'll get to see the bad-guy' fortress, which on the inside looks just like any old office building, and numerous other details. Overall, the acting is abysmal, the plot is nonexistant, and the special effects are a sin on all of humanity--which leaves you with a fine film indeed. Watch it as soon as possible!
Denn jetzt kommt ROBO GEISHA!!!
Ah, geisha. Beautiful. Alluring. Mysterious. Robotic. Yoshie is the archetypal younger sister, overshadowed in all ways by her elder sibling. Sis is confident. Yoshie is not. Sis is climbing through the ranks of a local geisha house. Yoshie scrubs the walls and performs menial tasks. Sis is in love with the young head of a local steel outfit. Yoshie ... wait a minute ... Yoshie is the one that he actually prefers! This is a recipe for conflict ... The latest effort from the crew behind cult titles Machine Girl, Sukeban Boy, Tokyo Gore Police and Vampire Girl Versus Frankenstein Girl, you pretty much have to know going in exactly what you're going to get with RoboGeisha - a violent, unrepentantly silly b-film loaded with wildly over the top set pieces hatched from the fevered mind of perpetual adolescent Iguchi. A self- professed ass-man Iguchi was asked by producers to tone the violence down a touch for this one and so he did before compensating more than amply for the reduced amount of blood by inserting a wide variety of weapons into his female stars' posteriors. Simultaneously a parody of bad melodrama and an explosion of cult excess, RoboGeisha takes a (very) basic sisters-competing-for-affection storyline and lifts it out of the standard domestic setting and replaces it with extreme body modification and a clan of geisha-assassins. The girls glare and stomp their feet at each other, then they go and replace their breasts with machine guns. Just when you think Iguchi and Nishimura must have run out of bizarre scenarios and weapons after producing so many of these films they come up with something truly bizarre. Bizarre like bleeding buildings, castle robots, throwing stars and katana's bursting from women's asses.
Halbnackte Japanerinnen denen Wurfsterne aus dem Hintern schiessen, Schwerter aus den Achseln wachsen und deren Brüste Säuremilch verspritzen können einfach nicht getoppt werden. Ab nun werd ich wohl nur noch Radio hören können da alles was im Fernsehen gezeigt wird einfach nur noch langweilig anmutet