von Naglafarn » So 20 Jan, 2002 20:22
Ich habe die letzten Tage immer wieder Probleme gehabt mit nv4_displ.dll Treiber Bluescreens unter Windows XP.<br><br>Folgendes habe ich nach tagelangem probieren gefunden. Ist eine Sache aus Via Forum von einem ViaTech. Probieren hilft vielleicht...<br><br>I use a KT133A based system here, with a GeForce II, 21.83 detonator drivers, WinXP and 4in1 v4.35 With that combination, 3D Mark 2001 will not complete. If I manually install the VIAGART.INF file from the 4.35 directory, the problem is resolved. I got the idea to try that from these forums. So, I have passed all this on to the drivers team to replicate and verify the fix. The VIAGART.INF file is actually the Win98 AGP driver. So I can't give you a definate until Taiwan finish testing this thoroughly but but my informed suggestion would be that an XP AGP driver will be created, or the 4in1 drivers will be updated to include this. As soon as I get this from Taiwan I will announce it in the forums and post it in the tweakers section so it's avilable to people because it does take a few weeks to get Microsoft to certify drivers. So, for now, if you are using a GeForce II and WinXP, my suggestion is that if you have computing experience then you could manually install the AGP driver mentioned above but at the same time remember that this has to be considered an unverified and unofficial suggestion. <br><br>Instructions on how to do this: <br>Go to device manager <br>under system devices, select VIAtech CPU to AGP controller <br>driver version 5.1 2600.0 which is Microsoft's version of the driver <br>click update driver <br>select install from a list or specific location <br>on the second screen select, no do not search, I will select the driver I want to install <br>select have disk <br>point to the AGP/VIAGART.INF in the 4in1 4.35 driver folder <br>follow the rest of the prompts..... <br><br>-------------------------<br>VIA Arena Team <br>Web Media Liaison <br>VIA Technologies, Inc <p></p><i></i>
RL: Andreas + Warhammer: Nagul
EQ: Nagul (retired) + EQ2: Naglafarn (retired) + WoW: Naglafarn (retired)