von Fanorn » Mi 11 Aug, 2004 18:24
bzw. etwas technischer formuliert:
When an NTFS volume is first created and formatted, NTFS metafiles are created. One of these metafiles is called the Master File Table (MFT). It is very small when first created (approximately 16 KB), but it grows as files and directories are created on the volume. When a file is first created, it is entered into the MFT as a File Record Segment (FRS), which is always 1024 bytes (1 KB) in size. As files are added to the volume, the MFT grows as required. However, when files are deleted, the associated FRSs are marked as free to be reused, but the total FRSs and associated MFT allocation remains. This explains why, after deleting a large number of files, you don't regain the space used by the MFT.
To see exactly how large the MFT is, you can use the built-in defrag utility to analyze the volume. The resulting defrag report provides detailed information about the size and number of fragments in the MFT.,
Currently, only third-party defrag utilities consolidate unused MFT FRS records and reclaim unused MFT allocated space.
Fandorin - retired
Fanonia - Witch Elf - MIA
Fanorn Covenant, Rear Admiral, Joined Trill, USS Moonglow-E - lost in a Wormhole
Fanorn of Rivendell - Elf Hunter