VENRIL'S PLAN<br><br>Venril Sathir moved back into Karnor's Castle some 50 years ago. Before that time, the Iksar Lich-King spent more then a century in hiding in The Bile at his Fortress Varis, after his defeat at the hands The Alliance of Stone. The Alliance of Stone's victory came only after the leader of Venril's Lycanthrope army, an Iksar wizard serpent changer by the name of Thuuga, was deceived by the Ring of Scale and joined the Alliance.<br><br>Venril Sathir vowed to rebuild his empire to its former terrible glory of two thousand years past. However, he had learned a valuable lesson at his last defeat. Choosing to stay out of the public's eye from now on, he has since become secretive and has been rebuilding his strength quietly, biding his time as the tendrils of his influence snake their way into all levels of society. He has many agents and moles placed strategically all across the continent that report to him and see that local politics resolve themselves in a manner favorable to his designs.<br><br>One such agent is a shapeshifter by the name of Korucust. Appearing as a Sarnak, Korucust managed to become a member of Sarnak Overking Bathezid Di'zok's council. The Ring of Scale had a representative that once sat upon the Sarnak king's council but he disappeared mysteriously around one year ago, shortly after Korucust was elected. The truth of the matter is that Korucust assassinated this representative at Venril's behest. One of Venril's goals is to subvert the influence that the Ring of Scale has over the Sarnak. Indeed, he views the Sarnak as a means of eventually destroying the Ring of Scale.<br><br>Before he ordered the assassination, Venril learned very important information about the Ring of Scale through the reports he received from Korucust. He found that a few years back the Ring of Scale were able to steal the memories of a certain High Elven Paladin. The notion that it was possible to actually steal the memories of another and take them as your own was one that was quite attractive to Venril. <br><br>Venril has been watching the elves and their small settlement with interest. Far from posing any sort of threat, they have been creating a pleasant distraction that has kept the Frogloks, giants and others busy much to his delight. Nevertheless as in all things, he pays close attention to their activities through his spies. He favors the Lycanthropes, those that still remain loyal to him, for that particular duty. Their superior senses allow them to watch and hear things from a great distance, without alarming the elves.<br><br>He was fascinated when he began to hear that the elves were telling stories, once again, about this certain High Elven Paladin that had her memories stolen. The rumors say this High Elven Paladin currently has in her possession a staff, allegedly given to her by Tunare, which seems to have an enchantment upon it that is helping the High Elf to regain her memories. Furthermore, Venril hears that this High Elf will be travelling to this elven small settlement very soon, to embark upon a journey to find and confront the Ring of Scale.<br><br>Upon hearing that the Paladin would soon be traveling to the continent, Venril swore that he would learn the secret of stealing memories. He sees this as a way to exponentially increase his knowledge while destroying his enemies at the same time. Indeed, a ruler without memories is one whose kingdom is easily conquered. If he can gain access to this ability he feels he may finally realize his goal of total control of the continent and eventually, the entire world.<br><br>Venril Sathir wants both Firiona Vie and her staff, The Lifeguide, so he can study them both and learn how it is that he can steal the memories of others and take them as his own. Venril begins to hatch a plot to bring this about.<br><br>Of course, the last thing Venril wants is to gain the attention of Ring of Scale or anyone else for that matter. He tasks a powerful shaman by the name of Danak Dhorentath with kidnapping Firiona. He will have her hidden in a remote location, far away from his Castle Karnor. Venril knows without a doubt that there will be elven search parties and the like for a time after her disappearance but he is not concerned. Patience is a trait he has learned in his roughly 400 years as a Lich. <br><br>Danak Dhorentath hatches a foul plan to accomplish this goal. Venril lends Danak a powerfully enchanted magic necklace. This necklace has the ability to open a gate to remote encampment far from Venril's domain. Taking a team of four Lycanthropes and a lesser Initiate of The Arisen, Danak and his party make their way to the small elven settlement to fulfill his dark master's wishes and capture the High Elven Paladin.<br> <br><br><br><br>ARRIVAL AT KUNARK<br><br>Firiona Vie and her friends arrived near the tiny Elven stronghold in the new lands. Tired from their journey, they stepped off of the elven ship that ferried them to the continent on the long and tiring journey. The morning air was cool and a stiff wind was blowing from off shore. High, jagged cliffs and rocky beach stretched out before them as far as the eye could see. Firiona knew that there was forest somewhere up above them but she could not see it. <br><br>The elves were happy to be off of the boat and to finally have a chance to stretch their legs. Cold and a little wet, Galeth led them all up a treacherous and rocky path. Stones under their feet sought to trip them up. Thubr Axebringer stumbled a few times on the stones but a quick arm lent from the Paladin, Sir Jevik, kept the dwarf from being dashed to pieces on the rocks below. Al`Kabor snickered to himself as he hovered magically, roughly a foot in the air, avoiding the small stones and uneven footing all together.<br><br>Dagda's keen barbarian senses alerted her as the wind shifted slightly. "I smell smoke. Let's hope that these are your friends, Galeth."<br><br>Dabner piped up for the first time in over two hours, a personal record for gnomish cleric of Brell Serellis. "I hope they made something to eat. I'm starving."<br><br>Galeth's ancient elven features betrayed no hint of being hungry or tired. Looking briefly over his shoulder as he led them up the path he said, "This is the settlement up here. It isn't much right now but we will find rest and respite from the elements there."<br><br>As they crested the hill the party got their first glimpse of the new continent. The trees were strange and the flora was unfamiliar. In the distance, smoke from a campfire could be seen.<br><br>Lyirae's eyes were wide with excitement. "This place is so beautiful. It's so very different from Faydwer." She stopped briefly to inspect some tracks on the ground; "These tracks are fresh. They resemble a wolf's yet whatever made these walked upright. Definitely not a gnoll though. And it was very large," she added looking a bit frightened.<br><br>"Lycanthropes perhaps? Galeth, you mentioned that they roam the continent," Sionachie asked. At her words, the halfling rogue Dreezil began to walk a little bit more closely to the half elven bard, as if to hide in her shadow.<br><br>Galeth replied, "Aye, it is most likely Lycanthropes. Horrible magical creations. Half man and half beast."<br><br>Ognit looked up at Galeth. "Perhaps we should hurry along then?" The gnomish wizard looked a little frightened and quickened his pace a bit. <br><br>Grimly, Galeth said, "If there are Lycanthropes in the area, they've known about us for quite some time. They have unnaturally strong senses. It's said that they can hear and smell prey miles away from them."<br><br>Dabner stopped dead in his tracks. A figure was running toward them at incredible speed, "Lycanthrope!" the gnome shouted.<br><br>Galeth barked back immediate, "Stay your hands, this is most certainly not a lycanthrope!" It was immediately apparent to all, save the air-headed gnome, that the figure running toward the group was a wood elf. <br><br>Stopping abruptly about 10 yards from the group, the young elf saluted crisply. "General Veredeth. Lieutenant Thorn at your service. I hope your journey was a pleasant one."<br><br>Galeth smiled back and said, "At ease Lieutenant. The journey was a long but an uneventful one and for that we are thankful."<br><br>"It's refreshing to see you again, sir. You trained me at the academy some time ago. Do you remember?"<br><br>Galeth nodded, "Of course I do, I never forget a student! Particularly such an adept as yourself." In truth, Galeth did not remember the young elven soldier as he had trained perhaps thousands in his lifetime. However, a small untruth was a lesser sin then crushing one's morale, particularly in such a hostile and unpleasant environment as these soldiers endured.<br><br>The Lieutenant smiled broadly, "Follow me then everyone. We have dinner prepared. We've even made a hearty stew with meat for those heartier folk in your party that want to something a little heavier then what we usually serve."<br><br>Thubr grinned and said, "Good, good! I'm glad to hear we don't have to survive on yer elven granola the whole time! Thanks for the hospitality friend."<br><br>The settlement had several small, semi-permanent structures of wood and straw. No stones or masonry lined any of the paths between the structures but hard packed earth swept clean served to make wheeling the carts used to haul materials between huts slightly easier. The banners of Felwithe and Kelethin waving noisily in the wind at the edge of the outpost were the only indications that the inhabitants here were "civilized". The settlers had come with nothing save tools and had done an amazing job making do with what supplies they could gather from the local surroundings.<br><br>In the center of the encampment were several fire pits ringed with stones. Over the pit, a pot simmered filled with the stew and a delicious aroma (to those of non-elven lineage) filled the camp. Making themselves comfortable on the ground, the group sat in a circle around the fire and ate their fill. <br><br>The party rested for a bit after their meal, talked with the men and enjoyed the meager comforts afforded to them by the elven settlers. Dagda, Lyirae, Thubr and Dreezil all napped for a while in the warm afternoon sun, not bothering to leave the spot where they had eaten. <br><br>Afternoon turned into early night and not quite tired, Firiona Vie took a walk around the perimeter of the encampment. In the distance she noticed what appeared to be an enormous statue. She had heard stories of the amazing ancient ruins that dotted the continent, evidence of what was once an immense and prosperous nation of great power.<br><br>Curious, she inquired about the statue to Galeth. Galeth suggested that perhaps it would be nice to go on an evening hike. He called for Lieutenant Thorn and asked that he show all of them the surrounding area and give them a tour. <br><br>The Lieutenant was more then willing, "It would be my honor to take you all on a hike. There are many very interesting sights to see and I'm quite familiar with the area."<br><br>Dreezil spoke up. "It won't be dangerous will it? We saw some footprints on the way up t'here an I'd hate to meet whatever made 'em."<br><br>The Lieutenant answered back confidently, "We'll be just fine, don't you worry. We are a small army and I don't think anything would be fool enough to attack us."<br><br>Al`Kabor laughed, "I pity anything that comes between me and an enjoyable walk tonight. Don't be concerned Dreezil."<br><br>The party set out into the wilderness and towards the ruins of what must have been a great port city at one time. Walking along an ancient stone path Lyirae, Al`Kabor and Firiona stopped several times to examine some varieties plant they had not laid eyes on before. Lieutenant Thorn pointed out that some of the rare herbs had medicinal properties and perhaps magical ones as well. Al`Kabor took notes of this all, enjoying a chance to research in the field again.<br><br>The Lieutenant then led them to the base of an enormous statue. The statue depicted a race of lizard creature. This one held a sword, his arm raised above its head in triumph. Their guide spoke, "The Iksar are an ancient race. The ruins that lie all about the land show that they were once a great empire whose influence seemed to stretch the length of the continent. 1900 years ago, the Iksar attempted to attack and take control of Faydwer but the navy was wiped out by a terrible storm and they were not successful. Later, something terrible happened to cause the once great empire to crumble and disintegrate. Whether it was natural disaster, civil war or enemy attack is unknown."<br><br>They marveled at the size and craftsmanship of the statue. The soldier then bid them to follow and again they made their way along the ancient stone path. They walked for several minutes and then Lieutenant Thorn turned to them and began speaking. "None of the local inhabitants seem very friendly with the exception of the Drixies. The Drixies are very friendly to most folk and have actually been known to come to the aid of those under attack."<br><br>He then gestured far off into the distance and spoke in hushed tones, "Drachnids, a twisted hybrid of Spider and Elf prowl the area. They live in a cave very close by the area. They are unnatural creations spawned from the foulest of magics."<br><br>Sir Jevik struggled to see in the darkened forest. The final hint of sun was nothing but a purple smear low in the sky. Noticing the human paladin squinting, Dagda reached into her pack and produced a vial. She spoke quietly to him, "Here. Drink this Jevik. It will improve your eyesight."<br><br>"What is this?" he asked.<br><br>"It is a potion brewed by our shaman in Halas. It lets us see in the dark, as do these elves. We use it often when we must hunt at night. It is safe. Drink it," she urged, nodding her head at him. She spoke softly, not wishing to call attention to their shared human weakness of night blindness.<br><br>Jevik nonchalantly drank the potion. His eyes took on a barely perceptible purple glow. Suddenly, he could see as if it were mid-day. Everything suddenly looked crisp and well defined but his field of vision took on a violet sort of hue and it took a few moments before he was accustomed to the change. He gasped when he caught a glimpse of the Drachnid scuttling grotesquely back into its cave.<br><br>As Jevik and Dagda caught up to the group again, Lieutenant Thorn was continuing his discourse on the creatures that inhabited the region. "Frogloks are widespread across the continent, more so even then our homeland. The Frogloks seem unhappy with our settling the area. They are skittish towards us at best." The Lieutenant gestured toward a ruined building in the distance near where the stone path came to an end. In the darkness, the familiar form of the frog people could be seen moving about in the building, their heads poking up now and then to peer worriedly at the large group through a hole in the wall of the building they had no doubt made their own.<br><br>"Well my friends, darkness falls. I think it is probably best if we make our way back to camp now. I'm sure you could use a good night sleep after all." Everyone nodded in agreement. They turned and began to head back down the stone path back toward the encampment.<br> <br><br><br>IKSAR TREACHERY<br><br>Lieutenant Thorn had completed conducting his tour of the area surrounding the small elven encampment. With night falling he suggested they head back to the small encampment. "Well my friends, darkness falls. I think it is probably best if we make our way back to camp now. I'm sure you could use a good night sleep after all." Everyone nodded in agreement. They turned and began to head back down the stone path back toward the encampment.<br><br>Suddenly, a strange voice cried out, "Visitors! Watch your backs, the Drolvarg are attacking!"<br><br>Without warning, they were surrounded. The Lycanthropes, known as Drolvarg, surrounded the party. The Drolvarg were huge snarling brutish creatures. Saliva fell from huge fangs bared on their strange wolf-like faces. Standing more then eight feet tall, their enormous hands were ended in huge feral claws. The clawed hands swiped through the air viscously and with amazing speed. The smell of their damp matted fur filled their nostrils, almost choking them with their canine stench.<br><br>Reacting instinctively, the group sprang into action to defend themselves. Galeth, Firiona, Lieutenant Thorn and Sir Jevik immediately interposed themselves between each of the beasts and the rest of their friends. The hair on the back of Firiona's neck begun to stand on end from the huge surge of magical energy being channeled by the two wizards Al`Kabor and Ognit Eznertob.<br><br>A mighty explosion of fire, as hot as the sun itself, enveloped one of the Drolvarg as Al`Kabor unleashed his attack. The wave of heat caused everyone to wince briefly as the shock wave surged past them. The Drolvarg fell to the ground, killed in one blow by this most powerful wizard. The smell of burnt fur hung sickeningly in the air and the corpse left was a mass of fused bone and ichor.<br><br>Ognit let loose his spell, causing two Drolvarg to fly high into the air, away from the party. The creatures flew back several yards and landed very hard and painfully upon the ground. Much to Ognit's horror, the creatures were back on their feet immediately and within seconds one of the huge beasts were standing, slavering and angry over the tiny gnome. It raised its terrible hand and sent it crashing down upon the head of the gnome, sending him sprawling, his head bleeding from the massive blow.<br><br>Instantly, Dagda spun around and kicked the creature in its backside. She shouted something in a guttural and obviously very primitive language. The Drolvarg turned toward the barbarian warrior, angrier then ever but no longer paying attention to the badly injured gnome. <br><br>Hearing the barbarian's shout, Al`Kabor cocked his head and asked, "You didn't just say what I thought you said did you? In the gnollish tongue of all things? That's not very lady like."<br><br>Without taking her eyes off of her opponent, Dagda answered the wizard, "That curse always works well in Blackburrow. Gnolls tend to be sensitive about that area of their bodies." She continued to direct her savage litany of insults at the Drolvarg, using just about every known language.<br><br>Running to the side of his fallen friend, Dabner Drednever called upon the healing power of Brell Serilis his hands taking on a soft blue glow. The glow moved from his hand and then encircled the wound on Ognit's head. The wound closed and stopped bleeding. Ognit rose again to his feet.<br><br>While Dagda kept the Drolvarg she was attacking distracted, Dreezil had crept behind it. Drawing out his dagger, he sliced the Achilles Tendon of the beast bringing it instantly to its knees. The others quickly finished it off.<br><br>As Firiona and Galeth did their best against the remaining two Lycanthropes, a strange thing happened. Suddenly, one of the beasts was enveloped in a greenish cloud. Pustules and oozing sores sprang up instantly on the beast, whose breath was suddenly rasping and labored. From no where a large staff, a skull adorning its tip, came crashing down upon the back of the creature's head.<br><br>The creature turned and upon seeing what had hit him, namely an Iksar wearing ornate armor, it's eyes grew wide with fear and it began to run. This Iksar gave chase and bringing its staff down hard onto the back of the creature's head once again, the Drolvarg was finished. <br><br>It was then that they noticed a second Iksar that ran with the first to join the fight against the remaining Drolvarg. The second Iksar was dressed plainly, and wore nothing more then some modest leather clothing. Both wielding staves, they joined in and attacked the Drolvarg ferociously. The final Drolvarg was no match for such a sizeable force and quickly fell lifeless to the ground.<br><br>The creature felled, the two groups sat in silence looking at each other with uncertainty. The Iksar in the ornate armor then noticed the small wound on Dagda's arm and spoke. "Warrior, you are wounded," the strange lizard man said in perfect common with only the slightest hint of some accent. He closed his serpentine eyes and whispered something softly to himself. Then placing his hand over the wound on her arm, it disappeared without a trace.<br><br>Dagda looked at the Iksar and raising an eyebrow said, "You are a healer. Thank you."<br><br>The Iksar then addressed the rest of the group, "Are all of you ok? This is certainly not the welcome that visitors to our land should receive."<br><br>Galeth stepped forward and answered, "I believe we are all ok. We defeated them quite easily, with your help of course. Tell me, what is your name?"<br><br>The creature moved strangely. His motions were slow and graceful but at the same time it was capable of amazing speed, dodging quickly during the combat and moving with blinding speed. The Iksar looked at them, his head tilting from side to side. "My name is Danak Dhorenth. Friends, may I ask of you where it is you are traveling?"<br><br>Intrigued at the chance to meet such a strange and wonderful creature, Firiona stepped forward. She said, "Well, the Lieutenant here was simply taking us on a little tour of the area. However, tomorrow we begin our journey to confront the Ring of Scale."<br><br>Danak's serpentine eyes dilated upon hearing the words, "The Ring of Scale? Oh my, that is such a long way and so very dangerous as well!" Danak pulled an incredibly detailed map from his satchel.<br><br>Firiona remarked, "That's a very nice map! Far more detailed then any I have laid eyes upon."<br><br>Al`Kabor raised an eyebrow, "Indeed it is, I've seen many a map of this continent in the archives of our libraries in Erudin but none as detailed as this!"<br><br>"Do you like it? Here, you may have it then," he graciously handed the map to Firiona, bowing as he did. Moving with serpent-like speed to her side, he quickly pointed to the bottom of the map. "This is where we are on the southern tip of the continent. Where you need to go is way over here on the Northeast corner. That's such a long way for you all to travel on foot."<br><br>The Iksar then took looked them all over and smiled showing a mouth full of pointed teeth, "I believe I can help you though. You see, over the centuries my people have perfected gate travel. I can open a gate for you right now that will take you within just a few miles of your destination."<br><br>Danak held the talisman dangling from his neck with one hand and moved his other hand in an intricate pattern over the ornate bauble. Closing his eyes, he whispered unintelligible words to himself. The talisman began to glow softly in his hands. Suddenly, a shining blue portal appeared in front of the Iksar, shimmering with cool blue flames. <br><br>Startled, the party looked in shock at the strange gate. Firiona took a step back from the gate and said with hesitation in her voice, "Well, I really appreciate the offer Danak. My friends and I are very tired from our trip. I'm afraid I must respectfully decline your offer of help."<br><br>With serpentine speed, Danak Dhorentath grabbed Firiona Vie by the arm. Taking her by surprise he pulled her into the gate, which disappeared with a hiss leaving nothing more than the smell of ozone hanging in the air. Galeth jumped immediately toward Firiona as she was pulled in but he was left holding nothing more then thin air.<br><br>The party stood there for a moment in shock, each looking at the other and then to the place where Danak and Firiona Vie had once stood. They slowly turned their attention to the remaining and more plainly dressed Iksar that still stood there. This Iksar too, looked a little shocked and more then a bit frightened to be left so suddenly. Surrounded by twelve angry, scaleless visitors the creature cowered away from them.<br><br>Galeth's face was reddened with rage. "I must return and tell King Thex the terrible news. Bind the vile Iksar at once! Dagda, Thubr, Jevik! We will escort the prisoner back to the mainland to answer for his crimes!"<br><br>The party's short stay on the new continent came to an end that night. The party returned to the continent of Faydwer immediately. Shocked and worried about the sudden abduction of their close friend and the Chosen of Tunare, they kept a close watch on the Iksar Prisoner as the ship sailed back toward home.<br> <br><br><br>THE IKSAR PRISONER<br><br>Dagda Icefury, Sir Jevik Isqual, Thubr Axebringer and Galeth Veredeth escorted the Iksar prisoner solemnly through the forests of Faydwer, on their way to bring the grim news of Firiona Vie's kidnapping to King Tearis Thex. The creature's hands were bound with long chains. Thubr walked in front of the creature, the stout dwarf holding the end of the chains. Walking next to him was Sir Jevik. The Paladin did his best to warn away everyone they passed, telling them to keep clear of the beast and to avoid getting too close to it.<br><br>Dagda helped to bring up the rear. She marched directly behind the young Iksar, her weapon drawn and ready to strike out if the creature made even the slightest attempt at escape. Her eyes never left the creature. <br><br>Galeth strode silently at the side of the prisoner, his face stern and angry. The Iksar seemed frightened and a bit confused. It variously snapped its teeth at people that got too close to him or made pitiful pleading gestures with his hands to others. It seemed to Galeth that the creature was young, based solely upon its behavior. With so little knowledge and exposure to this new race, it was impossible for him to tell for certain.<br><br>As the four marched toward the castle in Felwithe a rather large crowd of curious onlookers began to follow close behind. It had been two millennia since an Iksar had come close to the continent of Faydwer and the appearance of this creature was causing quite a commotion.<br><br>The four approached the castle and marched without hesitation into the chambers of King Thex. The others stayed behind as Galeth walked up the steps of fine black and white marble, approaching the monarch. "Greetings, milord," Galeth said reverently as he bowed before the king.<br><br>King Thex nodded toward Galeth and said, raising one eyebrow, "You are back so soon. I trust your journey went well?"<br><br>Galeth lowered his head, "Unfortunately, Milord…"<br><br>The King glanced over Galeth toward the others waiting near the bottom of the stair and exclaimed, "What in good Tunare's nation is that… that thing doing here? Guards! Guards!"<br><br>Galeth held both of his hands up in a pleading gesture, "Milord, wait, please. This creature is a prisoner, we brought him here as proof…"<br><br>"Proof?" The King drew his weapon and whispering a word known only to the Paladins of his order, the sword ignited and was engulfed in magical flames. The flames reflected in his eyes as he glared dangerously at the Iksar standing before him. The young Iksar hissed at the elves around him, his thick tail twitching nervously.<br><br>"Milord… there is more. This thing here has assisted in the kidnapping of your daughter, Firiona," Galeth said, placing a hand on the King's shoulder.<br><br>The King, his face twisting in a hate-filled glare as his icy blue eyes burned with
, snapped his head toward Galeth.<br><br>Galeth's voice was filled with shame, "I am sorry, milord, but there was nothing that could have been done…"<br><br>Throwing Galeth's hand from off of his shoulder, the King strode across the floor and stood face to face with the Iksar prisoner. Raising his fiery sword, he swung it in a wide arc severing the Iksar's head instantly. The creature raised its shackled arms reflexively in defense, even as the head was severed. Both the head and body fell to the ground. The flames from the sword cauterized the decapitation causing no blood to be spilt upon the royal floor.<br><br>Galeth stood, his mouth agape, "Milord, I mean no disrespect, but that might not have been so wise."<br><br>The King was indignant, "I care not what you think, Lord Galeth Veredeth! How DARE you bring that thing into MY kingdom!"<br><br>Galeth prostrated himself before the King in a gesture of submission and fealty, "Forgive me, your majesty."<br><br>"Galeth, tell me who has done this… who has stolen my daughter from me?" the King said as he began to pace the floor, his voice shaking with rage.<br><br>"It was one like he who now lies lifeless. He said that his name was Danak," Galeth said.<br><br>The King continued to pace around the room. He tapped the blade of his sword on the marble floor with each slow step he took and the sound echoed loudly throughout the hall. "Tell me Galeth. Tell me where and how this was done and do it swiftly as my patience for you is quite thin at this moment."<br><br>Galeth swallowed, "Of course your majesty. Firiona, our companions and myself had traveled back to the forgotten lands. The first day we had set foot upon that land, one of them… along with this one, came and opened a portal, to where I know not…"<br><br>The King shook his fist in the air, "Obviously you do not know! Quit stalling you fool and get the damned point!"<br><br>"Forgive me, your majesty, of course."<br><br>King Tearis Thex stopped his pacing and turned an icy glare upon Galeth, "Continue."<br><br>Galeth continued in a halting pace, "The other… Lizard Creature…"<br><br>"Iksar… the vile beasts are known as Iksar," the King said impatiently.<br><br>"The Iksar… the other Iksar shoved Firiona into the portal before jumping into it himself. We would have followed but the portal closed as soon as the… Iksar jumped through."<br><br>The King nodded and turned away from Galeth, raising his weapon as he spoke. "Give me one reason why I should not have you executed for failing me so miserably, Galeth."<br><br>Galeth raised his head, staring boldly at the infuriated king. "Sir, I can not give you a valid reason that I think would satisfy your rage at this time."<br><br>The King chuckled and turned to Galeth, his eyes still burning cold. "I give you one more chance, Lord Galeth Veredeth, to redeem yourself in my eyes and in the eyes of this nation."<br><br>"I am listening, sir."<br><br>The King continued, "Go back to this land and take your comrades with you. I shall give you a good number of Fier`Dal and Koada`Dal to assist you in this mission. Build a stronghold upon that land and return to me, my daughter… my ONLY heir to the Koada`Dal Throne."<br><br>"You have two years," King Thex added.<br><br>"Understood milord." Galeth kneeled once again before the King, "You are most merciful."<br><br>The King took in a deep breath and continued to stare coldly at Galeth. "One more thing, Lord Galeth Veredeth."<br><br>"Of course, milord?"<br><br>The flames from his sword flickered out and the King replaced the holy sword into its sheath at his side. He slowly walked toward Galeth. "As your king and as a result of my…merciful nature and your pathetic failure, I hereby remove your knighthood."<br><br>Galeth swallowed a large gulp of air as he listened to the king's cold words. The King turned away from Galeth briefly. He then spun around quickly and delivered a brutal backhand to Galeth's chin with his heavily mailed fist. Galeth did not fall from the blow but he kept his head turned to the side, a bit of blood beginning to stream down from his lip.<br><br>The King then spit upon Galeth's face. "Go now, Galeth Veredeth, and do not return to me until two years have passed or my daughter is in your custody."<br><br>"Understood, your majesty." Galeth kneeled a final time as the King turned and walked quickly from his chambers.<br><br>That day, all throughout the land, town criers delivered the terrible news to the public. "Hear Ye, Hear Ye! Firiona Vie the chosen of Tunare and daughter to King Tearis Thex has been kidnapped! The lizard people known as the Iksar are said to be behind this tragedy. Encountering the Iksar shaman known as Danak Dhorentath, Firiona was taken by surprise. Opening a gate, he pulled her in and both disappeared. Her whereabouts are unknown. Sparing no expense, King Tearis Thex has ordered that the small elven settlement established in the new lands be greatly expanded and a city built to spearhead her rescue. Even now magically enhanced ships of enormous size and speed deliver unprecedented numbers of building supplies, raw materials and manpower to accomplish this goal. Rumors say the King will name the city after his daughter, Firiona Vie."<br> <br> <p></p><i></i>