Patch Message 5.6.2002

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Patch Message 5.6.2002

Beitragvon netcrocodile » Mi 05 Jun, 2002 12:29

June 5th, 2002 3:00 am <br><br>Acrylia Caverns<br><br>The Chieftain has gone on a vacation. We're retuning this encounter, and beg your indulgence while we work on it. <br>Spells<br><br>Fixed magician summoned focus earrings <br>Characters on horses are no longer immune to Ignite Bones <br>The Shadowbond series of spells can no longer be dispelled by the Necromancer <br>Nature's melody and Song of the Deep Seas should now stack with Dance of the Blades <br>Items<br><br>Added 'focus' effects to over 150 existing items <br>Mischievous Chainmail armor is now Dwarf wearable (for those lil Bristlbane worshipin' dorf rogues) <br>Changed several of the new cultural chain skirts from Leg slot to Waist slot <br>Keys for Veeshan's Peak, Sleeper's Tomb, Vex Thal are now no-drop on the Firiona Vie server <br>The key to the Plane of Air should now disappear when the character leaves the plane <br>Fixed Sifaye, Owlbear Feather, Grimling fang and Rockhopper talon darts to use the Throwing skill rather than the Archery skill <br>Added a 4 second casting time to Golem Metal Wand <br>Added a 3 second casting time on Egg Shaped Pumice <br>Added a 4 second casting time to Oil of Fennin Ro <br>The effect from Hammer of the Sun (Dawncall) now has a longer range <br>Fixed it so you can't fire fishing grubs with a bow (we know this had a lot of you worried...) <br>Smithed Acrylia Chain and Plate armors are now magical <br>NPCs<br><br>NPC casters should be a little bit smarter now. They will choose their spells a little more carefully. <br>Quests<br><br>Arbogast and Miller should be responding properly now <br>Sir Lucan's skeleton should be available again <br>Fixed spawns in the Grey for Beastlord Epic <br>The Neriak Initiate Breastplate recipe should now work <br>Freeport Monk Guild Master Klom Jyson should be responding now <br>Made several adjustments that should fix issues with the 10th ring war <br>Tradeskills<br><br>Made some changes to the General Blacksmithing difficulties to make the progression in this trade skill more logical and to allow for more variety in that path <br>Added more than 200 smithing recipes <br>Enchanted Clay is now stackable <br>Sheet of Fiery Metal, Essence of Fire, Imp Blood, and Fiery Temper are now stackable <br>Enchanted HQ Ore can now be worked into rings, jointing, sheets, bricks, and blocks in a standard forge <br>Pet Changes<br><br>With this patch we've made some rather sweeping changes to the way pets work. <br>Pets will not attack mesmerized creatures. Pets basically treat mesmerized NPCs as if they were dead <br>Pets are neutral to NPCs. Monsters will not attack pets first unless the pet is being aggressive to something <br>Pets take 75% of the experience from a creature if no player does damage to that creature <br>Pets take ZERO experience from a creature unless no player does damage to that creature <br>The exception to the above rule is Dire Charmed pets, which will take a share of the experience scaled by the amount of damage they do. In most situations (with an active party, for example) the Dire Charmed pet will not take experience. Like all pets, they will take 75% of the experience if no PC does damage to the target. As long as a player does damage to a creature, a Dire Charmed pet will never take more experience than it used to. <br>Charmed NPCs will now respond to the /pet report health command <br>/pet sit down command should now work on charmed NPCs <br>Fixed a bug that was preventing reclaim energy from working on Magician Epic pets. <br>Miscellaneous<br><br>Fixed a bug that was causing a person that logs out with "damage shields: OFF" to be unable to see damage shield even when they turned them back on <br>Fixed a problem that was causing crashes when /following someone on a horse if they went out of range <br>Fixed a bug that prevented targeting an invisible NPC from horseback, even with See Invisible <br> <p>Written by<table border="0" width="527" cellspacing="1"> <tr> <td width="56" align="left"><b>RL</b></td> <td width="15%" align="left">Heinz</td> <td width="15%" align="left"></td> <td width="15%" align="left"></td> <td width="270" align="left"><a href=""></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="56" align="left"><b>UO</b></td> <td width="15%" align="left">Samantha</td> <td width="15%" align="left">Felix</td> <td width="15%" align="left"></td> <td width="270" align="left"></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="56" align="left"><b>EQ</b></td> <td width="15%" align="left">Aadyena</td> <td width="15%" align="left">Taeonu</td> <td width="15%" align="left">Kakukek</td> <td width="270" align="left">Janashya</td> </tr></table></p><i>Bearbeitet von: <A HREF=>netcrocodile</A>  <IMG SRC="" BORDER=0> am: 6/5/02 1:29:59 pm<br></i>
Mit lieben Grüßen
Heinz Haltmeyer
Präsident der Protectors of Moonglow

Der ultimative Buff fürs RL - JuicePlus, just take it!
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Re: Patch Message 5.6.2002

Beitragvon Lonestar » Mi 05 Jun, 2002 15:05

Is ja alles ganz nett soweit nur:<br><br>Wann duefen wir wieder rein? hehe <p><table border="0" width="513"><tr><td width="56"><b>RL</b></td><td width="82">Andre</td><td width="79"></td><td width="270">
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Re: Patch Message 5.6.2002

Beitragvon Aviendha » Do 06 Jun, 2002 08:36

-----<br>Added a 4 second casting time to Golem Metal Wand <br>Added a 3 second casting time on Egg Shaped Pumice <br>-----<br><br>Ich glaube verant will mit aller Gewalt die Spieler auf den PvP Servern zum aufhören bewegen, diese Server scheinen sich nicht zu rentieren <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :) --><img src= ALT=":)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i></i>
Grand Marshal
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Re: Patch Message 5.6.2002

Beitragvon Ahlanah » Do 06 Jun, 2002 16:51

auch wenn es evtl die pvpler betrifft hat das nichts mit verants intention zu tun. schon mal nachgedacht, warum in vergangenen jahren praktisch taeglich irgendein pdler im alten CT war ? <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :) --><img src= ALT=":)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <br><br>ihr seids und bleibts halt alles nixblicker *g*<br><br>insidia <p></p><i></i>
BildAhlanah Bild"Failure is just an option for a Non-God..."
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Registriert: Di 25 Sep, 2001 14:30

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