Forum für öffentliche Diskussionen rund um das Online-Spiel "Everquest"


Beitragvon Bari » So 06 Jan, 2002 17:44

Gerade auf nem Board gefunden:<br><br><br>SCENE: Rivendell. Elrond is studying. <br><br>GANDALF: Ach! Damn it! <br><br>ELROND: Gandalf! Where did you come from? ... You´re naked. <br><br>GANDALF: Stupid halflings who can´t play their class, that´s what happened. <br><br>ELROND: What? Where? <br><br>GANDALF: Moria. We were in the safe hall at Balin´s Tomb and Aragorn was <br>going to pull some orcs to clear the way to the zoneout. <br><br>ELROND: Which halfling messed it up? Frodo? <br><br>GANDALF: No, it was Pippin. I didn´t even want to bring him along but Frodo <br>did insist. Aragorn was going to pull some orcs but out comes Pippin to ´see <br>what Aragorn was doing´ and manages to aggro half the zone. <br><br>ELROND: So you got wiped out by a horde of orcs? Yuck. <br><br>GANDALF: Oh, no. They were green to most of us, so we cut through them all <br>right. I was impressed by Legolas´ bow crits. But then the Cave Troll got <br>aggroed. <br><br>ELROND: But there were nine of you, you could have handled the cave troll. <br><br>GANDALF: Oh, and we did. Except Frodo didn´t know how to manage aggro <br>properly. The troll started beating on him. <br><br>ELROND: Oh, no. Poor Frodo. <br><br>GANDALF: No, actually, Frodo was fine. He had a mithril chain tunic on. <br><br>ELROND: Jeez, just because he´s friends with Bilbo, does Bilbo have to twink <br>him like that? <br><br>GANDALF: Yeah, no kidding. So the troll ran and Pippin of course forgets to <br>snare. <br><br>ELROND: Aragorn´s a ranger, why didn´t he snare? <br><br>GANDALF: He was our main tank and was busy keeping the orcs aggroed on him. <br>Pippin was just sleeping on the job. So the troll ran, and before we finally <br>cut him down, he chain aggroed the Balrog. <br><br>ELROND: Oh, no. Stupid halfling dr00ds. <br><br>GANDALF: Yeah. So naturally, I decided to take it on the chin. I told <br>everyone to run and I tried to hold off the Balrog by rooting him. <br><br>ELROND: And he got you. <br><br>GANDALF: No, actually, I had my shield up, and I just chain-nuked him. <br><br>ELROND: You SOLOED the Balrog? Wow. <br><br>GANDALF: Yeah, one hell of an XP hit too. But then when he fell, I turned <br>and slipped off the ledge. I 10Ked when I hit the bottom of the Balrog pit. <br>Didn´t even have chance to loot his corpse. And there went the XP from the <br>orcs, the troll, AND the Balrog. Stupid Verant. <br><br>ELROND: Your corpse is in the bottom of the Balrog pit? <br><br>GANDALF: Yeah. But no worries, I think I know a way to drag it out of there. <br><br>ELROND: That´s good. <br><br>GANDALF: So, can I bum a SoW off you for a CR? I want to get back there <br>before the Balrog respawns. <br><br>ELROND: This is Rivendell. We´re high elves. The wood elves are in <br>Lothlorien. <br><br>GANDALF: Nadgers. Which is where we were headed in the first place. Oh well, <br>I´m a wizard at least, and there´s a portal not too far from there. <br><br>ELROND: Good luck on your CR. Why were you hanging out with those noobs <br>anyway? <br><br>GANDALF: I promised Frodo I´d powerlevel him in exchange for him completing <br>the Cracks of Doom quest with me. He has the quest piece - the One Ring. <br><br>ELROND: That´s NO DROP, isn´t it. <br><br>GANDALF: Yeah. <br><br>ELROND: What do you get for completing that quest? <br><br>GANDALF: Robe of the White and Staff of the White. Those would be serious <br>upgrades to my Grey robe and staff. I´ve had this gear for way too many <br>levels anyway. <br><br>ELROND: Nice. <br><br>GANDALF: Anyway, I´d better go. Do you think you could get someone to go to <br>the Moria zone to rez me once I get my corpse pulled there? <br><br>ELROND: I´ll try to find a guildie. <br><br>GANDALF: Thanks. <br><br><br>Und noch ein zweiter:<br><br>10 Reasons Why Lord of the Rings is a Terrible Movie, From an EQ <br>Perspective: <br><br>1. Tinkered fireworks do not look like flying dragons. <br>2. A Ranger cannot beat up 9 Shadowknights on Unholy Steeds. <br>3. The named cave troll spawn in the dwarf throne room dropped no Phat Lewt. <br>4. Frodo´s Mithril Tunic should not have saved him, the AC on mithril armor <br>sucks. <br>5. Gandalf was entirely too powerful as a wizard, he should be nerfed <br>immediately. <br>6. Gandalf tanked entirely too well in melee. A level 60 Wizard should <br>crumple under a hoarde of orcs. <br>7. Again, Gandalf should not have duel wield as a skill. <br>8. The fellowship used a pathing exploit to stick the Balrog on a wall while <br>they tried to escape the mines...this is an exploit and they should be <br>banned. <br>9. The balrog did not summon anyone to the bottom of the pit after falling, <br>as we all know monsters do not take falling damage. <br>10. Whats so great about a ring of invisibility? <p>Written by<table border="0" width="420"><tr><td width="30"><b>RL </b></td><td width="130">Martin</td><td width="130"><a href="mailto:Bari@kabsi.at">Bari@kabsi.at</a></td><td width="130">
Sinni the Mage formerly known as Siinii aka Siini aka Sini aka Bari aka Martin

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