Interessantes auf dem Testserver

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Interessantes auf dem Testserver

Beitragvon Chili » Fr 15 Mär, 2002 12:21

BUFF HEAVEN<br><br>A boon for buffers on the Test Server!<br>A new command has been added called /rtarget. This command automatically targets the last person who sent you a tell. This makes it much easier to buff during raids. It also has good value for people needing support heals during fights.<br><br>Of other note: a new chat filter has been added for critical hits.<br><br>These changes should hopefully go live next week. <br> <br>WHAT CORPSE?<br><br>More from the Test Server!<br>Perhaps one of the more exciting changes made to the game in the last 48 hours on Test is for players Level 10 or below.<br><br>According to players who have been enjoying life as a Gnome Paladin or Halfling Ranger, if you die while level 10 or below you now respawn at your bind point with all your gear.<br><br>That's right, no more corpses for players under Level 10! This should significantly help in reducing downtime or lost items due to corpse decay. Note: This is only on the Test Server currently. <br> <br>HELL FROZE OVER<br><br>Rumors from the Safehouse message boards are that as part of next weeks changes, all hell levels (with the exception of 54 and 59) will be removed from the game.<br>Since this is just rumor at the moment we can't provide any further details on how Sony may address their previous reasons for not being able to fix hell levels (i.e. it would cause all players who had finished those levels already to gain massive experience).<br><br>Wonderful news if this goes through for new players and old players wishing to make alts. <br> <br>THE SHORTIES GO HYBRID<br><br>More news from the Test Server.<br>It appears that Gnomes will soon have the ability to play both Shadow Knight and Paladin classes.<br><br>Halflings also have the ability to now be Rangers and Paladins.<br><br>This change may not go live to the servers, but if it does will add more variety to the hybrid race choices. <br> <br>CHAT CHANNELS HERE<br><br>Chat channels have now been added to the test server. This long awaited ability is excellent for improving group communication on raids without spamming zones or guild chat.<br><br>These channels can be password protected when creating the channel. They are used with the following commands (test only currently):<br><br>/join : (e.g: /join casters:seekrit) <br>/chat (text) <br>/leave <br>This is most likely part of the new updates being released to EverQuest over the next week.<br><br>Spellchanges on Testserver<br><br>Cleric<br><br>Following feedback on the changes so far to Clerics Jahaar had this to say:<br><br>There were some good points raised all around, and here are some additional things that are up on Test Server now- <br><br>Judgement: Increased the damage to 925 points for the same 325 mana cost. Prior to the change, the spell was not a reasonable upgrade to Reckoning. <br><br>Enforced Reverance: Increased the damage to 300 points for the same 200 mana cost. Other aspects of the spell are unchanged. This should make it a useful upgrade to Sound of Force. <br><br>The concerns about people being confused by the names of the new Resurrect spells are quite valid. The programming team is going to see about adding the percent of experience returned to the Resurrection consent box. (EQ Clerics)<br><br>Here are the details:<br><br>Reconstitution: Renamed from Reconstitute: Level 19 Resurrection. <br>Judgement: Damage increased from 750 to 925. <br>Enforced Reverence: Damage component of spell increased from 250 to 300. <br>Druid<br><br>Egress: Mana cost lowered from 500 to 100. <br>Lesser Succor: Level raised from 14 to 18. Casting time lowered from 12.0 seconds to 10.5 seconds. <br>Wizard<br><br>Abscond: Mana cost lowered from 600 to 100. <br>Lesser Evacuate: Level raised from 12 to 18. Casting time lowered from 12.0 seconds to 10.5 seconds. <br>Shaman<br><br>Tumultuous Strength: Group Strength Buff Increased from 27 to 34. <br>Talisman of the Brute: Group Stamina Buff Increased from 45 to 50. <br>Talisman of the Cat: Group Agility Buff Increased from 45 to 52. <br>Talisman of the Rhino: Group Strength Buff Increased from 42 to 68. <br>Talisman of the Raptor: Group Dexterity Buff Increased from 50 to 60. <br><br>On Tuesday, March 19th, at 12AM PST, (8AM GMT), all servers will be brought down for a scheduled patch. The estimated downtime is 8 hours.<br>- The EverQuest Operations Team <br><br><br> <p><table border="0" width="513"> <tr> <td width="85"><b>written by</b></td> </tr><tr> <td width="85"><b>RealLife</b></td> <td width="150">Torsten Raithel</td><td width="100">(Board-Admin)</td><td width="270"><a href=""></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="85"><b>EverQuest</b></td> <td width="150">Ghumb Inyourway (Oger-Krieger)</td> <td width="100">Leonore (Elfenbardin)</td> <td width="270"> </td> </tr><td width="85"><b>UltimaOnline</b></td> <td width="150">Eleonora (Barde)</td> <td width="100"></td> </tr></table></p><i>Bearbeitet von: <A HREF=>Ghumb</A> am: 3/15/02 11:36:46 am<br></i>
Behind every great Mage, sits a Priest, out of Mana...
I love my Guildies, until they talk...

Das einzige was einen guten Mage aufhält:
StGB SS328 Absatz 2.3: Mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu fünf Jahren oder mit Geldstrafe wird bestraft, wer eine nukleare Explosion verursacht
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