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Pöse Parden...

BeitragVerfasst: Mi 19 Jun, 2002 11:22
von Chili
Ein Ausschnitt aus einem Interview mit einem EQ Developer:<br><br>There are definitely some standard regressions that occur, though. For example, due to the way Bards were implemented, pretty much any change to the stacking code, magic system, or spell filtering requires a full regression of every bardic ability. (Can they sing? Can they stop singing? Can they sing again? Can they twist? Can they proc? Can they click? Can they sing after they click? Can they click if they proc while they're singing if they've twisted since then?...and on and on.)<br><br>The problem is the sheer number of combinations of events that really can't be automated. When someone discovers a new combination, it's usually fairly obvious. ( the fact that Absor's Email box fills up, and he comes looking for the nearest coder. Don't let that quiet, shy demeanor of his fool you, either. Mess with his bards, and he gets downright vicious.)<br><br>Seit ihr pöse Parden euch eigentlich bewusst, wieviel Arbeit ihr den lieben Developern aufhalst?<br><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src=""><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><br> <p><table border="0" width="513"> <tr> <td width="85"><b>written by</b></td> </tr><tr> <td width="85"><b>RealLife</b></td> <td width="150">Torsten Raithel</td><td width="100">(Board-Admin)</td><td width="270"><a href=""></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="85"><b>EverQuest</b></td> <td width="150">Ghumb Inyourway (Oger-Krieger)</td> <td width="100">Leonore (Elfenbardin)</td> <td width="270"> </td> </tr><td width="85"><b>UltimaOnline</b></td> <td width="150">Eleonora (Barde)</td> <td width="100"></td> </tr></table></p><i></i>

Re: Pöse Parden...

BeitragVerfasst: Mi 19 Jun, 2002 17:12
von Ahlanah
ins exil mit ihnen !<br><br>insidia <p></p><i></i>

Re: Pöse Parden...

BeitragVerfasst: Mi 19 Jun, 2002 17:16
von Nisil
pah wieso exil... wir als eq barden habe schliesslich auch keine ruhige minute - wieso solls den devs besser gehen <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :) --><img src= ALT=":)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p>enalia - christian</p><i></i>