Items nach Allakhazam einstellen?

Forum für öffentliche Diskussionen rund um das Online-Spiel "Everquest"

Items nach Allakhazam einstellen?

Beitragvon Dunkelzahn » Mo 03 Mai, 2004 08:03


weiss wer, wie sowas geht? Hab da n paar Items die Alla noch ned hat *g*

:guns: WOW: Blues (Hunter, Skinning / Leatherworking) ( 59 ) / Babsi (Priest, Mining / Blacksmith) ( 60 )
:onfire: EQ: Shadowblues (BRD) + Guggu (2ti) (WIZ) - in Rente
:angel: RL: Roger[/size:352c57c880]
Alter: 53
Beiträge: 1129
Registriert: Mo 17 Mär, 2003 23:05
Wohnort: Aspach b. Stuttgart

Beitragvon Minyatur Laurelin » Mo 03 Mai, 2004 08:18

Q: How do I submit information to the site, and do you have any submission preferences.

A: All new information and corrections can be e-mailed to It can often take a week or two before something gets posted, and priority goes to new information over corrections, so corrections can take even longer, but we will always make the correction eventually. To speed up the process and make it more likely your submission gets posted, please crop the item screenshots and convert them to either jpeg or gif format. Include as much information as you can about each item, including the zone it is found in, mob that drops it and level you need to be to get it. Zone and level information are especially important for an item to be properly searched in the database. My motis operandi when I get a huge mass of submissions is to basically skip past bitmaps, zip files and images that need further editing to get to those I can instantly see and put up, leaving the others for later when I get more time. I also use those that give the most information first, so if I get three submissions of an item the one that included the who and where drop information is the most likely to get used. For quests, I'm more likely to quickly post up a quest whose description is ready to post than one that's a long, unedited log file or one which needs significant editing. If you know the reward, please include a screenshot of it.
wish you were beer...
Mario aka [EQ] Minyatur Laurelin aka [WoW] Minyatur (ehm. Thorgrim) + Pets + Mounts + Tabards (+ Brett- & Kartenspiele)
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Minyatur Laurelin
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Registriert: Fr 31 Jan, 2003 12:51
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Beitragvon Dunkelzahn » Mo 03 Mai, 2004 08:27

Danke Dir. Dachte das geht irgendwie mit nem Tool oder so .. aber dann mail ich halt eben ...
:guns: WOW: Blues (Hunter, Skinning / Leatherworking) ( 59 ) / Babsi (Priest, Mining / Blacksmith) ( 60 )
:onfire: EQ: Shadowblues (BRD) + Guggu (2ti) (WIZ) - in Rente
:angel: RL: Roger[/size:352c57c880]
Alter: 53
Beiträge: 1129
Registriert: Mo 17 Mär, 2003 23:05
Wohnort: Aspach b. Stuttgart

Beitragvon Chili » Mo 03 Mai, 2004 13:11

So du möchtest und es unter dem PoM Logo posten möchtest, hau unser POM-Logo links untn in die Screenies mit rein.
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Beitragvon Elrusion Startail » Mo 03 Mai, 2004 14:13

Ich habe einfach das Logo ganz oben auf der Seite verwendet :-)

siehe: Soul Essence of Aten Ha Ra und
Talisman of Vah Kerrath

Habens nach etwa 7 bis 10 Tagen auch upgedated
Elrusion Startail
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