Patch Text

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Patch Text

Beitragvon Guddy » Mi 13 Okt, 2004 14:22

October 13th, 2004

- Summoned pets no longer vanish when their owner turns invisible
- Froglok animations are now fixed, seriously, no really we mean it this time.
- Continue the Adventure! Read the first in the new series of EQ Novels.

Warrior Epic
- Modified the way Decaying Lord Galuk Drek is spawned in Veksar. He should now be more approachable and less of a bottleneck for those warriors at this step.
- Lowered the respawn time of the Dragorn Champion in Wall of Slaughter significantly. We have also lowered his aggro and help radius.

Bard Epic
- Corrected an issue in the Dragons Necropolis that caused more NPCs to be present than was planned for.
- The Kithicor Forest encounter should now reset properly.

Ranger Epic
- Rangers triggering the Senvial, Grinbik and Uisima events for their Epic quest will need to have the trigger item on their person.
- It should no longer be possible for a ranger with Senvial’s Blessing to get the reward for the Senvial event.

Druid Epic
- Corrected an issue with the Coven spawn in South Karana.
- The Blackened Dryad event in Kithicor should now respawn correctly after a failed attempt.
- Only the druid who initiates the Goblin Hide and Seek event will be allowed to the loot the bag upon completion.
- More than one Druid can now summon and talk to the Compelled Spirit.
- We have increased the drop rate of the carved Prexus totem.

Magician Epic
- The Path for finding the air essence should last a bit longer.
- Magicians will now receive a message when the air essence is not available.

Gates of Discord
There’s a new NPC in Natimbi that will make traveling to Qvic much easier. Speak with her for a small teleport.

- Alchemists can now create Amber Resin.
- The Feran Glove and Boot recipes will now combine and return their intended items.
- The recipe for the 56th level Necromancer spell, Servant of Bones, should now combine correctly.
- The Dagger Blade Mold, used in Gates smithing recipes, has been renamed to a Knife Blade Mold.

- Seething Fists of Slaughter- Previously this item had no equipped slots. This now has primary and secondary equippable slots
- Fangs of the Serpent- Previously this item had no equipped slots. This now has primary and secondary equippable slots.
- Bone Plated Sledge - This item now has 36% haste instead of +36 atk.
- Boots of Shifting Time - Previously these boots had a worn leather graphic. They are now a worn plate graphic instead.
- Zulaqua's Cloak - Added 30 AC to this item
- Crystal Dagger - This item now has a +12% backstab mod.
- Tome of New Beginnings - Berserkers now can equip this item.
- Lambent Stone of Focus - This item is now a type 7 and type 8 augmentation.
- Crystal Mail Sleeves - This item now has berserkers as usable classes. We have removed Beastlords from this items usable classes.

Altered Spell Casting Reinforcement and Spell Casting Reinforcement Mastery so they will no longer increase the duration of the following spells.
- Flame of Redemption
- Hawk Strike
- Fateseer’s Boon
- Protection of the Eye
- Savage Wildcaller’s Blessing
- Flames of the Valiant
- Falcon Strike
- Prophet’s Gift of the Ruchu
- Aegis of Abstraction
- Might of the Wild Spirits
Altered Healing Adept, Advanced Healing Adept, and Healing Adept Mastery so they will no longer increase the healing of the following spells.
- Harmonic Balance
- Divine Balance

- Added a new option to turn off the loading screen when zoning. You will still see the progress bar.
- Added a new shadow command to allow you to turn off the shadows in your text bar. The command is /shadow
- Changed the Dynamic Zone window to show player status in the member list. Online players are yellow, Link Dead players are red, Offline players are blue.
- Hide / Sneak will now remain active across zone lines.
- All NPCs in Omens of War expedition zones are now KOS. Beware!
- Summoned pets will no longer vanish when their owner uses invisibility! Rejoice!
- Vallon Zek should no longer assist Tallon Zek.

The Rogues Hour!
RA Salvatore presents a brand new series of EverQuest fantasy novels. Explore the ever-expanding world of Norrath in the first book, EverQuest: The Rogue’s Hour, available in stores soon.

-- The EverQuest Team


Wooot, wann hauen wir RZ um ? :)
<Select name="-" size="1">
<option value="0">Tradeskills</option>
<option value="1">Baking 250 +TROPHY</option>
<option value="2">Brewing 250</option>
<option value="3">Tailoring 250</option>
<option value="4">Smithing 249</option>
<option value="5">Jewelry 250</option>
<option value="6">Fletching 250</option>
<option value="7">Pottery 247</option>
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Registriert: Mi 12 Nov, 2003 00:32
Wohnort: Ellerau

Beitragvon Gulthuin » Mi 13 Okt, 2004 14:52

Ich mein, is ja super, das Petclassen immer ein paar goodies bekommen....aber Pets, die nu sogar invis langsam übertreibens ganz gewaltig!!
Lich Gulthuin
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Beitragvon Minyatur Laurelin » Mi 13 Okt, 2004 15:34

auf das Buch bin ich ja gespannt :) Da ich bisher alles von RA Salvatore gelesen hab, werd ich gleich mal gucken ob man es schon bestellen kann :D
wish you were beer...
Mario aka [EQ] Minyatur Laurelin aka [WoW] Minyatur (ehm. Thorgrim) + Pets + Mounts + Tabards (+ Brett- & Kartenspiele)
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Beitragvon Paragalla » Mi 13 Okt, 2004 15:44

- Vallon Zek should no longer assist Tallon Zek.

wann gehn mas an ?
Grüße an jeden Leser sendet



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Beitragvon Chandi » Mi 13 Okt, 2004 15:48

Wooot, wann hauen wir RZ um ?

wann gehn mas an ?

.... *grins* ... wer lesen kann, ist stark im Vorteil :P
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Beitragvon Aviendha » Mi 13 Okt, 2004 15:50

Um mal gleich Gerüchten vorzubeugen, das Buch ist NICHT von R.A. Salvatore, der war lediglich Editor.
Autor ist ein Scitt Ciencin, der zwar schon paar Bücher für Wizards of the Coast geschrieben hat, was aber nicht als Kompliment aufzufassen ist.
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Beitragvon Turbat » Mi 13 Okt, 2004 15:56

ich finds gut, so muss ich net dauernd drauf schauen wenn uebereifrige group invisser los legen ohne ruecksicht auf verlust ;) :p
oder zumindest sollte see invis auf pet funzen, wenn charm pets damit abgestellt werden sehens ja auch...

aber necro epic habends wohl immer noch nicht in griff bekommen :(
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Beitragvon Quilla » Mi 13 Okt, 2004 16:01

Turbat hat geschrieben:...

aber necro epic habends wohl immer noch nicht in griff bekommen :(

Sei froh, bleib deine laenger "einzigartig" ;)
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