Star Wars Galaxies Release Date postponed :(

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Star Wars Galaxies Release Date postponed :(

Beitragvon netcrocodile » Sa 15 Mär, 2003 12:16

Begin "official" message...

"Star Wars Galaxies is now entering the final phase of development, and everyone at LucasArts and Sony Online Entertainment is pleased with the game's progress since the beta test program was initiated. We've received a good deal of constructive feedback and many positive suggestions that, if executed, will genuinely enhance gameplay for the hundreds of thousands of players who comprise the community.
To deliver the best possible massively multiplayer experience and ensure stability and breadth of content, LucasArts and Sony Online Entertainment will delay the game's April 15 launch. This will enable us to invest more time into the beta program, and to solicit additional feedback from the tremendous fan base Star Wars Galaxies has already developed.

"In addition, we will not open phase three of the beta program until we feel the game is ready for a wider audience, which we anticipate will be within the next few weeks. A new release date for Star Wars Galaxies will be announced shortly after the beginning of beta three.

"We are sincerely grateful to the Star Wars Galaxies community for their tremendous support. We respectfully ask for their continued understanding and patience during these final few months leading up to the launch of what we believe will be one of the best MMOs to date."

End official statement...

Wir werden wohl noch warten müssen.
Neue Gerüchte sprechen von einem Release Datum am 5. September 2003.
Mit lieben Grüßen
Heinz Haltmeyer
Präsident der Protectors of Moonglow

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Beitragvon Chili » Sa 15 Mär, 2003 12:31

Naja besser als das vor lauter Bugs nix geht....
Da sind viele neue Ideen drinne die unausgekoren sonst alles kaputt machen....
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Beitragvon Numenator » Sa 15 Mär, 2003 12:46

war zu erwarten
habe gehofft sie schaffen es doch noch
ich will, ich will, ich will, ich will :onfire:

Iam Lack, Toast & Tolerant

Das ist schmutzig, falsch und moralisch höchst verwerflich....ok bin dabei!
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Beitragvon Ahlanah » Sa 15 Mär, 2003 12:51

kann dazu nur eines sagen


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