
Forum für öffentliche Diskussionen rund um das kostenlose Online-Spiel "Utopia"


Beitragvon Minyatur Laurelin » Do 22 Apr, 2004 12:25

Spielt das von euch noch wer und wenn ja, habt ihr auch solche probleme nen Krieg zu bekommen ?

January 4th, YR4
We have declared Avalon Phoenix (17:14) to be a Hostile Kingdom!

January 13th, YR4
Avalon Phoenix (17:14) has declared Peace with us.

January 16th, YR4
We have declared Angels and Demons AD (6:15)to be a Hostile Kingdom!

January 16th, YR4
Angels and Demons AD (6:15) has declared Peace with us.

Peaceblock nummer 32 nun. Uns gehen langsam die Königreiche aus denen wir noch Hostile declaren können.

Bringer of War (28:13) January 15th, YR4
On January 13th, YR4, we received this note...
To The Honorable King Fonzidel
We are not interested in a war with you, as you are substantially larger than us and we are not ready for a war at this time. Please move on and good luck.
Signed, The Heroic King Hurric of Hurricanian Phoenix (17:14)
- The Great King Fonzidel

Bringer of War (28:13) January 15th, YR4
I'm looking for a new one right now.
- The Great King Fonzidel

Bringer of War (28:13) January 16th, YR4
I declared hostile on 6:15 and within 3 minutes they peaced us!!!!!
This has to be a utopia record!!!
They are the same size as us too!
wish you were beer...
Mario aka [EQ] Minyatur Laurelin aka [WoW] Minyatur (ehm. Thorgrim) + Pets + Mounts + Tabards (+ Brett- & Kartenspiele)
"I'll be more enthusiastic about encouraging thinking outside the box when there's evidence of any thinking going on inside it." -- Terry Pratchett
Minyatur Laurelin
Gildenleitung (WoW)
Grand Marshal
Alter: 46
Beiträge: 6950
Registriert: Fr 31 Jan, 2003 12:51
Wohnort: St. Pölten

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