Patch 3.3.5

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Patch 3.3.5

Beitragvon Mallfin » Mi 12 Mai, 2010 11:48

World of Warcraft PTR Patch 3.3.5

The latest patch notes can always be found at

The latest test realm patch notes can always be found at ... notes.html


* The Ruby Sanctum, an all-new 10- and 25-player raid featuring normal and Heroic difficulties, is now available for testing! Players will find the dungeon entrance below Wyrmrest Temple in Dragonblight.
* Copied Test Realm characters are not copied with their achievement history in order to better facilitate the character copy process.

User Interface

* Chat Frame

o Players can now right-click on any chat type (Whisper, Trade, General, Party, Raid, etc.) and choose the Pop Out Chat option. This will move that chat type to a separate tab in the Chat frame which can be undocked and moved anywhere on the screen.

+ Using the Pop Out Chat option on a Whisper will place the conversation with that player in a separate tab.
+ Any time a conversation with another player is put into its own tab, the tab will glow when a new message is received.

o Hovering over the Chat Frame and using the mouse wheel will allow players to scroll through chat text.
o Players can select Classic Mode under Interface Options to keep the Chat Frame functionality closer to what it was prior to patch 3.3.5.
o The Simple Chat User Interface option has been removed.

* Friends List

o A new icon has been added to the top left of the Chat Frame which will open up the Friends list.
o In addition to its current functionality, the Friends List will now allow players to add accounts (Real ID). Players will have to confirm that they are friends in order for a Real ID to be added. Once Real ID friends, players can communicate cross-game, cross-faction and cross-realm.
o A new Pending tab has been added where players can accept or decline a Real ID friend request, or select the Report Spam or Block Communications buttons.
o Players can now select from three statuses which will be visible to their friends: Available, Away and Busy.
o A Broadcast window has been added to the top of the frame. Players can use this to broadcast a message to all of their Real ID friends online. This message will also be displayed under the broadcaster’s Real ID information in each friend’s list.

* For additional notes on Lua and XML changes please visit the UI & Macros Forum: ... umId=11114

Juchee! RealID Spiele übergreifender Chat kommt in 3.3.5. Jetzt könnts dann auch die SC2 Betatester erreichen. ;)
UND! Ein Specialfeature für Affinity! ->
o Hovering over the Chat Frame and using the mouse wheel will allow players to scroll through chat text.
NERF Fire Mages! Top Parses
Ich auf Google+
Gildenleitung (WoW)
Grand Marshal
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Re: Patch 3.3.5

Beitragvon Aviendha » Mi 12 Mai, 2010 11:53

UND! Ein Specialfeature für Affinity! ->

Wenn demnächst vollkommen wahllos Chain Heals durch die Gegend fliegen weist du, dass er den Chat grade nach liest :wink:
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Re: Patch 3.3.5

Beitragvon Hinatá » Mi 12 Mai, 2010 12:13

oder das ES unlogischer weise am tank ist


Blizzard verbietet Alpha spoiler?

Cataclysm content removed from the site
Blizzard asked us to remove all the content from the Cataclysm Alpha on the site. I don't have any reason or project to be an internet superhero because none of the underwear I have look nice over my pants and I'm in the process of removing all the content from the site.

Obviously, it also means that a few rules changed for you, my wonderful users:

* You cannot post anything from the Cataclysm Alpha on the forums. You can only discuss what was already posted on official sites/blue posts.
* Any screenshot from the Alpha will be removed and will earn you a 1 week ban. We will start enforcing this rule tomorrow to make sure you had time to read this post.
* I will track down anyone mentioning an emulated server/sandbox on my forums, find where he lives, and steal all his left shoes. You will also be banned permanently for that.
* No Blizzard-hate posts either, I support their decisions even when they aren't the nicest thing for me.
* Obviously, bans aren't retroactive and you won't get banned if you posted about something 3 days ago. It will just be deleted

Important - People who posted on the new Cataclysm forums should know about two things :

* Your posts aren't deleted, people who worked hard on compilations will just have their posts archived "somewhere" and we'll bring them back when the NDA is lifted.
* The new Cataclysm forums are also hidden for the moment. Stick to the old Cataclysm General Discussions forums and please be nice.

I apologize for the short notice, the content will be back as soon as the NDA is lifted.
Protector (WoW)
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Re: Patch 3.3.5

Beitragvon Knuff » Mi 12 Mai, 2010 13:23

Mallfin hat geschrieben:UND! Ein Specialfeature für Affinity! ->
o Hovering over the Chat Frame and using the mouse wheel will allow players to scroll through chat text.

Hat mein Chatter eh scho - und ja, deswegen fliegen wahllose Chainheals durch die Gegend.

ES auf Tanks? Muss ich mal probieren. Klingt ungewöhnlich ;)
Knuff - The Paladin formerly known as Buffmutter - Affinity - Knuffler
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Re: Patch 3.3.5

Beitragvon Cyan » Mi 12 Mai, 2010 13:26

Ui, Chatänderungen. Blizzard weiß, wo Handlungsbedarf besteht...
Protector (WoW)
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Re: Patch 3.3.5

Beitragvon Knuff » Mi 12 Mai, 2010 13:34

Also den Fraktionsübergreifenden Chat finde ich schon gut. Hab nen Kumpel, der Horde spielt und mit dem ich dann ein wenig schnattern kann :)
Knuff - The Paladin formerly known as Buffmutter - Affinity - Knuffler
RL: Martin
Gildenleitung (WoW)
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Re: Patch 3.3.5

Beitragvon Mythras » Mi 12 Mai, 2010 13:37

ich glaub aber eher das fraktions und serverübergreifend hams einfach nur so mit "dahingesagt" das wird wahrscheins ja über battlenet laufen, und ja auch andere spiele beinhalten, hat wohl weniger mit wow selbst zu tun - dennoch interessant und ganz nett

is morgen wer aufn ptr? :)
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Re: Patch 3.3.5

Beitragvon Yænnik » Mi 12 Mai, 2010 16:28

Wie viel GB hat der client? Saug ich das mit DSL1000 bis morgen? :D
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Re: Patch 3.3.5

Beitragvon Chili » Mi 12 Mai, 2010 20:52

Der englische Client hat 1,64 GB, der deutsche wird nur leicht davon abweichen. Mit DSL 1000 sollte es klappen, aber rechne nochmal 3-4 Stunden fürs Patchen das hat auch noch mal Signifikant an Größe. Also halt früh loslegen.
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