WoW Raid Cockblocks aka Bugs

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WoW Raid Cockblocks aka Bugs

Beitragvon kthxbye » Do 27 Jan, 2005 10:18 ... ost1039976

"I wanted to make a quick post to update those pursuing the end-game raid content in World of Warcraft. It’s very exciting for those of us on the development team who worked on the raid content to see you guys making such great progress.

It’s important that you know that we are working on the bugs and other issues that are interfering with your efforts.

Known Issue: Raid Instance Saving

We are aware of the bug that causes a raid group to be instantly saved when they zone into Onyxia’s Lair or the Molten Core. The raid instance functionality is *not* supposed to work this way.

Here’s any example of how they should work:

35 players get together to raid Onyxia. They make a few attempts but they wipe-out. The 35 players decide to invite 5 more to help with their efforts. Those five are added to the raid and join the same instance as the original 35. Together, they all slay Onyxia at which point their raid is “saved” for 5 days. Those 40 players cannot fight Onyxia again for 5 days.

I realize how inconvenient and frustrating it is when friends and guildmates can’t join in the fun. We’re trying to identify exactly what is causing the premature save and hopefully we can fix the bug soon.

Known Issue: Players cannot discern what instance they are saved to

Magnified by the raid instance saving bug, players are having trouble determining which raids they have committed to (i.e. which raids have “saved” them). To help ease player confusion, we’re working on some basic UI feedback that will help players figure out if they are saved to a particular raid.

Known Issue: If you go linkdead or crash in a raid instance, you are oftentimes kicked out of the zone

The bug here seems to be that if you go linkdead or crash while raiding Onyxia’s Lair or the Molten Core, you’ll come back and be given the 60 second countdown timer along with the message that you don’t belong to that particular raid. The workaround seems to be running back to the zone or dying (ok so maybe that’s not so much fun if you’re in the Molten Core) or dying and then getting ressed back. I realize how incredibly frustrating both of these “solutions” are. The bug has been reported and will hopefully be identified soon and fixed.

Known Issue: The first firelord in Molten Core seems stuck

Players report that the first firelord in Molten Core looks stuck sometimes. This is a problem because the firelord stands too close to two Molten Giants. I identified and fixed this bug internally. The problem was occurring because the firelord ceased to loop his spawn-in actions. What this means is that, for the first 5-10 minutes of a Molten Core instance being open, the firelord works as intended, but he breaks himself as soon as his actions cease. In future builds, the firelord will have the potential to be pulled solo (Note: only for those with mad sk33lz).

Known Issue: Creatures can only have a limited number of debuffs on them at one time

Obviously, having a limited number of debuffs creates numerous problems in the Raid Game. We’re working on fixing this.

Known Issue: The Onyxia encounter is not functioning properly

As for Onyxia specifically, I want to walk everyone through some of the fixes that were made as well as some of the changes that are incoming. Our goal is *not* to “ninja-stealth-nerf” the encounter to prevent players from beating her. Our goal is to ensure that the encounter is working how it was designed to work. I’d rather be up front about changes that are going to be made rather than have a false perception amongst the community that we don’t want the encounter to be beat. Trust me, we want Onyxia killed. We are counting on our hardcore players to beat her. We just want the encounter to function properly because we take great pride in our work.

First, let me cover the most recent bugs that were hotfixed (a “hotfix” is a change we can make directly on the server without having to patch your client wow.exe file).

1) Onyxia’s fireball was fixed so that it ignores Line-of-Sight checks.

It was never intended that players could hide from the fireball. And as anyone who has raided her lair can tell you, there are some minor anomalies with Line-of-Sight checks in the geometry. So often times, you’d be standing in a spot that was seemingly out in the open, yet the fireball would not reach you.

2) We fixed a bug with the range of Onyxia’s fireball.

Onyxia should be able to hit you anywhere in her lair. A bug was causing it so that certain parts of the lair were safe from the attack because of a range check. The bug was fixed and now the fireball can reach all intended targets.

3) We fixed a bug that was causing the wave of whelps not to spawn between phase 1 and phase 2 of the encounter.

Ironically enough, it was the bugged Raid State that caused these to stop functioning. The whelps were making their appearance in Beta and no changes were ever made to them between Beta and the retail version of the game. However, with the introduction of the Raid State bug, the whelps decided to take an extended vacation.

4) Fixed Onyxia so that she is immune to taunt.

Ok, so that pretty much covers the recent hotfixes. Now it’s important for those of you working on the Onyxia encounter to know about some upcoming changes. These changes cannot be hotfixed and will require a patch. Some of you will see this as a bonus because that means you can attempt to kill her in her current state before the changes go live. But I feel that it’s important to notify you of the changes so that you can work on a strategy that will work once the encounter is functioning properly.

1) The egg pit will become much more dangerous. I highly recommend not fighting in it.

2) Onyxian warders will now respawn in the hallway while Onyxia is in combat. The hallway is very unsafe. Your raid should engage the dragon in her lair.

3) Players can “leave combat” during the encounter. This breaks the encounter in many ways. I believe this bug was identified and fixed last Friday internally.

Lastly, there is an upcoming change that will benefit would-be-dragonslayers. Onyxia's fireballs will no longer result in a confuse effect (Engulfing Flames). The impact damage of these fireballs has been slightly increased to compensate for the loss of the damage over time. The overall damage has been lessened."

In einem Jahr heisst es dann:

"We are counting on our casual players to beat her now."

Oh Wunder. 8)

Schön zu sehen, dass auch Blizzard nur mit Wasser kocht, sprich wir hier die gleichen Bugs erklärt bekommen, die EQ hatte ... äh hat. *hust*
[font=Arial]ph4T L3wTz I mehr Zeugs[/font]
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Re: WoW Raid Cockblocks aka Bugs

Beitragvon Chili » Fr 28 Jan, 2005 09:54

Gorthor hat geschrieben:Schön zu sehen, dass auch Blizzard nur mit Wasser kocht, sprich wir hier die gleichen Bugs erklärt bekommen, die EQ hatte ... äh hat. *hust*

Eine Erkenntnis die nicht wirklich neu ist, das ist im Wesentlichen die Aussage die ich schon vor Monaten gemacht habe als viele noch meinten Blizzard ist der Messias der MMPORG-Szene.
Sie sind definitiv intelligent genug um aus den Fehlern ihrer Vorläufer zu lernen, was schon viel mehr ist als manche andere zustande brachten (siehe Horizons oder so). Nur auch die Blizzard Jungs sind Menschen und Programmierer und machen Fehler und müssen ihre Designs erst balancen. Zumindest das Spiel bis Level 31 (weiters bin ich noch nicht) ist bisher erstaunlich bugfrei, zumindest keine Bugs die wirklich den Spielspass runterziehen...
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