Faction Imbalance Fix in Korea

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Faction Imbalance Fix in Korea

Beitragvon kthxbye » Mo 25 Jul, 2005 13:16

Blizzard Korea geht das Thema als erstes an, sehr interessant.

According to today news, Blizzard Korea primarily categorizes war(PVP) servers into 4 groups:

A: alliance & horde both over-population
B: both optimal
C: horde want
D: Both want

7 servers belongs to A group, 8 to B, 11 to C, and 21 to D.

The process of character migration in WoW Korea will be going as follows.

First, 7 new severs will be created.

Second, horde players in group A can have choice of migration to one of new 7 servers.

Third, alliance players in D will automatically be migrated to one of new servers assigned by Blizzard Korea.

Last, horde players in D will automatically be migrated to one of group C servers assigned by Blizzard korea.

Then, how many really bad Alliance/Horde imabalances are hiding in category D could be inferred from above procedure.
[font=Arial]ph4T L3wTz I mehr Zeugs[/font]
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Beitragvon Bari » Mo 25 Jul, 2005 14:41

Da kommt irgendwie der kommunistische Gedanke durch... Was gut für das System ist, ist auch gut für den Einzelnen (oder nicht?) :D
Und dabei dachte ich Blizzard Korea ist in Südkorea angesiedelt... :)
Sinni the Mage formerly known as Siinii aka Siini aka Sini aka Bari aka Martin

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