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Moderator: WoW: Gildenleitung


Beitragvon Belphegor » Mi 28 Jun, 2006 18:52

Hey ihr Gilnasen ;)

mal wunderhübsche Grüße von EU-Blackhand :)

zum little Murloc mal ein kleiner Text:

Gabe is nearly two now and it’s still hard to get used to him being a little person instead of just a warm lump that we need to take care of. He can communicate with us now using a few words and hand signs. There are things he wants (cookies) and things he doesn’t want (carrots) and he has no problem letting you know what’s what. He also picks things up at a ridiculous rate. We were teaching him animal noises like any good parent when it occurred to us that we could teach him imaginary animals as well. I mean, it’s not like he knows. So along with lions and doggies he also does a mean werewolf and a very convincing zombie. I have a little clip here of him doing his best murloc impression which I think is pretty damn good.

I’m sure at some point he’ll ask me why they don’t have murlocs or werewolves at the zoo and I’ll have some explaining to do. I’ve got some time before that happens though, and that’s good because I still need to teach him unicorns and griffins.

und nun was zum ansehn


Viel Spaß und Güße an alle die mich noch kennen.

Belphegor (SW:G)
Belphegor (WoW)
Berni (RL :) )
Denn alle Not entschwindet wo die Freiheit regiert!
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Registriert: Mi 08 Feb, 2006 19:06
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