7dtd Alpha 9

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7dtd Alpha 9

Beitragvon Numenator » Fr 01 Aug, 2014 10:00

Angeblich kommt am 8.August die Alpha9 raus
Folgende Featureliste gibt es, meine Favoriten hab ich Fett markiert:

Alpha 9 Status
Ok now for the news you’ve all been waiting for. The word on the street is that the Pimps have decided to accelerate their Alpha 9 schedule shuffling a few features around moving some things forward and a few things back to post Alpha 9 to get you guys a kick ass new build sooner. If all goes well you’ll get it as soon as August 8th. Here are the planned features going in.

Randomly Generated Infinite Worlds which include all biomes types with custom elevations, lakes, natural deeper rivers, curvy roads, random locations, and a procedurally generated centralized wasteland city with some never before seen locations!
A kickass new AAA GUI with all new art including belt, backpack, character screen, map, friends list, new minimalist compass and player stats. The GUI also includes added functionality including our new data driven in game map system with fog of war, a searchable recipe list and friend compass tracking
New leg sprain, leg fracture, leg break and dysentery de-buff systems
Under water effects and drowning system
World improvements including decorations adhering to the terrain to altering what is found out and about while scavenging. All major prefabs have been given a container overhaul. We thinned out the cabinets and other things that can hold loot, but increased the odds that things will be found within them. This has the dual benefit of making longer scavenging ventures more profitable while not spreading too much more loot into the world as a whole.
And lastly if time permits watch out for our new Gore block system where zombie bodies decompose into bloody piles that stack up and can work in the zombies favor.

Den Titel gibts für Linux und Macs auch :)

Iam Lack, Toast & Tolerant

Das ist schmutzig, falsch und moralisch höchst verwerflich....ok bin dabei!
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Alter: 49
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Re: 7dtd Alpha 9

Beitragvon Numenator » Di 05 Aug, 2014 15:59


Iam Lack, Toast & Tolerant

Das ist schmutzig, falsch und moralisch höchst verwerflich....ok bin dabei!
Protector (WoW)
Grand Marshal
Alter: 49
Beiträge: 6840
Registriert: So 19 Aug, 2001 19:55

Re: 7dtd Alpha 9

Beitragvon Numenator » Fr 15 Aug, 2014 22:20

Ahoy Survivalists,
Our Massive Alpha 9 update is finally here with a multitude of new additions, improvements and fixes here’s the skinny. The biggest addition is our beautiful new Randomly Generated Worlds A.K.A. Randomz-gane which have full gigantic cities, roads, rivers, lakes, cliffs, mountains, roadside and wilderness locations and feature all biome types.

We’ve also reworked the entire in game GUI with new Art, Truetype fonts and many new features including fog of war, waypoints, friend tracking and recipe search.

If that wasn’t enough we’ve added some major Buff System enhancements including, Broken Legs, Sprained Legs, Dysentery, Drowning, Concussions and First Aid Kits. We’ve also including new rendering enhancements including soft shadows and underwater effects. In addition the player can now craft a full cloth armor set and use scrap iron build and upgrade forts. Folks this update is jammed packed with features!

Official Alpha 9 Release Notes


Added new game map option ‘Random Gen’ which creates a randomly generated world seed based on the name you give the world. The random world generation includes all biomes, a full random sized central city, random in the wild cities, roads, rivers, lakes and random roadside and wilderness locations. Simply select Random Gen as the Game World and the name you give it will be the seed.
Added new sexier data driven ‘M’ map that renders based on where the player has visited with ‘Fog of War’ functionality. The new map shows, current position, cursor position, has waypoint functionality, recenter view to player, track friends on compass, mouse wheel scroll to zoom and left click drag to pan.
Added new biome type wasteland hub with custom spawning definition for random gen cities
Added overhauled most of the GUI including the new belt, backpack, compass, map, freinds list, character screen, loot container and more as well as new gui functionality and Truetype fonts
Added many new locations never before seen that appear only in the randomly generated worlds including, city blocks, movie theaters, several apartment buildings, parking garages, parking lots, new destroyed buildings and giant sewer holes.
Added a Debuff system for sprained, and broken legs that work with a new craftable splint that accelerates the healing time. Legs can also be re-injured more easily while on the mend and the more severe the injury the longer the recovery time.
Added Dysentery Debuff contracted from drinking river or murky water. Dysentery is cured by drinking goldenrod tea or taking antibiotics.
Added new stunned concussion debuff which slows the player down for a few seconds and has a chance to happen with zombie hits.
Added soft shadows to moon and sunlight
Added Simple drowning Debuff system that detects when the player is underwater and displays the icon. Going above water removes the icon. staying underwater for too long causes drowning pain damage and drowning death
Added Underwater visual effects, sound effects & leaving water effects with refract & screen particle effects
Added new tooltip loading screens
Added craftable Cloth jacket, pants, shoes, hat and gloves
Added cotton, cotton growing and cloth recipes from cotton
Added new scrap metal frame, ramp recipes and upgrade path for more fort building options
Added scrap metal inside corner wedges for scrap metal upgrade path
Added outside corners for scrap metal forts
Added recipe for scrap metal inside corner frames
Added Apartment building, Parking Garage, Movie Theater and new destroyed buildings to Navezgane Gravestown
Added eat glass for suicide option
Added empty jars added to inventory when using water, coffee, murky water, yucca juice, and goldenrod tea
Added recipe for adobe tan made from sand or sandstone and cement
Added paper to trash loot
Added cabinet filler pieces and cabinet top plate blocks for counters replacing some of the cabinet loot in the world
Added green plaster wallpaper full blocks
Added, blood bags, blood draw kits and first aid kits to the world. First aid kits heal 50 hit points immediately plus an additional 50 over 10 seconds. It is made from a bandage, grain alcohol, and a blood bag. Blood draw kits can be reused to make blood bags.
Added “gunpowder charge” item & recipe which is made of 9 gunpowder
Added inside corner wedge and wedged corner for oldwood for attics
Added seeds to garbage and backpack loot
Added icons for leg splint, blood bag, blood draw kit, first aid kit, gun powder charge\bottle, cloth hat, cloth pants, cloth jacket, cloth shoes and cloth gloves.
Added slowed movement speed in sand, water and web for player and entities
Added weapon parts to loot lists, reduced chance of finding complete weapons
Added a new water biome sound loop plays on rivers in random gen only
Added Reduced damage from crawling zombies but gave them a chance give the player a sprained leg
Added new blocks creme wall with backsplash block, wood floor with drywall ceiling block
Added city street painted lines
Added random rotation to loot on roads
Added Player placed dirt now grows grass
Added bookcase blocks, textures and recipes to craft them and bookcase loot containers to the world
Added updated english.txt random gen description and new items
Added MovementState to hornet controller to stop error msgs
Added a few pigs to pine forest biome
Added smell debuff code support and buff note: smell blips still show up on the main map
Added upgradable inside and outside wood corners useful for building mitered roof corners
Added scrap Lead to garbage loot
Added recipes for wooden inside and outside corners

Changed removed old minimap compass and replaced with new sleek minimalist compass that shows player sleeping bag position, set waypoints and tracked friends
Changed Hordes are smaller in general but except every 7th day they are super nasty.
Changed thinned the total amount of loot containers in all world prefabs and moved the best prefabs to harder to reach areas
Changed Drinking river water doesn’t damage your health and you get some stamina now just like drinking pure water, but there is a chance of catching the new Dysentery Debuff from drinking it. Dysentery is cured by drinking goldenrod tea or taking antibiotics. If untreated it becomes advanced dysentery which damages stamina and health which is only curable with antibiotics
Changed credits adding all Kickstarter Backers and made it scroll faster
Changed cupboards to have 0-1 cans of food instead of 0-2
Changed increased amount of food you get from canned Lamb and Chicken
Changed decreased weight of candy tins, hub caps and air filters
Changed slowed crop growth
Changed spiked club recipe to require ingots instead of scrap metal
Changed white flowers are now cotton plants
Changed lowered zombie player damage to work with the new stun system
Changed awnings are made from cloth instead of plant fibers
Changed most all interior house walls are a full block thick improves lighting and enemy pathing
Changed pipe bombs are now made from gunpowder charge instead of gunpowder
Changed TNT now uses loads of gunpowder instead of gunpowder
Changed replaced all plate block and plate block corner thin walls in old houses and ranch houses
Changed new default spectrum (used in plains and Diersville) with magenta sunset and bluer nights
Changed craft time of sandbags from 30 seconds to 5 seconds
Changed all blocks that use the shape of the pine tip are now only 1m height.
Changed backpacks so you have equal chance of finding the items they contain
Changed pistol book so it gates pistol part mold crafting instead of pistol crafting.
Changed removed shotguns from the book so they can be assembled by anyone who has the parts. Molds still require the book to learn how to craft them
Changed Sandbags can be picked up
Changed made both mattresses work as player bedrolls when placed
Changed Fog, Sunlight and Sky in forest
Changed when placing a regular block on the terrain, the terrain now “snaps” to this block
Changed Zombies are no longer slowed by forge or campfire light at night, and never run in dark places during the day
Changed increased chance of clay deposits in earth. Removed chance of getting clay when digging dirt
Changed increased chainsaw wood damage
Changed removed flicker from wall mounted torches
Changed plains terrain grass is a little greener
Changed resources underground so there are only 3 minerals per layer. There is stone and iron ore in every layer. The third mineral changes every twenty layers down starting with coal, then potassium nitrate, then lead, and finally tungsten.
Changed radiated terrain texture, added more loot to cupboards
Changed Added peeling paint and grunge to Diersville houses and white door
Changed reduced cars in Diersville and gravestown for performance
Changed the way chunks are build in background threads to optimize them
Changed scrap metal wall and reinforced scrap metal wall art
Changed dirt grows into grass, grass grows into tallgrass
Changed ramp trussing textures to use new scrap metal textures
Changed redwood cabinets plain on sides and bottom
Changed removed blob shadows on all entities (zombies, animals, players, etc)
Changed Biome intensity fading now also over time
Changed winter biomes have less fog and brighter midday
Changed dirt to sides of burnt forest blocks and burnt forest dirt on the sides of the wasteland blocks
Changed tweaked cupboard loot. Added empty cans and coffee beans are now in the seed group
Changed Reduced decal litter on roads
Changed increased weight of fishing weights from 1 to 4 ounces
Changed cars now only have automotive loot
Changed crafted doors to be unlocked by default
Changed Serverconfig.xml defaults to zombies normal 3
Changed: Moved VAC window to the top

Fixed scrap timer not updating when adding more scrap while it’s in progress
Fixed problem that other players HUD text was flashing
Fixed elevator to surface bug
Fixed all backpacks and purses have terrain decoration flag so they don’t clip terrain
Fixed animals should avoid water > 1m deep unless they are forced in via physics somehow.
Fixed player should be push out of ground correctly
Fixed: Gave wasteland scrap metal block terrain decoration flag so it doesn’t float
Fixed drinking from river not being the same as drinking murky water
Fixed the VAC warning dialog
Fixed problem with animated doors on a client and also open/close state of a door can be saved in a prefab
Fixed regression: god mode wasn’t enabled in Cheat mod
Fixed bug where Mouse Sensitivity was not adjustable
Fixed horizon colors flickering a single time when time turns from about 13:50 to 14:10
Fixed Spinning rabbits and deers
Fixed the rotation of the preview of a door before placing is now correct
Fixed loot not spawning the right amount of items
Fixed severe problem that sometimes the collider for a newly placed block wasn’t generated
Fixed: Fat Cop Zombie Vomit Projectile disappears before it hits anything
Fixed old window upgrade path showing wrong model
Fixed old window upgrade path to include scrap metal reinforced version
Fixed window01white to require scrap metal to reach the metal reinforced version
Fixed walking in shallow water plays footsteps from ground below
Fixed playing “fall into water” sound now only if the fall distance is > 1m
Fixed hovering over item in campfire and closing causing item names to stay
Fixed Removed muzzle flash & smoke from crossbow
Fixed problem that client player in a Coop game was not seen by enemies if far away from the server

Renamed GamePref ShowAllPlayersOnMap to ShowFriendPlayerOnMap
Server config file option “ShowAllPlayersOnMap” has been renamed to “ShowFriendPlayerOnMap”
Known Issues

32 bit Operating Systems can run out of memory sometimes. We’re still optimizing this.
Some users have trouble setting the video to higher resolutions like 1920×1080 or 1920×1200 as the list appears to long. The work around is to use your keyboard up and down arrow to reach these.
More News

Achievement Hunters

Be sure to check out the latest Achievement Hunters Video the 4th installment. The word on the street or Reddit is they may make us a regular or semi-regular series. Let’s Play 7 Days to Die Part 4

New Free Tool

Also we are pleased to announce that our friends at www.blackboxservers.net have released the 1st Visual Rcon tool (7DTDCC Alpha 0.1) for 7 Days to Die. The Rcon tool enable Server admins to:

Control and administrate multiple servers live
Chat with players and add MOTD’s when players join
Kick Ban/unban players ( select player name and kick/ban )
Live Navezgane Map – View player location, msg players , kick and ban
Change Server settings on the fly (without server Restart)
View and log / search game server console.
Create server banners for websites and forums using www.bbtracker.net
No need to download any additional software it is all web base interface
One Year Ago Today
Coincidentally today is our 1 year anniversary of getting funded on Kickstarter. Thanks folks for funding us! We all remember “where’s my Key Bro… where’s my Key!” Thank god that’s behind us. And for all of you waiting on tangible goods don’t worry we’re working on getting the T-shirts, Map and Zombie poster designs done and out. We can’t finish them until the world and characters are done so thank you for your patience.

Playing Older Versions
We’re also making the last stable Alpha 8.8 build and older builds available to re download so here’s how you do it.
1. Open your steam client.
2. Click on Games/View Games Library
3. Right click ‘7 Days to Die’ and select properties
4. From the new popup dialogue box select the ‘BETAS’ Tab
5. Under ‘Select the beta you would like to opt into’ – select ‘Alpha 8.8 Stable’
6. The game will then update and download Alpha 8.8
7. Switching back to the latest version is as easy as repeating steps 1-4 and on step 5 choose the option ‘None – Opt out of all Beta Programs’ and you’ll revert to the latest version

Iam Lack, Toast & Tolerant

Das ist schmutzig, falsch und moralisch höchst verwerflich....ok bin dabei!
Protector (WoW)
Grand Marshal
Alter: 49
Beiträge: 6840
Registriert: So 19 Aug, 2001 19:55

Re: 7dtd Alpha 9

Beitragvon Cyan » Mo 18 Aug, 2014 11:00

Added eat glass for suicide option

Gefahren wohin man schaut, als ob unser Balkon und der Stacheldraht nicht reichen. :shock:
Die Zombies sind wirklich gar nix im Vergleich zur eigenen Unfähigkeit. :D

Kann man sich mit dem Blood Draw Kit eigentlich komplett aussaugen bis man stirbt?
Protector (WoW)
Grand Marshal
Alter: 38
Beiträge: 3197
Registriert: So 07 Okt, 2007 20:50

Re: 7dtd Alpha 9

Beitragvon Numenator » Mo 18 Aug, 2014 11:29

Kann ich dir ned sagen, du hast die Blutkonserven angelegt, try it :)

Den Stacheldraht sollten wir entfernen, kostet ein Vermögen an Ressourcen und wir verletzen uns mehr als die Zombiehorde.

Apropo Horde, hatte gestern den "Day7 Super Horde Spawn" 50+ Zombies kompletter Zombiemix, recht anstrengend und von mehreren Seiten und das 30 Min vor Sonnenuntergang..... Hätte Golden nicht geholfen wär sichs ned ausgangen. Wenn die Nightrage bekommen hätt die Base schlecht ausgschaut :)
Aber cooles neues Feature!

Hatte gestern in der Miene auch mehrfachen Beinbruch, man muss jetzt echt aufpassen.
Verblutet bin ich auch 4 mal ..... seit die Mine eingebrochen ist kommen mich die Zombies besuchen beim Farmen und durch den UI change bist weniger "aware" deiner Umgebung. Habs erst mitbekommen als ich stunned war :)

Iam Lack, Toast & Tolerant

Das ist schmutzig, falsch und moralisch höchst verwerflich....ok bin dabei!
Protector (WoW)
Grand Marshal
Alter: 49
Beiträge: 6840
Registriert: So 19 Aug, 2001 19:55

Re: 7dtd Alpha 9

Beitragvon Numenator » Mo 18 Aug, 2014 11:31

Nette Zusammenfassung eines DEV beim Testspielen der A9

I’m not trying to pimp the game here at all…just an honest account of my play through last night. But with random world generation and all the new changes I had the most fun ever last night playing what felt like a new game. I’m excited to continue testing it. There are so many perils to face now it just feels right. I started out in the forest and ran to the nearby wasteland to get supplies. I was impressed by the craggy terrain and new parking lot I had never seen before. I hacked my way into a fortified 6 story apartment building and went to the top floor but somehow dogs were eating through the walls to get to me. I looted what I could and had a few days worth of food, nothing too great but on my way out the stairwell was clogged with zombies… I was trapped. So I retreated to the apartment on the sixth floor and shut the door. My stone axe was pretty dull from cutting into the apartment in the first place… but I opened the door and let a few in, killed them and repeated. I finally made my escape and it was late in the day. I made it back to my camp (which was a keystone, bedroll and one frame).

Dark was creeping up on me so I decided a tree stand would be best. I tried making a ladder up a tree and realized it wouldn’t work for whatever technical reason so I made my own tree stand from frames. It was maybe 7 blocks high? Anyhow I made it to dawn. The next day I focused on metal gathering and stayed near my base. I got a crossbow done and some bolts, killed a stag and worked on my base. Nothing too eventful until night. I was back to my tree stand crafting frames and cutting wood into planks I had gathered while watching my forge cook metal. I placed a frame, and even though its a bug it was interesting… I fell through the frame and broke my leg. I crafted a splint which speeds the healing and puts your leg in a state of “mending” and you can move faster.

The next night I was in my tree stand and got daring and went to check on my metal in the forge before dawn. Big mistake… I got attacked by walkers. I hobbled back up my tree base and smashed the first one with my sledgehammer and she fell down the ladder hole, and then the other two made it on the tree stand and I had nowhere to go so I stood with them until they dropped. I had NO health left. I couldn’t believe I was alive. The morning came and I had no choice but to hobble to the nearby wasteland city and look for antibiotics. I made it to town and hornets were in hot pursuit. I didn’t look back and made to the cover of the apartment building I had already partially looted. I raided every medicine cabinet I could find and came up empty handed in my search for antibiotics or a beaker. Finally I gave up as the day was getting late and headed back. I looted a few garbage bags on the streets and found some moldy bread. Being careful as I traversed the craggy wasteland terrain as to not break my leg again I saw a nurse coming over the hill. I bashed her head in and lo and behold a beaker!

I arrived at home and threw in the ingredients needed to make antibiotics, and worked on my fort until dark. The next morning I take the antibiotics and notice my leg has improved from a mending stage to a fractured state. My movement is noticeably a bit better. I hear footsteps and turn around and see a fellow survivor! Pimp Rick shows up bearing gifts of scavenged parts and supplies. We work on the fort as it apears to be ready for the first night of defense. A horde shows up and Rick repairs the doors and windows while I crossbow the attacking horde from a little connected guard tower I made. Morning came with a few zombies left so we used melee to finish them off. Rick went back to loot and I stayed behind with my fractured leg and repaired the base and spent the rest of the day working on the mine.

I didn’t mention that each day I saw airplanes come by, but no visible drops were made. This made survival even harder but today was different. I saw my first supply drop from the plane who had been teasing me all week prior to today. I decided it was worth it to go. I ended up getting some food cans and ammo. I made it back to base and put my supplies away and was going through some things Rick had put in there. With his parts and mine, I was able to piece together a functional hunting rifle! I had about 37 rounds and cloth armor done, and my leg had progressed to a sprain. I was feeling pretty good about things. I went back and worked on my mine. I still hadn’t hit metal and I was maybe 20 deep placing stairs as I went down in a 45 degree angle. It was dark when Rick made it back to the fort and a horde was on us. I couldn’t make it to the fort but I climbed to the top of the tree stand and just started shooting into the mass of bodies that was pounding on the fort in the distance. Occasionally one of the walkers I shot would rush towards me in the tree stand and I would usually drop them with the second shot but sometimes they ran up the ladder so I switched to my trusty sledgehammer and finished them off in the ladder hole. Finally morning came and all my ammo was gone and considerable damage was done and a few zombies left. We cleaned them up, Rick went to loot and I repaired the base.

Later that day another air drop came and I got the supplies easily. My leg was nearly healed so I decided to adventure a bit. Our goal was to find desert so we could get aloe cream for medicated bandages. I never found any but Rick did. I returned to base impressed with the vast dense forest I had seen. I circled back to get new loot on the way home and ran into a few dogs on the way back. Dogs aren’t supposed to be in the forest but they could be from a nearby biome that does have dogs in it so it surprised me. I killed one with my crossbow and the other was chewing on me but nothing my trusty sledge couldn’t handle. I made it back and continued mining and struck iron ore! Once I found some, I seemed to find more and more in little chunks of several pieces.

That night my leg was completely healed. It felt nice to be able to move at full speed again, but I had gotten used to the slower movement any way and the sprain wasn’t bad at all. I must have re-injured it twice so the lesson is to be careful once you sprain it because it can break a lot easier if its hurt already. This added a new layer of depth to the game. I was fortunate to not get dysentery as I lucked into enough water and a short metal pipe early on in the game that I never had to drink from the rivers.

Conclusion. I’m going to play again tonight. Start a farm. Try to finish reinforcing my walls with a layer of scrap metal. Maybe dig a trench. Its a whole new game with a whole new world to explore. Every turn is something new. The team has blown away my expectations and this is only version 1, we will make it even better.

Iam Lack, Toast & Tolerant

Das ist schmutzig, falsch und moralisch höchst verwerflich....ok bin dabei!
Protector (WoW)
Grand Marshal
Alter: 49
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Registriert: So 19 Aug, 2001 19:55

Re: 7dtd Alpha 9

Beitragvon Numenator » Mo 18 Aug, 2014 11:44

Random Gen World Map Pics


Links die Neuen 6 Story Houses Rechts das Parkhaus


Rüstung ist noch nicht visible oder?


Rendom Gen Map


Find dei Random Gen Map sehr gelungen


Viele Strukturen dies bisher nicht so gab


Iam Lack, Toast & Tolerant

Das ist schmutzig, falsch und moralisch höchst verwerflich....ok bin dabei!
Protector (WoW)
Grand Marshal
Alter: 49
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Registriert: So 19 Aug, 2001 19:55

Re: 7dtd Alpha 9

Beitragvon Numenator » Mo 18 Aug, 2014 12:19

Das is die "Under Construction" Liste die ich gefunden hab

- World Building Tools and Mod Support - Greatly expanded creation tools for players to create their own apocalypse for them and their friends, including Steam Workshop support.
- Character Customization - Choose unique character skills and perks, what your character looks like and choose which clothing and gear to equip them with.
- Drivable Vehicles - The cars in the world have long since decayed, but you may find enough raw parts to build a custom ride.
- Missions & Story Points- Do favors for NPC characters in return for experience and rewards, and learn more about what has happened in the world.
- Infected Wildlife - Wildlife can become infected. There will be bears. Zombie bears.
- Virtual Reality Headset Support - For the times when wandering through the woods at night isn't quite scary enough.
- Environmental Temperature - Find shelter or build a campfire. Cold nights or long days in the desert will make a difference.
- Weather Effects - The weather will change, and it may influence your survival.
- NPC Characters - Stumble upon the occasional computer controlled character. Talk, trade or engage them. Locate safe houses controlled by them.
- Professional Soundtrack & Voices - For those who prefer mood setting music to go with their game, and professional screaming.

ZombieBears...... Ich komm schon mit den ZoimbieDogs ned gscheit zurecht :) hoffentlich sind die ned zu schnell .....

Iam Lack, Toast & Tolerant

Das ist schmutzig, falsch und moralisch höchst verwerflich....ok bin dabei!
Protector (WoW)
Grand Marshal
Alter: 49
Beiträge: 6840
Registriert: So 19 Aug, 2001 19:55

Re: 7dtd Alpha 9

Beitragvon Cyan » Mo 18 Aug, 2014 12:25

Ist für Alpha 10 geplant, die beiden neuen männlichen und weiblichen Player Models wird man nach seinen Vorstellungen anpassen können, Kleidung wird dann auch zu sehen sein. Das Bild zeigt den geplanten Scrap Iron Armor lt. Dev Blog. :)

Ob das Skill- und Perk-System allerdings auch schon kommt weiß ich nicht.
Protector (WoW)
Grand Marshal
Alter: 38
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Re: 7dtd Alpha 9

Beitragvon Numenator » Mo 18 Aug, 2014 12:43

Weil die 3rd Person Frage mal im Raum stand

Third person support has been removed. It might return in the future if our animations and camera controls can pass the bar. We support it with debug menu so people can take screenshots, but the old way allowed people to cheat and look around corners and camera clip the world to see things they shouldn't and the list goes on and on.

Iam Lack, Toast & Tolerant

Das ist schmutzig, falsch und moralisch höchst verwerflich....ok bin dabei!
Protector (WoW)
Grand Marshal
Alter: 49
Beiträge: 6840
Registriert: So 19 Aug, 2001 19:55

Re: 7dtd Alpha 9

Beitragvon Numenator » Mo 18 Aug, 2014 12:47

Supermodernes High-Res turbo Laser Motion Capturing :)
Hehe, der Baker bekommt seinen eigenen Zombie im Spiel :)


Iam Lack, Toast & Tolerant

Das ist schmutzig, falsch und moralisch höchst verwerflich....ok bin dabei!
Protector (WoW)
Grand Marshal
Alter: 49
Beiträge: 6840
Registriert: So 19 Aug, 2001 19:55

Re: 7dtd Alpha 9

Beitragvon Cyan » Mo 18 Aug, 2014 12:58

Im Dev Blog gibts auch ein Video zu einer neuen Sterbeanimation nach Headshot.

Dass es keine 3rd Person gibt ist zwar schade (v.a. wenn es dann die Charakter Customization gibt), allerdings für's Spielerlebnis sicher besser, sonst würd's dich nicht mehr so reißen wenn beim Mining plötzlich ein Zombie hinter dir steht. :D
Protector (WoW)
Grand Marshal
Alter: 38
Beiträge: 3197
Registriert: So 07 Okt, 2007 20:50

Re: 7dtd Alpha 9

Beitragvon Numenator » Mo 18 Aug, 2014 13:44

Stimmt, die Immersion is durch FP Sicht sicher größer
Reißen tuts mi eh oft gnua :)

Iam Lack, Toast & Tolerant

Das ist schmutzig, falsch und moralisch höchst verwerflich....ok bin dabei!
Protector (WoW)
Grand Marshal
Alter: 49
Beiträge: 6840
Registriert: So 19 Aug, 2001 19:55

Re: 7dtd Alpha 9

Beitragvon Goldeneye » Di 19 Aug, 2014 07:39

Hi folks

Spiele dank numen auch 7dtd

Kann es nur wärmstens empfehlen
Hatte bis jetzt ähnlichen spaß wie damals als junge mit lego

Alter: 49
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Registriert: Mi 03 Aug, 2005 19:59

Re: 7dtd Alpha 9

Beitragvon Numenator » Mi 20 Aug, 2014 12:27

Das sind alle Serversettings die uns derzeit zur Verfügung stehen wenn ihr was angepasst haben wollt lasst es mich wissen bitte

n the configuration editor you can change all the game server settings such as:

Server Title (The name that shows up in the server browser)
Color Of Text In Title (you can have coloured text in your title)
Admin Password (your admin password) - "Do not share your password with anyone"
Lock Server With Password (you can lock your server with a password)
Show Server On Master List (you can hide or show your server on the master server browser)
Gamemode (you can specify your game mode)
Land Claim Size (Size in blocks that is protected by keystone)
Land Claim Dead Zone (Keystones must be this many blocks apart, unless you are friends with the other player)
Land Claim Expiry Time (The number of days a player can be offline before their claims expire and are no longer protected)
Land Claim Decay Mode (Controls how offline players land claims decay. All claims have full protection for the first 24hrs. 0=Linear, 1=Exponetial, 2=Full protection until claim is expired.)
Land Claim Online Durability Modifier (How much protected claim area block hardness is increased when a player is online. 0 means infinite. no damage will ever be taken). Default is 32x)
Land Claim Offline Modifier (How much protected claim area block hardness is increased when a player is online. 0 means infinite. no damage will ever be taken). Default is 32x)
Gameworld (Navazgane, MP Wasteland Horde, MP Wasteland Skirmish, MP Wasteland War)
Difficulty (How hard you want it to be)
Custom World Name (This sets the name of the folder created for your world. You can also use this to switch to an old world you were using.)
Day/Night Length in Minutes (Day and night length in minutes.)
Zombies Run (0 = default day/night walk/run, 1 = never run, 2 = always run.)
Show All Players On Map (Show all players on minimap and main map)
Friendly Fire (Able to shoot each other on the same team.)
Build/Create/Cheat Mode (Cheat mode on/of)
Rebuild Map (True=map will rebuild on the next round, False= will not.)
Drop On Death (0 = everything, 1 - toolbelt only, 2 = backpack only, 3 = delete all)
Drop On Quit (0 = everything, 1 - toolbelt only, 2 = backpack only, 3 = delete all)
Craft Timer (0 =None "instant", 1 = Normal, 2 = Fast "double speed")
Loot Timer (0 =None "instant", 1 = Normal, 2 = Fast "double speed")
Player Damage Given (0 = Very Low 50%, 1 = Low 75%, 2 Medium 100%, 3 High 150%, 4 Very High 200%)
Player Damage Received (0 = Very Low 50%, 1 = Low 75%, 2 Medium 100%, 3 High 150%, 4 Very High 200%)
Enemy Sense Memory (Time, in seconds, that a zombie will pursue something that has been sensed)
Enemy Spawn Mode (Frequency of zombie spawns)
Enemy Difficulty (Normal or feral)
Block Durability % (0-200%)
Night Percentage % (Night percentage 0-100%
Loot Abundance (How Much Loot)
Loot Respawn Delays in Days (How many days it will be before the loot re-spawns)
AirDropFrequency (how often the air drop is)
Save Game Folder (The start of the path pointing to your game servers root directory already exists, you only need to enter the folder you want it to be in on your server. So if you want it in the data folder, just put data\)

Iam Lack, Toast & Tolerant

Das ist schmutzig, falsch und moralisch höchst verwerflich....ok bin dabei!
Protector (WoW)
Grand Marshal
Alter: 49
Beiträge: 6840
Registriert: So 19 Aug, 2001 19:55


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