Legendary Drops Facts

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Legendary Drops Facts

Beitragvon Numenator » Di 15 Apr, 2014 10:01

Farming monsters and opening chests while out in the world in Torment I or higher can grant us any legendary drop within the game, which includes class-specific set items.
Monsters and chests are believed to share the same loot table.
Kadala has access to any Legendary in the game, apart from Torment Legendaries. Kadala can offer any Legendary piece of gear you could obtain through Normal to Master Difficulty.
Horadric Caches can drop any Legendary in the game, aside from Torment class-specific-set-items, and they can also drop Bounty-Exclusive Loot.

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Iam Lack, Toast & Tolerant

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Re: Legendary Drops Facts

Beitragvon Numenator » Di 15 Apr, 2014 10:05

This list contains Legendary items which can only be found within Horadric Caches, which are rewards from completing all of the Bounties within a single act in Adventure Mode.
Avarice Band Ring III & IV Each time you pick up gold, increase your Gold and Health Pickup radius by 1 yard for 10 seconds, stacking up to 30 times.
Boots of Disregard Boots III & IV Gain 500 Life regeneration per Second for each second you stand still. This effect stacks up to 8 times.
Burst of Wrath 2-Handed Axe III & IV Killing enemies and destroying objects has a chance to grant 20% of your maximum primary resource.
Cloak of Deception Cloak (Demon Hunter) II & IV Enemy missiles sometimes pass through you harmlessly.
Coven's Criterion Shield II & IV You take 45–60% less damage from blocked attacks.
Death's Bargain Pants V & IV Gain an aura of death that deals 750–1000% of your Life per Second to enemies within 16 yards. You no longer regenerate Life.
Envious Blade Dagger III & IV Gain 100% Critical Hit Chance against enemies at full health.
Gloves of Worship Gloves II & IV Shrine effects last for 10 minutes.
Golden Gorget of Leoric Amulet I & IV After earning a massacre bonus, 4–6 Skeletons are summoned to fight by your side for 10 seconds.
Helltrapper Hand Crossbow (Demon Hunter) V & IV 7–10% chance on hit to summon a Spike Trap, Caltrops or Sentry.
Illusory Boots Boots II & IV You may move unhindered through enemies.
Insatiable Belt Belt III & IV Picking up a Health Globe increases your maximum Life by 5% for 15 seconds, stacking up to 5 times.
Mad Monarch's Scepter 1-Handed Mace I & IV After killing 10 enemies, you release a Poison Nova that deals 1050–1400% weapon damage as Poison to enemies within 30 yards.
Overwhelming Desire Amulet III & IV Chance on hit to charm the enemy. While charmed, the enemy takes 35% more damage.
Pandemonium Loop Ring V & IV Enemies slain while Feared die in a bloody explosion and cause other nearby enemies to flee in Fear.
Pauldrons of the Skeleton King Shoulders I & IV When receiving fatal damage, there is a chance that you are instead restored to 25% of maximum Life and cause nearby enemies to flee in fear.
Pride's Fall Helm III & IV Your resource costs are reduced by 30% after not taking damage for 5 seconds.
Ring of Royal Grandeur Ring I & IV Reduces the number of items needed for set bonuses by 1 (to a minimum of 2).
Salvation Shield (Crusader) V & IV Blocked attacks heal you and your allies for 20–30% of the amount blocked.
Sanguinary Vambraces Bracers I & IV Chance on being hit to deal 1000% of your Thorns damage to nearby enemies.
Soulsmasher 2 Handed Mace V & IV When you kill an enemy, it explodes for 450–600% of your Life per Kill as damage to all enemies within 20 yards. You no longer benefit from your Life per Kill.
Zuletzt geändert von Numenator am Di 15 Apr, 2014 10:20, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

Iam Lack, Toast & Tolerant

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Re: Legendary Drops Facts

Beitragvon Numenator » Di 15 Apr, 2014 10:06

!!! Horadric Cache Legendaries Have Unique Secondary Stats !!!

Iam Lack, Toast & Tolerant

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Re: Legendary Drops Facts

Beitragvon Numenator » Di 15 Apr, 2014 10:07

Horadric Caches obtained in Act IV can contain exclusive legendary rewards from all acts. Thus, it’s best to farm Act IV Bounties, which are efficient to begin with, unless you are gunning for a specific exclusive legendary. If there is a particular legendary item that you are after, then farming the Act it’s specific to will increase your chances somewhat since there will be fewer legendaries for it to roll against.

Iam Lack, Toast & Tolerant

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Re: Legendary Drops Facts

Beitragvon Numenator » Di 15 Apr, 2014 10:08

Torment Only Legendary Items
This guide lists all of the Diablo 3 Legendary items which only drop in Torment difficulty. All of the items on this list can only be looted from monsters or chests (in Torment difficulty I through VI), and cannot be obtained through Horadric Caches or by gambling Blood Shards with Kadala. Regardless of difficulty level, none of the items listed on this page can be dropped from a Horadric Cache or sold by Kadala.

Class Specific Item Sets

The following class-specific sets were added in Reaper of Souls and are only available in difficulty levels Torment I through VI.

Barbarian: The Legacy of Raekor

Barbarian CrestHead: Raekor’s Will
Shoulders: Raekor’s Burden
Torso: Raekor’s Heart
Hands: Raekor’s Wraps
Legs: Raekor’s Breeches
Feet: Raekor’s Striders
Set Bonuses:

2 pieces: +500 Vitality
4 pieces: +500 Strength
6 pieces: Furious Charge gains the effect of every rune.
Crusader: Armor of Akkhan

Crusader CrestHead: Helm of Akkhan
Shoulders: Pauldrons of Akkhan
Torso: Breastplate of Akkhan
Hands: Gauntlets of Akkhan
Legs: Cuisses of Akkhan
Feet: Sabatons of Akkhan
Set Bonuses:

2 pieces: +500 Strength
4 pieces: Reduce the cost of all abilities by 50% while Akarat’s Champion is active.
6 pieces: Reduce the cooldown of Akarat’s Champion by 50%.
Demon Hunter: Embodiment of the Marauder

Demon Hunter CrestHead: Marauder’s Visage
Shoulders: Marauder’s Spines
Torso: Marauder’s Carapace
Hands: Marauder’s Gloves
Legs: Marauder’s Encasement
Feet: Marauder’s Treads
Set Bonuses:

2 pieces: +500 Dexterity
4 pieces: Companion calls all companion types to your side.
6 pieces: Sentries cast your equipped Hatred spenders.
Monk: Raiment of a Thousand Storms

Monk CrestHead: Mask of the Searing Sky
Shoulders: Mantle of the Upside-Down Sinners
Torso: Heart of the Crashing Wave
Hands: Fists of Thunder
Legs: Scales of the Dancing Serpent
Feet: Eight-Demon Boots
Set Bonuses:

2 pieces: +500 Dexterity
4 pieces: Lightning skills deal 15% more damage.
6 pieces: Whenever you teleport to an enemy, release Lightning at all nearby enemies for 100% weapon damage.
Witch Doctor: Helltooth Harness

Witch Doctor CrestHead: Mask of Jeram
Shoulders: Helltooth Mantle
Torso: Helltooth Tunic
Hands: Helltooth Gauntlets
Legs: Helltooth Leg Guards
Feet: Helltooth Greaves
Set Bonuses:

2 pieces: +500 Intelligence
4 pieces: Reduces cooldown of Wall of Zombies by 2 seconds.
6 pieces: Wall of Zombies spews acid, dealing 300% weapon damage every second for its entire duration.
Wizard: Firebird’s Finery

Wizard CrestHead: Firebird’s Plume
Shoulders: Firebird’s Pinions
Torso: Firebird’s Breast
Hands: Firebird’s Talons Wizard Gloves
Legs: Firebird’s Down
Feet: Firebird’s Tarsi
Off-Hand: Firebird’s Eye
Set Bonuses:

2 pieces: +500 Intelligence
4 pieces: When you die, a meteor falls from the sky and revives you. This effect has a 300 second cooldown.
6 pieces: Enemies killed by Fire damage explode and set nearby enemies on Fire, dealing 300% weapon damage over 5 seconds.
Reaper of Souls Theme Sets

The following sets do not have class restrictions, but some of them are flavored with bonuses that only apply to certain classes, and in the case of Bastion’s Paired Blades, Barbarians and Monks will be the only 2 classes able to acquire the bonus.

Classes whose thumbnail portraits are shaded will find these sets less than ideal.

Bastions of Will

This set of rings can work just fine for any class.

All D3 ClassesRing: Focus
Ring: Restraint
Set Bonus:

Your primary resource spenders that spent resource deal 50% more damage while you are at full resource.
Istavan’s Paired Blades

Unless you’re dual wielding for the set bonus you’re probably not going to use these blades, therefore, Barbarians and Monks will be the 2 classes gunning for Istavan’s Paired Blades.

Barb & Monk1-Hand: Little Rogue
1-Hand: The Slanderer
Set Bonus:

Every time you spend primary resource, you gain 6%increased attack speed for 5 seconds. This effect stacks up to 5 times.
Might of the Earth

Both set bonuses apply to the Barb’s Earthquake ability making it a somewhat lackluster choice for any of the classes which are not Children of Bul-Kathos.

BarbHead: Eyes of the Earth
Shoulders: Spires of the Earth
Hands: Pull of the Earth
Legs: Weight of the Earth
Set Bonuses:

2 pieces: Reduce the cooldown of Earthquake by 2 seconds every time it kills an enemy.
4 pieces: Cause an Earthquake when you land after using Leap.
Monkey King’s Garb

Due to the set bonuses which both cater to the Monk class, this set is more or less reserved for the warriors of Ivgorod.

MonkHead: Sunwuko’s Crown
Shoulders: Sunwuko’s Balance
Hands: Sunwuko’s Paws
Amulet: Sunwuko’s Shines
Set Bonuses:

2 pieces: While a Combat Staff is equipped, all damage is increased by 20%.
4 pieces: Spending 75 Spirit causes a decoy to spawn that taunts nearby enemies and then explodes for 100% weapon damage as Holy.
The Shadow’s Mantle

The 4 piece bonus could apply to any class, but since the 2 piece bonus is Demon Hunter-only, that sorta makes Shadow’s Mantle a little more ideal for DH’s, yet it’s not one of the better sets. It’ll do in a pinch, but unless this set gets buffed, Demon Hunters will likely look for replacement pieces as they venture further into Torment content.

Demon HunterTorso: The Shadow’s Bane
Hands: The Shadow’s Grasp
Legs: The Shadow’s Coil
Feet: The Shadow’s Heel
Set Bonuses:

2 pieces: Automatically cast Smoke Screen when you fall below 25% Life. This effect may occur once every 30 seconds.
4 pieces: Reduce all cooldowns by 1 second every time you kill a demon.
Thorns of the Invoker

This set can work for any class, but the 4 piece bonus will shine most when used with a Barbarian or Crusader, due to their respective passives: Tough as Nails and Iron Maiden. To a lesser degree, Witch Doctors may also find this set useful (when Fierce Loyalty is taken), but ideally you’d want to achieve the 4 piece bonus using a Ring of Royal Grandeur. This is so you don’t have to give up your Voodoo Mask slot.

Barb, Crusader & WDHead: Crown of the Invoker
Shoulders: Burden of the Invoker
Wrists: Shackles of the Invoker
Hands: Pride of the Invoker
Set Bonuses:

2 pieces: Ranged and melee attackers take 4000 damage per hit.
4 pieces: Your Thorns damage now hits all enemies in a 15 yard radius.
Raiment of the Jade Harvester

Witch Doctors and Wizards will enjoy the 2 piece bonus, but with 4 pieces, this set is all about da voodoo.

Witch DoctorHead: Jade Harvester’s Wisdom
Shoulders: Jade Harvester’s Joy
Torso: Jade Harvester’s Peace
Hands: Jade Harvester’s Mercy
Legs: Jade Harvester’s Courage
Feet: Jade Harvester’s Swiftness
Set Bonuses:

2 pieces: +500 Intelligence
4 pieces: Increases Mana Regeneration by 20.00 per Second (Witch Doctor Only)
6 pieces: Soul Harvest consumes your damage over time effects on enemies, instantly dealing their remaining damage.
Vyr’s Amazing Arcana

The 2 piece bonus of this set can work well for a Witch Doctor or a Wizard, but the 4 piece bonus is flavored for Wizards.

WizardTorso: Vyr’s Astonishing Aura
Hands: Vyr’s Grasping Gauntlets
Legs: Vyr’s Fantastic Finery
Feet: Vyr’s Swaggering Stance
Set Bonuses:

2 pieces: +500 Intelligence
4 pieces: Archon gains the effect of every rune.
Follower Items

There are 6 Legendary Follower Specials which can drop in Torment difficulty — 2 for each class. The items all contain 5 random magic properties + a powerful unique effect, which is either: Gain access to all skills -or- Your follower cannot die. Obviously, these Legendary follower items are quite amazing for solo play.

Enchantress Focus

Legendary Enchantress FocusesHand of the Prophet
Smoking Thurible

Scoundrel Token

Legendary Scoundrel TokensRibald Etchings
Skeleton Key

Templar Relic

Legendary Templar RelicsEnchanting Favor
Relic of Akarat

Legendary Bottomless Potions

Legendary Bottomless PotionsThere are 6 Legendary potions which not only have unique one-use effects, but are also unlimited use. These potions share the same 30 second cooldown of regular health potions, so they’re basically a health potion replacement. If you’re lucky enough to find one, just drag it into your potion slot in your action bar and you’re good to go.

Bottomless Potion of Kulle-Aid

Kool Aid ManDrinking Kulle-Aid allows you to burst through walls summoned by Waller elites for 5 seconds.
Bottomless Potion of Mutilation

Increases Life per Kill by 4000–8000 for 5 seconds.
Bottomless Potion of Regeneration

Restores an additional 25000–45000 Life over 5 seconds.
Bottomless Potion of the Diamond

Increases Resist All by 50–100 for 5 seconds.
Bottomless Potion of the Leech

Increases Life per Hit by 1500–3000 for 5 seconds.
Bottomless Potion of the Tower

Increases Armor by 10% for 5 seconds.

Iam Lack, Toast & Tolerant

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Re: Legendary Drops Facts

Beitragvon Cyan » Di 15 Apr, 2014 11:06

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