Melee Changes

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Melee Changes

Beitragvon Aviendha » Mi 19 Nov, 2003 09:56

EverQuest Chat on November 24th at 6:00pm - 7:00pm pacific time. Melee System Enhancements!
You've been asking for them and now we're ready to discuss them. We're taking a big departure from what many of you are used to when it comes to combat. With that in mind, here is a brief summary of these exciting enhancements to better help you target your questions to us during the live chat. Don't worry if you miss the chat, we'll post the logs on

Increase the contributions melee classes provide in a group setting
Address the current deficit between the pure melee classes and other classes
Add more depth and potential for skilled play to melee combat
Provide a system that encourages attentiveness and decision-making skills, without focusing heavily on twitch gameplay

Take advantage of an opponent's weakness. See an opening, strike home for the kill!

Monks, Rogues and Warriors will gain the ability to recognize certain weaknesses in an opponent's defense. These "Openings" will be a variety of types and can occur based on several different situations during combat. Be quick though, an opening will not present itself for long. Strike quick with a new combat skill once your character recognizes an opening. These new combat skills are being designed just for this combat system revision. Using and maintaining these skills expends the character's Endurance (a new statistic, calculated from the character's basic stats).

Here's a combat example:

A warrior is serving as the tank for his group, standing in front of a goblin. While battling the goblin, the warrior makes an exceptional parry and is presented with an opening. An indicator appears with the "opening icon" and the word "Parry" next to it (this information also appears in the chat window).

Now is his opportunity to strike back after the exceptional parry! Only certain combat skills can be used to react to a parry opening. Other types of openings will allow the use of other skills. Some skills may be usable in response to more than one type of opening. Also, your position in relation to the target can change the effectiveness of certain skills.

In this case, our warrior knows that he can use one of three combat skills, each having some merit. One might stun the target, one might increase the hate generated by the warrior for a few rounds, and one might make it easier for everyone to hit the NPC.

In this case, our warrior elects to try to stun the goblin. He presses the appropriate button and luck smiles upon him as he successfully executes the strike, leaving the goblin standing dumbly for a combat round.

Increasing Your Endurance and Learning New Skills

Increase Endurance by increasing attributes or by acquiring special items that directly increase your Endurance pool
Find tomes or instructions manuals and take them to specific trainers to learn new skills
Choose your skills from skill categories (such as Tactical) containing skills focused to a purpose
Most openings are available only to a single character, but some are available to all nearby characters
Disciplines will be transferred to this new system
Existing Discipline timers will be reviewed, and several will probably be set to their own timer
Disciplines will require an Endurance cost
Hybrids will receive a limited Endurance pool for their disciplines
There will be other changes as well. Keep your eyes on the Test server and our update messages for more details as we move forward.

This new system is much more flexible than the existing disciplines. It will be relatively easy to add new combat skills, as well as new skills that are not limited to openings. This system creates the possibility for tremendous enhancement in the future, allowing groups a large number of options when it comes to melee combat.

Talk to you in the Live Chat!



Hört sich interessant an, bin echt mal gespannt.
Vor allem hört sich das nach vielen emergency patchs an 8)
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Beitragvon Fanorn » Mi 19 Nov, 2003 10:05

Klingt soweit nicht schlecht, gibts in DAoC bereits seit geraumer Zeit in ähnlicher Form und trägt deutlich zum Spass am Melee spielen bei, allerdings ist dann die Zeit des "123 123 123 123" und nebenher essen/schlafen/chatten/lesen/telephonieren/Zweitie spielen mehr oder minder vorbei, da man da relativ aufmerksam mitlesen muß, wann man seine "special strikes" einsetzt.
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Beitragvon chorshais dreadbrood » Mi 19 Nov, 2003 10:20

Also mir fehlt da eigentlich das, was der grund für den warriorstreik ist...

Wo ist die Taunt-Verbesserung für warrior? Wenn das alles sein soll (schön und gut, aber wie fanorn sagt... 123 123 123 ist nimmer, und das wird nicht unbedingt als toll bewertet werden...) glaube ich nicht dass die warrior zufrieden gestellt sind :?
Trust will always end in betrayal... while trust hurts, betrayal kills!
chorshais dreadbrood
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Beitragvon Minyatur Laurelin » Mi 19 Nov, 2003 10:51

Für mich klingen die Verbesserungen sehr gut :)

Der Grund warum die Warrior gestreikt haben ist nicht nur das Aggromanagement sondern weil ein Warrior zum Schluss gar nix mehr konnte ausser Kick, Taunt, Beg.
Und nachdem sie beim dmg an letzter stelle der reinen melees kommen, blieb das einzig sinnvolle vom warrior nur noch die aggro halten, aber nichtmal da waren sie die besten.

Wenn warrior jetzt aber wieder allgemein besser zu spielen sind (und warrior bei den skills ja wie im beispiel wählen können zwischen einem spezialangriff der seine aggro erhöht, dann klingt das für mich nach nem recht guten Patch :)

Dass es jetzt sicher anstrengender wird nen reinen Melee zu spielen, finde ich nicht unbedingt als Nachteil :)

All jene die sich so nen char hochgezogen haben ohne sich wirklich damit zu beschäftigen (und monks z.B. gibts tausende davon weil er ne zeitlang ein super solo spieler war und sehr hilfreich war in gruppen), werden jetzt dann eher aufhören sie zu spielen :D
Und all jene die die Klasse spielen weil es einfach "ihre" Klasse ist, die werden sich darüber freuen dass sie mehr machen können und dass sie wieder sinnvoller werden. Dass es kein stupides 123 123 mehr ist :)


wish you were beer...
Mario aka [EQ] Minyatur Laurelin aka [WoW] Minyatur (ehm. Thorgrim) + Pets + Mounts + Tabards (+ Brett- & Kartenspiele)
"I'll be more enthusiastic about encouraging thinking outside the box when there's evidence of any thinking going on inside it." -- Terry Pratchett
Minyatur Laurelin
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Beitragvon Turbat » Mi 19 Nov, 2003 16:47

wuensche mir fuer necros auch ne aenderung wo die wapler zur aufgabe des nec zwingt *G
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Beitragvon Aviendha » Di 25 Nov, 2003 09:11

Session Start: Mon Nov 24 21:02:47 2003
Session Ident: #everquest
[21:02] * Now talking in #everquest
[21:02] * Topic is 'everquest'

[21:03] <avancouvering> Hello everyone. We'll be starting here in a minute or two.

[21:05] <avancouvering> Welcome to the chat.
[21:05] <avancouvering> Thank you for coming. We'll be taking questions about the upcoming enhancement to melee classes. If you haven't read the outline for those changes, please visit site (specifically - to read up on the proposed changes. Ask us anything you'd like about the new system or melee in general. If we don't have time to answer them all here, we'll be recording th
[21:05] <avancouvering> Please send your questions to AVanCouvering.

[21:05] <PCarrico> Evening everyone. I am Paul Carrico, Assistant Lead Game Designer on EverQuest. Or as others have known me, Frizznik the Gnome.
[21:05] <Hobart> Hello, I am Todd Schmidt, Assistant Lead Programmer on EverQuest. I am known has Hobart on Test Server.
[21:06] <jtroy> Hey, I'm John Troy, Game Designer on EverQuest
[21:06] <Osmith> Hello everyone. I'm Oliver J. Smith, the Lead Designer of EverQuest Live & Expansions. Other may remember me as Valtron.
[21:06] <jryan> Hey, I am Jamey Ryan, Lead Programmer on EverQuest.
[21:06] <rbarker> Hi, I'm Ryan Barker game Designer for EQ, sometimes known as Rytan.
[21:07] <Osmith> others, rather. Ahh well...
[21:07] <Osmith>

[21:09] <rbarker> 1300 people typing > Absor reading >: )
[21:09] <rbarker> hang tight guys we've got one coming up

[21:09] <avancouvering> *Wilhelm_Lany* hi. I have a three-fold of questions. 1) Can we expect any changes in terms of agro on demand; instant agro generation, without waiting for an opening.? 2) how will increasing the endurance bar work, in terms of getting higher endurance, and endurance regen? 3) how will accessing these new skills once the opening is available work?

[21:10] <avancouvering> We're getting a lot of questions. So it will take us a moment to sort through them.
[21:11] <jtroy> 1) Yes, the system we're getting allows us to create abilities that aren't tied to openings. We will be giving warriors more options for aggro generation
[21:12] <jtroy> 2) The endurance bar is based on your melee stats and level. Regen is currently based on your level

[21:13] <avancouvering> We are only answering questions about the melee changes and melee concerns. Please don't deluge me with other types of questions.
[21:13] <jtroy> 3) There will be an extra UI window to put hotkeys for the new skills, which will be accessible with keyboard shortcuts
[21:13] <rbarker> we're still tuning specific values so we don't have actual numbers set in stone yet for endurance costs and regen.

[21:13] <avancouvering> *Galidin* How do you intend to maintain the desireability of knights in your new melee system when they allready produce far less damage then pure melee, while you fix core issues such as taunt which have been the strong suit of knights?
[21:14] <rbarker> There's several aspects of the melee revamp, one aspect of which is the new opening system. There's plans on addressing other specific problems with melee in addition to the new system.
[21:15] <rbarker> The goal is to create a balance where knights and warriors both have equal desirablity in different situations.
[21:16] <rbarker> We're really excited about all the new changes we're making and we're anquious to get them out on test where we can tune them and see them in action.

[21:16] <avancouvering> *Coronis* When are you anticipating these changes going live on regular servers?
[21:16] <Osmith> Our changes are expected to go live during the December 16th update that'll be happening next month. We also plan on introducing them to the Test Server very soon. Feel free to log on the Test Server and use /feedback to tell us what you think about our changes. We'd be happy to hear everyone's thoughts on the systems that are being created.

[21:16] <avancouvering> *CeNo65-FOH* how will acumen zing and others spells with similar effects, pertain to the new changes?
[21:17] <rbarker> We're removing the old invigor type effects that restored stamina entirely for now. It's possible we'll be adding endurance regen abilties later on but for now we don't want melee to be an more dependant on getting buffs to make use of the new system.
[21:18] <rbarker> We decided to do that because it's really an entirely new system, and has very little to do with how the old stamina bar worked.

[21:18] <avancouvering> *Hamen* Will these Melee changes effect everyone from level the first level on?
[21:19] <PCarrico> You will be able to take advantage of the new melee opening system when you begin recieving new combat abilities at level 20.

[21:19] <avancouvering> *Illydth* As far as openings go, will any class be able to create an opening for themselves or are openings only created by certain classes?
[21:21] <jtroy> You will be able to take advantage of openings that you create. Some openings will work for everyone, but there's no link between your opening and someone elses. There are no combinations or dependencies on other players.

[21:22] <avancouvering> *ScootD* how can you acquire the new melee abilities?
[21:22] <rbarker> The new abilities will be acquired by taking a "skill tome" to your guild master and he'll teach you the skill. Most of the basic skill swill be available on vendors, while a few high level ones will be drops. Right now we're planning on giving almost all of the sub 60 skills on merchants and having the 60+ skills using a system similar to the parchments quests in Planes of Power. From there on out we'll most likely make use of the same m
[21:23] <rbarker> From there on out we'll most likely make use of the same methods that you already use to acquire any other type of item.
[21:23] <rbarker> sorry, my first response got cut off >: )

[21:24] <avancouvering> *Lendaor* are many openings going to be based on mob placement? Such as from behind the mob as aposed to being infront?
[21:24] <rbarker> None of the abilities currently take advantage of your position relative to the mob, so no you won't have to be behind or in front of the mob in order to take advantage of the new abilities.

[21:26] <avancouvering> *Badu* will pure melee have their current dps lowered to take into account the extra dps from this system?
[21:27] <rbarker> No, there will be no decrease in melee's DPS to account for the increase from the new system. We're creating the system in such a way that they'll fit in right on top of the old one.
[21:27] <PCarrico> Good thing Absor got lasik to read all the questions flying across his screen.

[21:27] <avancouvering> *Subayai* Will disciplines be overhauled are are you simply transfering them over to this endurance system? Most melees only use 1 or 2 disciplines, because the others serve no useful purpose in their current state .
[21:28] <jtroy> We'll be making changes to some of the disciplines that aren't very useful, as well as giving them different timers. You will still only be able to have one discipline going at a time

[21:29] <avancouvering> *Flaash* how long will the play have to take advantage of an opening, and how will excessive server side Lag (elemental planes) handle this ?
[21:31] <jtroy> We're still tuning it, but our goal is to make the strategy be in what skill you decide is best to use at the time, not in fast-reaction or twitch gameplay

[21:31] <avancouvering> *Sabrosia* HOW will these openings be presented? for instance, will a new window open - and we click a button - will we have to issue a command?
[21:31] <Hobart> There will be a UI indicator that pops up when you can activate an opening. And yes, you will be clicking a button as opposed to typing in a command. Once you activate the opening, that same window will show the opening effect.

[21:32] <avancouvering> *Dranix* will jumping to negotiate obstacles or people remove from my endurance pool for combat and disciplines?
[21:32] <Osmith> There have been a few questions with regards to upcoming expansions and features. At this time we cannot go into detail about what's in development. However, please make sure to watch the site for more information over the next few weeks.
[21:32] <rbarker> Jumping will drain a portion of your endurance yes, but it's a reltively minor amount.
[21:32] <rbarker> relatively even.

[21:33] <avancouvering> *Tenludar* How will skill points be handled for warriors that have already pogressed in the game? Will a level 65 be expected to spen hours doing nothing but training to get their skills up?
[21:34] <rbarker> You won't need to use skill points in order to learn the new skills, they're either on or off, there's no period of bringing them up to full power so to speak.
[21:34] <rbarker> The only thing you need to do is give the tome to the guild master and you'll have the full skill.

[21:35] <avancouvering> *Drewon-FoH* Will there be any new AA skills that are tied to, or create, these new melee abilities?
[21:35] <rbarker> There will AA abilites that will effect the new system yes. We don't have a hard and fast list for it yet though.

[21:38] <avancouvering> *Barney* it was mentioned some openings are available after certain skills go off, like parry. What about classes who do not have certain ablities. Like monks for example who lack parry.
[21:39] <jtroy> For monks, it's based on dodge, block, and riposte. We're tuning the rate that they happen based on the skills each class has.
[21:40] <Hobart> In addition to these melee changes, we have made a few others seperate from this. All warriors regardless of level will now mitigate a percentage of all incoming melee damage. Monk will also now be able to dodge when being hit from behind, this should aide thier pulling abilities.

[21:40] <avancouvering> *Voldeth-BB* How will the new system affect a melee's role? Clearly it will support the tanking of a warrior, but what of the monk? What will their role be?
[21:43] <PCarrico> #ban Japy
[21:43] <jtroy> The melee skills aren't limited to the dps or defense of the player that uses it. There are debuffs and group affects as well. The goal with the skill sets is to provide more of a role for the pure melee during combat
[21:43] <PCarrico> Stop changing your name

[21:43] <avancouvering> *VALBARR* it has been stated by rbarker that position wont affect the skills, but in the chat overview, it states that position can change the effectiveness of certain skills ?
[21:44] <rbarker> The reference to the positional aspect in the doc on the website was an error. We're not going to have skills dependant on position.

[21:44] <avancouvering> *Dakkon* how many moves are you planning to introduce?
[21:45] <rbarker> We're planning on over 20 skills for each class to begin with and we'll be adding even more in the future.

[21:47] <avancouvering> *KyrosKrane* I apologize if this was asked before; I missed the first half of the chat. Assuming an extended fight (e.g., Luclin bosses), how many openings per unit time could each player of an appropriate class expect?
[21:49] <jtroy> We're still tuning it. We're looking at a few per fight, though. We're aiming for making each opening more important, not something that is making you hit an extra 20 keys a minute

[21:49] <avancouvering> *Avelariel* Can we make absolutely clear, these openings are solely for warriors, rogues and monks? Unless that's not the case
[21:49] <rbarker> Yes we're only adding the new opening system for warriors, rogues, and monks. The discipline system revamp will be for all classes that currently make use of disciplines though.

[21:51] <avancouvering> *Woody_GU* How exactly does this re-establish balance? Why does this constitute a "fix"? And not a bandaid on top of a semi-broken existing system?
[21:51] <rbarker> The new system is only one aspect of the melee revamp, there's several other changes in the works for them as well.
[21:52] <PCarrico> You can quote Barker in the comics Woody.
[21:52] <rbarker> One of the major advantages of the new system is allowing us to more easily add new abilites to the pure melee classes.
[21:54] <rbarker> There's several aspects of the existing system that are going to be adjusted, I'd keep an eye on test server if you're interested in more specifics.
[21:54] <rbarker> And yes you can quote me on that, as long as you don't draw me with a bandana >: )

[21:54] <avancouvering> *Arlos-LOS* If openings are tuned to block/dodge/riposte, what happens if we're not tanking? This would seem to be most applicable to monks & rogues. How do we activate the new abilities if we're, say, fighting a raid mob and doing DPS?
[21:55] <jtroy> There are other events that trigger openings based on your regular attacks. If you're in a situation where you aren't tanking, you'll get more of those kinds of openings.
[21:56] <jtroy> You have a chance to trigger an opening on any attack or special attack
[21:57] <jtroy> NPC's also have a chance to "fumble," creating an opening that anyone fighting it can take advantage of

[21:57] <avancouvering> *Layn* How will the new skills affect aggro if successfully used?
[21:58] <rbarker> There's several new abilities planned that will effect aggro generation. Some might increase your aggro while others might lower it.

[21:59] <avancouvering> *Adorae* just fix taunt? LOL
[22:01] <jtroy> Saying that taunt is the one and only issue is fairly shortsighted, I think. Pure melee have very few strategic decisions to make, don't get new abilities with an expansion the way casters do, and don't get as much from an item with both hp and mana. These are all issues that people have raised, and this system gives us a way to address them.

[22:03] <avancouvering> *Razorback* Will debuff disciplines stack, or will having more than one person using that make it a wasted use
[22:04] <rbarker> It really depends on the debuff. Generally there will be enough differnt abilities you can take advantage of that you'll have several skills that will be useful even if you have several of the same class present.

[22:07] <avancouvering> *faithcrusher* When an opening exxists, you will be offered more than one option? Like one that would be agressive in nature and one that would be defensive?
[22:07] <Hobart> When you are presented with an opening, you will have to make a decision on what type of ability you want to use. There will be many per opening type. And there are a few opening types.

[22:08] <avancouvering> <avancouvering> *Depen_Hoss* Will class specific items be adjusted to add endurance, or will we need to look for new items?
[22:09] <Osmith> We do plan on adding endurance stats onto existing items. We plan to have this done at the same time the new system is introduced next month (Dec. 16th).

[22:09] <avancouvering> *Kilbane_luc* Will we have to buy a new expansion to use these skills too?
[22:10] <PCarrico> This is a free feature. It will become available to everyone!

[22:11] <avancouvering> *Illydth* VERY important question: Since we have a chance to trigger a special attack with every attack, does it then mean that haste and dual wielding and double attacking means more "openings"?
[22:12] <jtroy> More attacks will help a little, but in general they scale around delay

[22:15] <avancouvering> Thanks for all of your great questions! We only have time for a few more, but remember, we'll be looking over the logs and we'll try to answer at least some of the questions that we don't have time for today on the web site later.

[22:15] <avancouvering> *Aeria* Question, this sounds great and all and maybe I missed this point..but if the openings are part of our text..thats ok for groups but major raids where the text OFTEN becomes sluggish means we will miss the opertunity to there going to be a visual clue?
[22:16] <jtroy> The opening is going to display on the UI - you won't have to watch your textbox for them
[22:19] <PCarrico> Another thing for warriors that some of you may have noticed on test is that you will now get a return message when taunt is used, so you will know if it was effective.
[22:23] <PCarrico> The taunt return message will be for everyone, not just Warriors.

[22:20] <avancouvering> *Aalek* Will the abilities have "cast" times? Can they be interrupted by the NPC? Can pure melee NPCs use the abilities against players?
[22:20] <jtroy> No, skills, like bash, kick, and taunt, are instant.

[22:21] <avancouvering> One more question and we have to go.

[22:26] <avancouvering> *Bumpper-Test* Will Taunt be increased for warriors?...Its a simple question that I know alot of warriors want to know
[22:26] <jtroy> Yes, we're giving warriors skills to better gain and keep hate\
[22:28] <jtroy> We're not changing the way Taunt itself works. We're adding a new skill that doesn't require an opening, as well as others that do, to address the issue.

[22:26] <avancouvering> *Xath* Ohh and thanks for taking the time to chat with us guys (and gals if you have any there). The changes looks promising, and I for one at least appreciate the attention and info.
[22:27] <avancouvering> We're hoping to do this on a more regular basis. It's a lot of fun for us, and hopefully provides some useful information.
[22:27] <avancouvering> That's all the time we have. We should have a transcript posted on the site tomorrow. Thank you all for stopping in!
[22:28] <avancouvering> We've got a lot of new stuff coming up as well. We'll keep you informed on those things as they come up.
[22:28] <avancouvering> Check on the Live site for information.

[22:29] <PCarrico> Thanks for stopping by everyone. Keep an eye on test for more changes, if you feel inclined you can hop onto test and use /testbuff to level your current character to level 25.

[22:29] <avancouvering> Thanks for stopping in.
[22:29] <Osmith> Thanks everyone. Have a good night!!
Grand Marshal
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Beitragvon Thuloom » Di 25 Nov, 2003 10:10

Hmmmm nur mal ne Frage (obwohl es mich eigentlich nicht betrifft), wäre es möglich das jemand der einigermaßen gut die Englische Sprache beherscht (oder zumindest etwas besser als ich) eine kurze deutsche Zusammenfassung in Deutsch dazupostet? Nicht jeder ist der Englischen Sprache in dem Ausmaße mächtig derartig lange Texte zu verstehen (irgendwann gibt man im Zweifell auf, wenn man mühsam 20 Zeilen begriffen hat und feststellt das in den 20 Zeilen keine Interessante Info war).

Es ist ja schön wenn sich jemand die Mühe macht, einen Originalstatement oder Chatmitschnitt zu posten, nur wäre für einige die 3 Zeilen wichtige Infos auf Deutsch interessanter :D

Es ist ja nicht so das ich zu faul bin , das einfach selbst zu machen, nur mein Englischskill suckt ein wenig, und bevor ich einige wichtige Infos falsch übersetze lasse ichs lieber :twisted:
Viele Grüße


Die hinterletzte Zeile
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Beitragvon Minyatur Laurelin » Di 25 Nov, 2003 10:10


In addition to these melee changes, we have made a few others seperate from this. All warriors regardless of level will now mitigate a percentage of all incoming melee damage. Monk will also now be able to dodge when being hit from behind, this should aide thier pulling abilities.

Endlich nimma das blinde Rückwärtsrennen damit ich nicht zu viel dmg abbekomme :D

wish you were beer...
Mario aka [EQ] Minyatur Laurelin aka [WoW] Minyatur (ehm. Thorgrim) + Pets + Mounts + Tabards (+ Brett- & Kartenspiele)
"I'll be more enthusiastic about encouraging thinking outside the box when there's evidence of any thinking going on inside it." -- Terry Pratchett
Minyatur Laurelin
Gildenleitung (WoW)
Grand Marshal
Alter: 46
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Registriert: Fr 31 Jan, 2003 12:51
Wohnort: St. Pölten

Beitragvon Naglafarn » Di 25 Nov, 2003 10:24

Endlich nimma das blinde Rückwärtsrennen damit ich nicht zu viel dmg abbekomme

Ich wußte das er eine Ausrede hat für seine "Mass Incs" :P
RL: Andreas + Warhammer: Nagul
EQ: Nagul (retired) + EQ2: Naglafarn (retired) + WoW: Naglafarn (retired)
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Beitragvon Minyatur Laurelin » Di 25 Nov, 2003 10:46

Neues Meleesystem

Reine Melee Klassen (warrior, monk, rogue) bekommen die Möglichkeit Öffnungen in der Deckung von Mobs zu generieren. Es gibt unterschiedliche arten von Öffnungen, je nachdem was man gerade macht (tanken, dps, ...). Die Öffnungen werden durch erfolgreiche parry, block, dodge, hit usw. geöffnet

Es wird in einem eigenen UI Fenster dann angezeigt dass eine Öffnung da ist und man bekommt verschiedene Zusatzangriffe zur Auswahl (je nach Art der Öffnung). Insgesamt soll jeder pure Melee 20 unterschiedliche Skills dazubekommen, die er bei solchen Öffnungen anwenden kann.

Das lernen diesers Skills wird über Bücher gemacht. Bis lvl 60 skills werden voraussichtlich bei Vendoren zu kaufen sein. Diese bringt man dann zu seinem Trainer und lernt den Skill.
Der Skill ist dann gleich auf dem Maximalwert, man braucht also nicht mühsam trainieren.

Bücher für skill 61+ sollen so auf die Art wie die EPs, SPs und Runen funktionieren.

Die Skills werden auf den Stamina Pool (gelber Balken) gehen. Springen wird dann nur sehr wenig abziehen und die skills eben je nach Stärke mehr. Der Staminabar wir von den Stats abhängen (wieviel man machen kann) und die regeneration voraussichtlich vom lvl.
Weiters wird es noch Endurence Stats geben, die auf die bereits vorhanden Items draufkommen, damit man nicht wieder neues Equipment kaufen muss.

Weiters werden die Disciplinen überarbeitet werden. Die Timer werden neu angesehen und geändert, es werden manche Disciplinen entkoppelt (man kann auch weiterhin nur eine Disci gleichzeitig laufen haben, aber man braucht nicht warten bis der reusetimer von der anderen disci wieder voll ist, um eine entkoppelte einzusetzen).
Die Disciplinen werden ebenfalls auf den Endurence Pool gelegt (bei allen die discis verwenden, nicht nur bei pure melee).

Ein Beispiel:
Ein Warrior ist Tank für eine gruppe und steht vor dem Mob. Während des Kampfes, macht der Warrior ein "exceptional parry" und wird mit einer Öffnung belohnt. Ein Anzeiger erscheint mit einem öffnen icon und "Parry" daneben stehen (das steht in einem eigenen UI Fenster).
Jetzt kann der Warrior zurückschlagen. Er kann nur ein paar seiner (20) Skills einsätzen um auf eine Abwehröffnung zu reagieren. Ander Arten von Öffnungen würden ihm das anwenden von anderen skills ermöglichen. Manche skills kann beim bei allen Arten von Öffnungen anwenden.
In dem Fall oben hat der Warrior jetzt 3 Möglichkeiten zu reagieren. Eine könnte den Mob z.B. Stunnen, eine könnte die aggro generation von ihm erhöhen und eine könnte es für alle leichter machen den mob zu treffen.
Er entscheidet sich für den stun. Das glück ist ihm hold und er stunnt den mob für eine runde.

Spells die den Staminabalken wieder ganz auffüllen bzw. schneller regenerieren werden rausgenommen (wenn der spell mehrere Dinge macht wie z.B. Acumen, wird nur die Stamina Regeneration rausgenommen).

Die ersten Skills wird man ab lvl 20 bekommen.

Öffnungen erzeugt man nur für sich selbst, es gibt aber auch welche die für alle wirken. Abhängigkeiten von anderen gibts aber nicht (Kombinationen von Skills).

Wo man beim mob steht (vorne, hinten, seite) ist egal.

Öffnungen werden länger geöffnet sein, damit man Zeit hat zu entscheiden was der beste skill wäre in dieser Situation. Es wird kein schnellklickdingends werden.

Es wird auch neue AA Skills geben die sich auf diese neuen Combatskills/Öffnungen beziehen. Doch welche ist noch nicht zu 100% festgelegt.

Es wird noch getunt und probiert, geplant ist auf jeden Fall dass es ein paar Öffnungen pro Fight gegen Bossmobs (z.B. Luclin) gibt.

Die Häufigkeit der Öffnungen wird voraussichtlich vom dly der Waffe abhängen.

Beim Taunt wird auch was gemacht. Es wird sowohl einen skill geben der nicht von einer Öffnung abhängig ist, als auch welche die davon abhängig sind.

So, hoffe ich hab alles wichtige erwischt :D

wish you were beer...
Mario aka [EQ] Minyatur Laurelin aka [WoW] Minyatur (ehm. Thorgrim) + Pets + Mounts + Tabards (+ Brett- & Kartenspiele)
"I'll be more enthusiastic about encouraging thinking outside the box when there's evidence of any thinking going on inside it." -- Terry Pratchett
Minyatur Laurelin
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Registriert: Fr 31 Jan, 2003 12:51
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Beitragvon Minyatur Laurelin » Di 25 Nov, 2003 10:47

pfft Nagul :P
wish you were beer...
Mario aka [EQ] Minyatur Laurelin aka [WoW] Minyatur (ehm. Thorgrim) + Pets + Mounts + Tabards (+ Brett- & Kartenspiele)
"I'll be more enthusiastic about encouraging thinking outside the box when there's evidence of any thinking going on inside it." -- Terry Pratchett
Minyatur Laurelin
Gildenleitung (WoW)
Grand Marshal
Alter: 46
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Registriert: Fr 31 Jan, 2003 12:51
Wohnort: St. Pölten

Beitragvon Chili » Di 25 Nov, 2003 11:58

Angeblich werden Warrior zukünftig (egal welcher Level) einen Teil des Damage mitigieren, auch schon ohne AAs.
Habens in einem Nebensatz erwähnt.

Trotz der Zusatzskills wird bei keiner Meleeklasse der DPS reduziert.
Behind every great Mage, sits a Priest, out of Mana...
I love my Guildies, until they talk...

Das einzige was einen guten Mage aufhält:
StGB SS328 Absatz 2.3: Mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu fünf Jahren oder mit Geldstrafe wird bestraft, wer eine nukleare Explosion verursacht
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Beitragvon Minyatur Laurelin » Di 25 Nov, 2003 12:04

Ja, das steht in meinem Post vor der Übersetzung. Da steht auch das drinnen dass Monks auch dodgen können wenns von hinten angegriffen werden :D

wish you were beer...
Mario aka [EQ] Minyatur Laurelin aka [WoW] Minyatur (ehm. Thorgrim) + Pets + Mounts + Tabards (+ Brett- & Kartenspiele)
"I'll be more enthusiastic about encouraging thinking outside the box when there's evidence of any thinking going on inside it." -- Terry Pratchett
Minyatur Laurelin
Gildenleitung (WoW)
Grand Marshal
Alter: 46
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Registriert: Fr 31 Jan, 2003 12:51
Wohnort: St. Pölten

Beitragvon Chandi » Di 25 Nov, 2003 12:43

Grmpfs - neeeeeee - da hat man extra nen Warrior, weils so schön erholsam ist und man nix Dolles lernen muß - und jetzt SO VIEL auf einmal ?
Da brauch ich ja Nachhilfeunterricht und wär erstmal tagelang damit beschäftigt .... neeeeeeeeee ...

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Beitragvon Keltania » Sa 29 Nov, 2003 00:51

Ist ja ne ganze Menge auf einmal was dort passieren wird ... ich bin mal gespannt ;):D
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