EverQuest Ports?

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EverQuest Ports?

Beitragvon Theldor » Fr 02 Apr, 2004 10:07


auf welchen Ports läuft EQ?
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Beitragvon Fanorn » Fr 02 Apr, 2004 10:11

Aus der KB:

Here is the solution: EverQuest: What connection ports does EverQuest use?
Port ranges for the EverQuest game are 1023 to 65535 and trigger port at 7000. These Ports are virtual doorways that allow connection to and from the servers.
These virtual doorways for the game are uncommon for the most part and must be allowed through your Internet Service Provider.
If these ports are not open, it could cause you from not being able to log in a specific character or zone. You may also experience crashing to desktop during these events.
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Beitragvon Aviendha » Fr 02 Apr, 2004 10:15

Port ranges for the EverQuest game are 1023 to 65535 and trigger port at 7000

Das ist ja schon eine gewaltige Einschränkung :P
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Beitragvon Theldor » Fr 02 Apr, 2004 10:15

1023 bis 65K?????

Da kann ich die Tore ja gleich komplett aufmachen :)

Was ist ein Trigger Port?
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Beitragvon Fanorn » Fr 02 Apr, 2004 11:18

Fandorin - retired
Fanonia - Witch Elf - MIA
Fanorn Covenant, Rear Admiral, Joined Trill, USS Moonglow-E - lost in a Wormhole
Fanorn of Rivendell - Elf Hunter
Alter: 57
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Registriert: Mi 15 Aug, 2001 12:50
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Beitragvon Theldor » Fr 02 Apr, 2004 11:32

Ja, danke. habe nun aber ersteinmal pauschal alle Ports >1023 für UDP und TCP auf gemacht.
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