Caster DPS "Fix"

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Caster DPS "Fix"

Beitragvon kthxbye » Do 02 Jun, 2005 07:30 ... genumber=1

"So here's a little snippet of damage display that shows the continued silliness in WoW's basic game core functionality.

Dreamweave armor adds 1-35 damage to damaging spells. Rather than check that value each time a spell is cast they decided to save themselves some floating point calcs and only check it ONCE... that time being when the armor is first put on.

So you put on a Dreamweave Vest and a roll is made and that value is added to your global damage modifier. When you take the vest off it makes another roll and subtracts that value from your global spell damage modifier. Note that it doesn't take off the SAME random value it added when you put it on, but instead takes off a different random value from 1-35.

So say you put the vest on and it rolls a 10 and so all yer spells are at +10 damage. If you take it off then it rolls a 27. Now you are at -17 damage to all spells you cast... Not a good thing!

However if you get lucky then your put-on roll is higher than your take-off roll and you end up with a NET gain of +damage. This is endlessly repeatable so via a random walk process you can end up with a HUGE +damage modifier and then put on your Arcanist or whatever real armor to go adventuring in. Of course you are equally likely to end up with a HUGE -damage modifier so you have to take care to keep track of what your modifier is at any time and dress/undress accordingly.

Credit goes to a mage in my guild who stumbled upon this bug and was amusing himself with it to generate that screenshot above (and caused everyone in the guild to go WHAT THE @%@%^ when they saw his damage parses) I am told that this has been used by less scrupulous types for a good long time now."

Los Brix nun geh DM soloen. :P
Mehr Kommentare erlaube ich mir nicht mehr ^_^
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Beitragvon Brixyr » Do 02 Jun, 2005 15:53

ihr pallies habt eh ne eigene ansicht, was man unter "damage" zu verstehen hat ;) , aber diese schlamperei schockiert mich schon etwas. so kann man sich mit "ub0r-items" zum gimp equippen. ich sag´s ja immer, hol dir n paar greens aus dem ah und gut isses. :P

ps: ceterum censeo (wie lange hat der das gesagt? 40 jahre?) echt mal wieder n dm-run, 2 sachen muss ich da noch rausholen (amulett und gordok-handschuhe. nein, ned + damage, plus crit und das hamse angeblich gefixt^^).
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