Unglaublich was amis verzapfen

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Unglaublich was amis verzapfen

Beitragvon madtom » Mi 06 Jul, 2005 13:33

Es startet mit der frechheit das europa evtl. einen pvp rp server bekommt und dann ....

http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/threa ... ost3854260
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Beitragvon Chili » Mi 06 Jul, 2005 14:15

Die Amies ham dermasen eine an der Klatsche:
And to think, we saved there butts twice. MAybe this time we should start the world war. I am sure if we dumb down the argument enough bush would take us to war for PvP/RP WoW servers.

First we save them in ww1... Then again in ww2... And now we give them PvP/RP server while blizzard tells us they have no plans of opening any here?

I say next world war, we let the Germans have em.

Well, I will be keeping this thread bumped until they delete it.

Soll ich antworten: "We Germans and Austrians didn't invite you those two times, nor do we now :P "
Zuletzt geändert von Chili am Mi 06 Jul, 2005 14:17, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
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