7dtd Alpha 9

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Re: 7dtd Alpha 9

Beitragvon Numenator » Mi 20 Aug, 2014 12:31

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Iam Lack, Toast & Tolerant

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Re: 7dtd Alpha 9

Beitragvon Numenator » Do 21 Aug, 2014 10:43

We're planning a nail gun. One click upgrade. The claw hammer is already a godsend.

We have a huge overhaul planned for ranged and melee weapons.

Military parts are ONLY found in those green army boxes.

I removed everything from cars because lead is nearly impossible to find. Now you can get what you would expect cars to have... car parts. We're trying to make containers make sense... we removed shotguns and sniper rifles from purses a while back... no complaints.

In the future you can craft your own chainsaw or find one in a hardware store. Right now chainsaws and augers are both retarded so I have made them rare until we can get them working properly, and cars need to drop car parts.

A9 is a first version of random gen. It will take some time to get it tuned in perfect, which won't be perfect as perfect is subjective.

As for PVP... we all know this game is currently meant to be played single player or coop with friends against zombies. PVP is slowly getting better, but we always wanted the zombie apocalypse to be so nasty that it would be difficult to PVP. Zombies aren't a serious threat in every other game and that is how we wanted to stand out.

I'm sure about 90% of our players play solo or coop and don't PVP.

Clay is so easy to find now if you know where to look. Just look in the forest for the tall cliff sides, or dig down under sand one meter down and there is about a 50% chance of hitting clay.

You can also make your own clay from corn meal and water

There is a bug with spawning on roofs of buildings.

We're planning on beds and chairs you can use which will speed healing rates so if you need to AFK it would be a good time to do that, or you could probably sit down in a chair and maybe still craft stuff.

Grass should only grow on player placed dirt. You might be able to make it grow by hoeing the dirt. Basically the "fertile dirt" block is the one that grows grass, I'm not sure if hoed dirt becomes the fertile dirt block we made for this though.

I was going to make it grow in stages from really short to medium and tall so people could have a manicured lawn if they wanted. We'd need a mower which is planned anyway for a way to find a small engine which will be used to make augers, chainsaws, mini bikes, generators and more.... so it might happen at some point.

You should only sprain your leg from a 6+ meter (about 20') fall

"I do hope the sense of danger in looting a building (in daylight) returns however " - "You have no idea how dangerous it will be in the near future "

This decision was made because the speed sort of scaled based on light level and you would see zombies sprinting in slow motion not really running. It didn't look good. Once we get mocap animations in some of the zombies will be much faster than the others. We also might add the ability for zombies to become feral in the future, and feral zombies will run regardless of the time. Basically if a zombie eats something he becomes feral. So if your friend gets eaten by the zombie, the zombie that killed him will become much stronger and faster. Or if you leave a deer carcass behind a zombie might eat that and get fast too. This will create a much more dynamic and unpredictable experience which is what it sounds like you are looking for.

Yeah but your campfire or forge won't slow them down at night now so it sort of balances out. In A10 some of the zombies that have motion driven animation will be faster and it will be more challenging in that regard.

We still have so many changes we want to implement that will improve the game its getting very exciting to have some of the bigger systems finally behind us so we can move quickly now.

"damn guys you are the greatest how big is the map havent find the end yet :-D thanks thanks thanks great job :-)" - "There is no end."

Iam Lack, Toast & Tolerant

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Re: 7dtd Alpha 9

Beitragvon Cyan » Do 21 Aug, 2014 10:52

I was going to make it grow in stages from really short to medium and tall so people could have a manicured lawn if they wanted. We'd need a mower which is planned anyway for a way to find a small engine which will be used to make augers, chainsaws, mini bikes, generators and more.... so it might happen at some point.

Da bin ich aber mal gespannt. :D
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Re: 7dtd Alpha 9

Beitragvon Numenator » Do 21 Aug, 2014 11:09

I doubt we'll see feet in first person, our animator says its too much work to make it look good. We do want to bring third person support back at some point though.

I am pretty sure a future version of random gen will allow players to tweak settings to have more flat or mountainous regions.

We are planning some sort wasteland radio where some survivors play music and broadcast occasional news as the story progresses.

One last word on electricity is that it shouldn't be viewed as wireless. Its just that the player won't be doing the wiring. TFP feels that its too granular and more of a construction sim feature than a survival feature. We already spend a lot of time building our bases we feel it would be more fun to just place the switches and electrical devices, and assume we did the wiring too. Games are an abstraction of reality and we only want the rewarding/fun/challenging parts.

Yes once mining is redone how we want, there should be cave ins and other hazards to deal with.

We're planning auto turrets. Bear traps. Maybe metal spikes. Have you tried land mines in a pit?

Trap doors and animated doors are coming in A10.

My idea of running power is finding an old power plant and running major thick cable underground from it to your house, to replace a generator. You would put a fuse panel somewhere and from there you would have a radius. Or repairing old wires that have been destroyed. Wiring up lights, doors, and other things will be not be done with wires, but like I described above. Using a block as a conduit is a decent idea, but that much is a given with our stability system blocks cannot float, therefore there is a conduit of blocks to the power.

What would be fun though is wiring up something without running cable. Install a light in the radius of a power source and that light is usable by activating it. Install a switch and set it to select child mode and click on the light(s) and the light is now controlled by the switch. Very complex systems will be possible, without the boring part of running wires, or frustration of troubleshooting why your stuff don't work because a crawler dug under your house and cut a wire.

Anyhow, just because something is fun in MC doesn't make it fit the tone of our true survival game, and our wireless idea doesn't impose any restrictions or limits people are imaging it to. What it will do is stimulate creativity, without reading 1000's of wikis on how to wire crap up. These are just my loose ideas, the rest of the team will collaborate when the time comes and things could change.

The current corpses are placeholders. Not sure what you will get when its done, but they might wake up and bite you.

I looked at the broken leg stuff. It goes like this: Broken > mending > sprained > healed. A fracture is at the same level as a mending leg but there is nothing you can do for it and it happens if you fall on a sprained leg it might go to fractured state.

The way the splint works is it changes a broken leg to a mending leg, but it has no effect on fractures or sprains. So basically fractured is the same as mending but not as bad as broken, but we used a different name because it didn't make sense to go from a sprain to a "mending leg".

prefabs can be used in the random gen

There are no guarantees. There is a tiny chance of luck where you could fall and not break anything. And once injured the chance to re-injure is great so be careful once you do hurt your leg until it's healed. Down the road we want perks or special armor that can minimize the chance for leg injuries.

You can throw rocks for noise distractions. In the future I'd like to see raw meat as a nice distraction.

In the wild there are rare POIs to find, such as cabins, camp sites, etc. These are for the most part the same stuff you've seen before, but we've overhauled most POIs to have less loot, or better loot that is somehow secured or harder to get to.

Yes you can assemble a gun without a book, but you still need a book to make molds to forge weapon parts.

Only crawlers and dogs can break legs since they are attacking low. The regular zombies attack your face for the most part so they have a stun capacity now, which is nasty. It simulates being held or grabbed, or being hit so hard you see stars and cannot move good because your dizzy for a few seconds. So one walker isn't a problem if this happens but if your surrounded by a few your in for a beating.

Only zombies can stun right now. We'll look at players stunning and criticals down the road.

Yes we will have appropriate actions and results for blade, blunt, knockback, skill level, etc. The combat will feel like a whole new game when its finished.

Workbenches are coming.

This is planned... or when we get start classes where you can pick if you were a cop you might start with a pistol but no backpack, if your a doctor you start with meds and doctor satchel... etc.

We are discussing destroying the brain being the only way to kill a zombie. We won't do this until last though, after knockback, stunning, criticals and dynamic crippling is possible.

0-20 coal, 21-40 pottassium, 41-60 lead, 61+ tungsten. Its pretty easy to dig a 1m mine shaft and toss a ladder in it to each any level you want. Anyhow this is just an interim version until perlin worms come. The main reason I did it is because our terrain shader can only handle 3 adjacent materials otherwise you get ugly hard lines and edges everywhere. Now its nice and smooth.

Changed resources underground so there are only 3 minerals per layer. There is stone and iron ore in every layer. The third mineral changes every twenty layers down starting with coal, then potassium nitrate, then lead, and finally tungsten. (Joel)

Iam Lack, Toast & Tolerant

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Re: 7dtd Alpha 9

Beitragvon Numenator » Do 21 Aug, 2014 11:10

Well Alpha 9 is a huge success, but our work is never done. Check out my new badass claw hammer which can upgrade a block with two hits. It’s not too bad for killing zombies either. I also fixed the inside and outside corner wedges so they have shingles on them when upgraded to match the ramps.


Iam Lack, Toast & Tolerant

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Re: 7dtd Alpha 9

Beitragvon Numenator » Do 21 Aug, 2014 12:31

Für die Meisten sicher nix Neues, aber schöne Zusammenfassung aller Punkte die man beachten sollte

http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =290900163

Iam Lack, Toast & Tolerant

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Re: 7dtd Alpha 9

Beitragvon Numenator » Do 21 Aug, 2014 12:46


Iam Lack, Toast & Tolerant

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Re: 7dtd Alpha 9

Beitragvon Numenator » Do 21 Aug, 2014 12:52

Prefab Tutorial für die aufwendigeren Projekte die dann Importiert werden

http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =302764139

Iam Lack, Toast & Tolerant

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Re: 7dtd Alpha 9

Beitragvon Numenator » Do 21 Aug, 2014 12:56

Der Kris soll schon mal zum Graben anfangen :)
In meinem SPGame hab ich eine ganz ähnliche Konstruktion

http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =259824453

Iam Lack, Toast & Tolerant

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Re: 7dtd Alpha 9

Beitragvon Numenator » Do 21 Aug, 2014 13:13

Ah das Making of von dem Tower den ich schonmal geposted habe :)

http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =298316614

Golden hätt sei Freud beim Dekorieren :)

Iam Lack, Toast & Tolerant

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Re: 7dtd Alpha 9

Beitragvon Numenator » Do 21 Aug, 2014 13:45

Damit wir die Leut ned fadisieren mit "ungelesene Beiträge", hab ich eine Steamcommunity erstellt

7 PoMs To Die


Is eine private Gruppe, wer von den PoMs eine Einladung möchte bitte bei mir melden

Iam Lack, Toast & Tolerant

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Registriert: So 19 Aug, 2001 19:55


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