Einiges hiervon unterliegt zwar noch Changes, aber die Richtung klingt doch mal ganz gut, alles geplqant fuer den 16ten Dezember:
Hello Norrath,
In the next update, tentatively scheduled for December 16th, any bards who have used AA points to purchase either Extended Notes 3 or Sionachie's Crescendo will have those abilities removed and the AA points reimbursed. <P>The abilities are being changed so that they only affect beneficial songs and chants. The use of these abilities on some AOE and damage songs or Chants was overbalancing, which made this change necessary. <P>Please be aware that you will be receiving a refund of these AA points and that you cannot save more than 30 points. So if your refund brings you over 30, you will need to spend them before you zone after the update.
There hasn’t been a lot of information going out about the new disciplines
setup so I thought I’d drop by and give you all a basic breakdown on them. FYI, I'm Ryan Barker for those of you that don't know. If you've been in one of the expansion betas in the last couple years (or played on Tallon Zek summer of '01) you know me as Rytan.
Timer 1
Counter Attack – Level 53 – 45 minute reuse
Nimble – Level 55 – 21 minute reuse
Timer 2
Kinesthetics – Level 57 – 22.8 minute reuse
Duelist – Level 59 – 24.6 minute reuse
Twisted Chance – Level 65 – 30 minute reuse
Timer 3
Deadeye – Level 54 – 21.1 minute reuse
Blinding Speed – Level 58 – 22.8 minute reuse
Deadly Precision – Level 63 – 30 minute reuse
Weapon Affinity – Level 61 – 30 minute reuse
Timer 4
Fearless – Level 40 – 1800 second reuse
Resistant – Level 30 – 1800 second reuse
Healing Will – Level 63 – 300 second reuse
All of the disciplines will function as they currently do on live, with the
exception of an increase in the potency of the resistant discipline.
Here is an explanation of the new disciplines:
Weapon Affinity – Increases your proc rate for 24 seconds
Twisted Chance – Makes every attack hit, critical, double attack, dual wield for 12 seconds
Deadly Precision – Every backstab lands for 30 seconds.
When a discipline is used, any discipline on the same timer will not be
usable until the reuse time for the used discipline has expired. I.E using
Kinesthetics will gray out duelist and twisted chance for 22.8 minutes. During that time you can if you so choose use any of the other disciplines on the other
timers, provided you have enough endurance.
If anyone has feedback on this setup I’d love to hear it.
- Ryan
Phantom Wind line
I've seen several posts on this topic wondering what's going on with the new abilities on test and I thought I'd clear up some confusion on the new phantom wind line.
FYI, I'm Ryan Barker for those of you that don't know. If you've been in one of the expansion betas in the last couple years (or played on Tallon Zek summer of '01) you know me as Rytan.
The plane for Phantom Wind is to give monks a tool to speed up pulling in group situations. To that end, the tentative line up of abilities is as follows:
Phantom Zephyr - Level 35 - Level 50 Lull cap
Phantom Wind - Level 50 - Level 58 Lull Cap
Phantom Echo - Level 57 - Level 61 Lull Cap
Phantom Call - Level 64 - Level 65 Lull Cap
As with the provoke line the endurance cost is still up in the air, so I won't comment on that right now.
The range is tentatively changing to 150, to address the concerns of many NPCs having a larger aggro radius then 100.
Again, the goal of this new ability is to speed up pulling in areas with lots of low to equal level mobs that are often difficult to split using tradition FD techniques. In addition, multiple monks should be able to split larger sized rooms, so that should add a bit of stackability as well. (I know the generally it's not needed, but I thought I'd mention it all the same.)
If anyone has any feedback on this or any other aspect of the new melee system I'd love to hear it. I posted my E-mail address on the Steel Warrior board, but I think it would be more productive if the bulk of the feedback went here in the thread where everyone can discuss it. Altough, If anyone has anything they really want to send me feel free.
Discipline Timers
Edited 12/11 8 PM
-Changed reuse timers to be in minutes
-Update all disciplines to their level 65 reuse times
-Added descriptions of the new disciplines
Everyone seems confused on this so I thought I'd post a break down for you. This is all subject to change of course before going live.
Timer 1
Stone Stance - Level 51 - 3.9 minute reuse
Whirlwind - Level 53 - 49.2 minute reuse
Voiddance - Level 54 - 50.1 minute reuse
Earthwalk - Level 65 - 3.9 minute reuse
Timer 2
Inner Flame - Level 56 - 21.9 minute reuse
Hundred Fists - Level 57 - 22.8 minute reuse
Speed Focus - Level 63 - 22.8 minute reuse
Timer 3 (Thunderkick and Silentfist will likely be changed to be longer as they now have a duration instead of lasing one event)
Thunderkick - Level 52 - 4 minute reuse
Silentfist - Level 59 - 4.5 minute reuse
Ashenhand - Level 60 - 67.5 minute reuse
Planeswalk - Level 61 - 30 minute reuse
Timer 4
Fearless – Level 40 – 37.5 minute reuse
Resistant – Level 30 – 28.5 minute reuse
Healing Will – Level 63 – 5 minute reuse
Here's a breakdown of the new 60 disciplines:
Earthwalk - Same as Stonestance stun immunity
Speed Focus - 100 hands upgrade, increase your melee speed independent of haste effects.
Planeswalk - Increase run speed
Healing will - 100 hp/tick heal
When a discipline is used, any discipline on the same timer will not be usable until the reuse time for the used discipline has expired. I.E using Stone Stance will gray out Whirlwind, Voidance, and Earthwalk for 3.9 minutes. During that time you can if you so choose use any of the other disciplines on the other timers, provided you have enough endurance.
Again, feedback is welcome on any of this.
Just as an FYI, I'm Ryan Barker, one of the Dev's working on the new Melee
system. Those of you that have been in recent Betas know me as Rytan.
As I'm sure you've all noticed, we're still making lots of changes to the
system before it goes live. Based on the testing and great feedback we've gotten from a number of people we're looking at making the Provoke line up look something like this:
Provoke - Level 20, 100Hate, 40Hate/Tick, 500 Total Hate
Bellow - Level 45, 200 Hate, 50Hate/Tick, 700 Total Hate
Berate - Level 56, 300 Hate, 60Hate/Tick, 900 Total Hate
Belittle - Level 63, 400 Hate, 70 Hate/Tick, 1100 Total Hate
I'm hesitant to post endurance cost numbers at this point because we're still monkeying with the formula quite a bit, and it will likely change a lot before it goes live. It should work out to being available once per NPC depending on the speed at which you pull.
In regards to the range, I don't plan on increasing the range past 100. This
is not designed as a pulling tool, but rather an ability that gives warriors a
way to pull immediate aggro when a mob enters camp. It's not going to let
everyone cast their biggest spells with impunity, but it should shorten the
window that casters will still pull aggro with an early debuff or nuke.
I'm interested in you feedback on this, or any other aspect of the melee
system you have a chance to test. rbarker@soe.sony.com if you have a
chance to write out your thoughts and observations, or you can always post here.
I'm keeping up on most of the threads regarding the changes.
Im Steelwarrior Forum sagte Ryan dann noch das die Reuse Time wohl bei ca. 30 Sec liegen wird.