As a balancing mechanic against this versatility, however, the Elementalist has some of the lowest DPS in the game. Additionally, the Elementalist has a low HP pool along with light armor, making it one of the “squishiest” classes in the game, by default, anyway.
When one looks at the Elementalist and sees their low base stats and base damage, they may be tempted to judge it as a terrible class. Yet one must think of why Elementalists were cursed with such handicaps.
Da hab ich mir ja die richtige Klasse ausgesucht
Naja dafür macht er das über Comboplay wieder weg,
The Elementalist gains its power via the use of combo fields. Combos are often treated as gimmicky and ineffectual… for good reason. Most combo fields and combos are pretty tame or weak. In fact, the best combo fields are probably simple ones like Fire and Water because their effects provide direct damage and direct healing.
Meine Ahnungslosigkeit stapelt sich....
Außerdem ist die Klasse als Melee zu spielen
One important concept to understand for every encounters is that melee is generally much more rewarding than range, if you can survive.
Ich bin verwirrt
Ich hab eine Range DPS CLass gesucht, bekommen hab ich mit Level 80 eine Lusche im Schlafrock, die nix aushält und nicht austeilt, aber versatile ist.... also muss ich zuerst mal das Gear besorgen damit die speziellen Traits dann auch greifen können damit die Combomechanic ihren Mehrwert ausspielen kann.......
I am dedicated to this class. I have been playing it since the release of GW2 and I intend to carry on for as long as it keeps entertaining me. The core concepts of this class fascinate me, so much that I can not have anywhere near as much fun playing other professions. The elementalist is a clever approach to the mage type class, differentiating itself from traditional role-play games’ designs by allowing you to master all four elements in a martial art fashion. It is a lot of fun to play, but it is also quite demanding. Being a good elementalist is not easy.
Nah gut, schau ma mal was passiert, zumindest ist mein Eindruck wenigstens der gleiche wie die Erklärung aus dem Guide:"Wennst erm ned spieln kannst , is er unbrauchbar!"
Bin jetzt PvE Dungeon skilled, brauch halt noch neues Equp, dafür sind die Waffen halbwegs gut die ich hab