von Numenator » Di 04 Dez, 2001 15:05
According to collected sources, we have further information on horses.<br><br>There are 16 possible horses. White, Black, Tan and Brown. There are also four speeds which are determined by their bridle type: Rope, Leather, Silk and Chain. Rope is the slowest (around Journeyman Boot speed) and Chain is the fastest (close to Spirit of Cheetah/Bard Song).<br><br>Costs vary from 8,400pp to 113,750pp depending on charisma and faction.<br><br>They can only be summoned outside through the use of a no-drop (but not lore) item. They can be sent back to their stables simply by right-clicking off the horse buff.<br><br>From horseback all forms of combat and casting can be performed. Bard Song, Spirit of Wolf, etc will not stack with the horse's running speed.<br><br>LG<br> <p>written by<BR>Tidoc Linoque (EQ)<BR>Fydoor Linoque (EQ)<BR>Codit Corpseraider (EQ)<BR>Arztim Dienst (EQ)<BR>Sir Tidoc (UO)<BR>Michael Stowasser(RL)</p><i></i>
Iam Lack, Toast & Tolerant
Das ist schmutzig, falsch und moralisch höchst verwerflich....ok bin dabei!