von Tokessa » Di 02 Apr, 2002 10:10
ingredients end result <br><b>3 small blocks clay, flask of water <u>results in</u> block of clay</b><br>3 blocks of clay, flask of water <u>results in</u> large block of clay <br>1 block of clay, flask of water <u>results in</u> 3 small blocks of clay <br>1 large block of clay, flask of water <u>results in</u> 2 blocks of clay <br>1 large block enchanted clay, flask of water <u>results in</u> block of enchanted clay <br>1 block of enchanted clay, flask of water <u>results in</u> small block of enchanted clay <br><br><br>Ist es das was du meinst ??<br><br>LG <p></p><i>Bearbeitet von: <A HREF=http://pub89.ezboard.com/utokessa.showPublicProfile?language=DE>Tokessa</A> am: 4/2/02 10:11:59 am<br></i>