Patch Message?!?!

Forum für öffentliche Diskussionen rund um das Online-Spiel "Everquest"

Patch Message?!?!

Beitragvon Naglafarn » Do 09 Jan, 2003 14:09

Denkt an die armen Mitglieder des arbeitenden Volkes die hinter einer Firewall sitzen und auch gerne die Patch Message lesen würden...<br><br>z.B. an MICH <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :rollin --><img src= ALT=":rollin"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i></i>
RL: Andreas + Warhammer: Nagul
EQ: Nagul (retired) + EQ2: Naglafarn (retired) + WoW: Naglafarn (retired)
Protector (WoW)
Alter: 48
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Registriert: Mi 15 Aug, 2001 14:17
Wohnort: Weilheim / Teck

Re: Patch Message?!?!

Beitragvon madtom » Do 09 Jan, 2003 14:37

nix aufregendes neues short duration window und eq kann im fenster ausgefuehrt werden<br><br>achja altes ui is geschichte <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :evil --><img src= ALT=":evil"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <br><br>Mad Tom, Satrak aka Markus <p></p><i></i>
"Der Mensch an und für sich ist gut, aber die Leut’ sind ein Gesindel." (J.Nestroy)

Merrie aka Markus
Gildenleitung (WoW)
Grand Marshal
Alter: 49
Beiträge: 3865
Registriert: So 19 Aug, 2001 19:51

Re: Patch Message?!?!

Beitragvon madtom » Do 09 Jan, 2003 14:43

die originale Msg:<br><br>January 9, 2003 3:00 am<br>------------------------------<br><br>** Demise of the Classic/Velious Interface **<br><br>Over the last six months we have been keeping the Classic EverQuest interface as well as the Velious interface working through all of the features that we have added (built-in MP3 player, item links, compass, enhanced /bug reporting tool, and others). However, with the release of some of the new features in this patch, such as running EQ in a window, we must now say goodbye to the older interfaces. They have been disabled as of today.<br><br>They served us well.<br><br><br><br>** EQ in a Window **<br><br>EverQuest can now be run in a window. To place EverQuest in a window, simply press Alt-Enter. You can also switch out of EverQuest to another program by using the familiar Alt-Tab. It is important that you do not do this until you are in-game, do not do this during the login process.<br><br>It is important to note a few things. Running the game in a window may reduce game performance a bit. And, as always, the more programs you have running at the same time the more resources they use.<br><br>At this time, due to some changes that need to be made on the front end, it is not possible to run two instances of EverQuest. We will be working to make the necessary changes over the next few weeks.<br><br><br><br>** Songs Window **<br><br>We have added a new window to the interface along with new game functionality. The Songs window is a new buff window that holds up to 6 bard song buffs. This increases the potential maximum effects that a character can have to 21 (15 standard and the 6 new ones). The new window only holds certain bard songs (generally the 3-tick songs). Only beneficial songs will qualify for the new buff box, and not all of those. Any buff in the new Songs window is considered temporary and will not be saved when you zone.<br><br>Songs that qualify to go into the new window will go into that window first. Any qualifying songs over six will be rerouted to the main Effects window. Cancel Magic effects will see these new buff slots as buff slots #16-21.<br><br>Note for User Interface skin creators: The Label EQTypes 80-85 are the Songs window song names.<br><br><br><br>- Some magical effects on Planar class armor have been altered. In most cases the effects were upgraded, but a few items were given weaker effects that were more in line with the difficulty of obtaining them. <br>- Fixed a bug that was causing a few Planes of Power NPCs to take too long to respawn.<br>- Wu's Attack should now work correctly.<br>- Incoming damage now interacts with Wrath of the Wild and other rune-type spells in their proper order.<br>- Pact of Shadow and Shadow Compact will once again heal player characters.<br>- Charmed Pets will no longer remain charmed after the owner dies.<br>- Sending special characters (such as < and ") via EQIM will no longer freeze the game.<br>- Hitting Autoattack when in explore mode at Character Select will no longer cause the game to crash.<br>- The Loadskin window will now load skins other than the default properly.<br>- Fixed and issue that caused some NPC's text to be cut short.<br>- Fixed (but did not rename) the Broken Golem. He should no longer be hated in Fear, just feared...<br>-Lowered the duration of calm-type spells that effect creatures level 50 and over.<br><br><br>** User Interface File Changes **<br><br>ShortDurationBuffwnd.xml - NEW<br>EQUI.xml<br>BugReportwnd.xml<br>Lootwnd.xml<br>Selectorwnd.xml<br>PetInfownd.xml<br>Window_ Pieces04.tga<br><br><br>Mad Tom, Satrak aka Markus <p></p><i></i>
"Der Mensch an und für sich ist gut, aber die Leut’ sind ein Gesindel." (J.Nestroy)

Merrie aka Markus
Gildenleitung (WoW)
Grand Marshal
Alter: 49
Beiträge: 3865
Registriert: So 19 Aug, 2001 19:51

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