Also bei uns im Kingdom gehts grad mächtig zur Sache bzgl. Monarch
Komm mir schon vor wie bei den Neuwahlen bei uns mit ihren ganzen Zuckerl und Versprechungen
Hier ein Auszug aus meinen PNs (btw. in der gesamten letzten Runde hatte ich keine einzige ... da war der monarch aber auch schon gewählt )
To The Honorable Mr. Minyatur
I want to be monarch... In last age I show that Im a good player... I am playing to utopia during more than 5 years.. I was played in the kingdom of BLBLBLBL during a lot of age... We was 1 of the best kingdom in the world... and I stay in the top 100 of the world during 4 or 5 age... I think that I can help to the kingdom... If you think that I can be a good monarch please vote for me. Thanks
Signed, Mr. Mutenro the Sorcerer of Becarioloko FLipao (7:37)
To The Honorable Mr. Minyatur
pls vote for reign of tower.
Signed, The Wealthy Mr. wizard of Reign oF Terror (7:37)
To The Honorable Mr. Minyatur
I just want to tell you that there is a reign of terror in your kingdom.He was a very good leader of his province.
He was a good friend of us(the previous kingdom)and he did a lot of great things. so please vote him as the monarch.
Signed, Mr. Fatman the Rogue of Reign oF Ferocious (23:14)
hihi ... ich finds jetzt schon witzig und dabei fängt das Spiel erst in 6 Stunden an