Patchmessage 10.03.2004

Forum für öffentliche Diskussionen rund um das Online-Spiel "Everquest"

Patchmessage 10.03.2004

Beitragvon Tinel » Mi 10 Mär, 2004 13:47

March 10th, 2004

Combines work again!
Melee Part II!
A new story has been added to your storybook!

The grammar police have invaded EQ and they have made many minor spell, item and quest text fixes that are too numerous to list here.

We'd like to thank all of the players that took time to provide feedback regarding the melee changes. We'd also like to send a special thanks to all of the players that helped us test the additions on the Test and Beta servers. All of the input we received helped to shape the improvements you've seen in the melee classes.

Please continue to give your feedback on the melee system or anything else that you feel requires attention. It does make a difference.

Over the last several months there have been several new additions to EverQuest aimed at increasing the desirability and relative power of pure melee classes.

- Discipline timers were revamped, allowing greater freedom and frequency of use.
- Endurance bar was added as a limited resource to power melee abilities and disciplines.
- Warriors received an innate 5 percent increase in their ability to absorb damage.
- Warriors received the Incite line of abilities, giving them a new tool for aggro management.
- Monks received the Phantom Call line of abilities, giving them a new tool for pulling.
- Several new disciplines were introduced for all three classes.

The endurance system and the separation of the discipline timers have provided us with new tools to add interesting and powerful abilities in the future for melee classes. You can count on seeing new disciplines and abilities as the game progresses and as situations arise that require new abilities to effectively balance class power. We will continue to evaluate the melee system for both balance and enjoyment.

We will also continue to review and make changes to each individual class as needed. Class balance is an important part of any multiplayer game and requires constant attention.

Thanks for helping make EverQuest a great game.

We have replaced the spell-like effects on items which produced the following effects: Attack, HP Regen, Mana Regen, Haste and Damage Shield with actual statistics. The effects on the item have not changed they are just set up in a new way that we hope will allow for more item functionality in the future.
Several Gates smithed weapons have had their damage and delay adjusted to be more in line with the difficulty in crafting them.
The Copper Hammer of Striking will no longer proc for wielders below level 50.
The Wailing Coral Staff is now two handed blunt.
Bolas are now one-handed projectile rather than ammo.
Bola ranges have been adjusted slightly.
All bolas that can proc will now do so.
All items that had the "Cleave" series of effects removed, have had them returned.

The drop rate for the following Epic Quest items has been increased slightly:

- Essence of a Vampire
- Decrepit Hide
- Staff of Elemental Mastery (earth)

Expedition zones
You will now have to wait 5 minutes before you are able to accept another expedition zone.

In order to correct many of the issues with the new tradeskill interface it was necessary to remove all learned and favorite recipes. However the system should now work better overall.
The sell prices for Saltwater Tuna and Saltwater crab, as well as the price for any item made from them, have been reduced.
Rainbow Trout should now be tradeable.
If you are not a gnome, you should no longer be able to tinker with a deluxe toolkit kit. If you are a gnome, please tinker away.
You should now be able to properly search for recipes.
The trivial level for brewing Fish Wine has been adjusted.

Some berserker abilities have had their endurance cost changed.
The duration of Confusing Strike has been reduced.
Berserkers should no longer be told that they can bash at level 6.
The berserker guildmaster in the Plane of Knowledge has been taught throwing and parry and is ready to train berserkers in their use.

Some Gates of Discord spells should now drop a little more often.
Several heal spells for Gates of Discord have been modified slightly.
The shadow knight Ancient Spell: Bite of Chaos should now work as intended.

Hierophant Granix should now give the correct text in Cabilis.
Trimdet Trueheart in Abysmal Sea is less of a snob and should now speak with you correctly.
If you tell Brevik Kalaner in Abysmal what items you [need back], he will return to you any items you've just given him.

A few items have had their tribute value adjusted.
Gift of the Enchanters should now work correctly.
You should no longer be able to donate containers with items inside for favor.
Persistent Boon should now give the proper effect.

Alternate Advancement
Dire Charm will no longer reset after being resisted as the ability was successfully initiated.
Dire Charm should now reset when used on an NPC that is too high in level.

Corrected a faction issue with the wizard epic.
The monk "Phantom" line of abilities should no longer be resisted in the level 65 "hard" LDoN Adventures.
The rogue's "Assassin's Strike" skill line ability will be re-introduced with the next update.
The Shining Bloodstone will now be restricted to 2-handed weapons. Any who have placed this augmentation in a 1-handed weapon will find the augmentation on their cursor when they log in. If you find that you have no practical use for the 2-handed augmentation, please petition and a suitable 1-handed replacement will be made available to you.

- The EverQuest Team
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Registriert: Sa 20 Okt, 2001 10:50

Beitragvon Sanyarin » Mi 10 Mär, 2004 13:55

- Monks received the Phantom Call line of abilities, giving them a new tool for pulling.
The endurance system and the separation of the discipline timers have provided us with new tools to add interesting and powerful abilities in the future for melee classes. You can count on seeing new disciplines and abilities as the game progresses and as situations arise that require new abilities to effectively balance class power. We will continue to evaluate the melee system for both balance and enjoyment.

aha ... das hatten wir doch schon ... und wo bleiben die changes ??
Written by
WoW active - Shikki (Eonar) / Gairana (Eonar) / Dairana (Eonar) / Tenka(Eonar) / Nyrion(Eonar)
EQ retired - Venerable Nyrion[ 64 ] / Brother Gensei [ 65 ]
Alter: 41
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Registriert: Do 15 Aug, 2002 08:28
Wohnort: Schweiz

Beitragvon Chili » Mi 10 Mär, 2004 14:07

Musst du lesen ganzen Text:
Over the last several months there have been several new additions to EverQuest aimed at increasing the desirability and relative power of pure melee classes.

Ist nur Aufzählung was die letzten Monate passierte...
Behind every great Mage, sits a Priest, out of Mana...
I love my Guildies, until they talk...

Das einzige was einen guten Mage aufhält:
StGB SS328 Absatz 2.3: Mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu fünf Jahren oder mit Geldstrafe wird bestraft, wer eine nukleare Explosion verursacht
Grand Marshal
Alter: 53
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Registriert: Mi 15 Aug, 2001 12:26
Wohnort: Tamm (nahe Stuttgart)

Beitragvon kthxbye » Mi 10 Mär, 2004 14:46

The monk "Phantom" line of abilities should no longer be resisted in the level 65 "hard" LDoN Adventures.

L33t Beta Infos !

Cause of this, "hard" Adventures with a monk will now be count as "normal" ones .

Mal sehen wann das Pendel wieder umschwingt ...
[font=Arial]ph4T L3wTz I mehr Zeugs[/font]
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Alter: 23
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Registriert: Di 23 Dez, 2003 12:29

Beitragvon Dunkelzahn » Mi 10 Mär, 2004 15:03

The Copper Hammer of Striking will no longer proc for wielders below level 50.

Ups .. muss heute Abend gleich meinen Copper Hammer of Striking verkaufen bevor die Preise ins Bodenlose droppen ....

The sell prices for Saltwater Tuna and Saltwater crab, as well as the price for any item made from them, have been reduced.

Angeln wegen Kohle geht auch nimmer *sigh* WIe sagt man doch so schoen - was good while it lasted .. hab trotzdem so 20 oder 30k gemacht *g*

Dire Charm will no longer reset after being resisted as the ability was successfully initiated.
Dire Charm should now reset when used on an NPC that is too high in level.

Korrekt so aber irgendwie schade fuer die User ..

The Shining Bloodstone will now be restricted to 2-handed weapons. Any who have placed this augmentation in a 1-handed weapon will find the augmentation on their cursor when they log in. If you find that you have no practical use for the 2-handed augmentation, please petition and a suitable 1-handed replacement will be made available to you.

Wer da jetzt viel Arbeit reingesteckt hat wird sich in den A.... beissen ..
:guns: WOW: Blues (Hunter, Skinning / Leatherworking) ( 59 ) / Babsi (Priest, Mining / Blacksmith) ( 60 )
:onfire: EQ: Shadowblues (BRD) + Guggu (2ti) (WIZ) - in Rente
:angel: RL: Roger[/size:352c57c880]
Alter: 53
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Registriert: Mo 17 Mär, 2003 23:05
Wohnort: Aspach b. Stuttgart

Beitragvon kthxbye » Mi 10 Mär, 2004 15:15

Wieso ? Wenn das ein Vendor Aug ist, dann kann das nun problemlos zurücgetauscht werden, gegen und man bekommt Pkt wieder.
[font=Arial]ph4T L3wTz I mehr Zeugs[/font]
Registrierter Benutzer
Alter: 23
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Registriert: Di 23 Dez, 2003 12:29

Beitragvon Dunkelzahn » Mi 10 Mär, 2004 15:17

Gorthor hat geschrieben:Wieso ? Wenn das ein Vendor Aug ist, dann kann das nun problemlos zurücgetauscht werden, gegen und man bekommt Pkt wieder.

Davon steht da oben nix .. man bekommt wenn man will irgend ein 1H Augument dafuer .. Frage ist nur ob man auf das auch so scharf war wie auf das urspruengliche, denn ich denke das hat nun schlechtere Stats ..
:guns: WOW: Blues (Hunter, Skinning / Leatherworking) ( 59 ) / Babsi (Priest, Mining / Blacksmith) ( 60 )
:onfire: EQ: Shadowblues (BRD) + Guggu (2ti) (WIZ) - in Rente
:angel: RL: Roger[/size:352c57c880]
Alter: 53
Beiträge: 1129
Registriert: Mo 17 Mär, 2003 23:05
Wohnort: Aspach b. Stuttgart

Beitragvon Minyatur Laurelin » Mi 10 Mär, 2004 15:46

DAS hatten wir schon öfter Gensei :)

The monk "Phantom" line of abilities should no longer be resisted in the level 65 "hard" LDoN Adventures.

So wie ich SoE kenne wirds jetzt dafür überall sonst resisted wenn man nicht in nem hard ldon adv ist :twisted:
wish you were beer...
Mario aka [EQ] Minyatur Laurelin aka [WoW] Minyatur (ehm. Thorgrim) + Pets + Mounts + Tabards (+ Brett- & Kartenspiele)
"I'll be more enthusiastic about encouraging thinking outside the box when there's evidence of any thinking going on inside it." -- Terry Pratchett
Minyatur Laurelin
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