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Hot Spots
Try out the new Hot Spot zones which give a boost to Experience while adventuring in them, in a similar manner to Paludal Caverns. The current Hot Spots are:
- The Castle of Mistmoore (20th to 30th level)
- The Lair of the Splitpaw (35th to 45th level)
- Dulak's Harbor (40th to 45th level)
- The Tower of Frozen Shadow (30th to 35th level)
- The Gulf of Gunthak (35th to 40th level)
- Hate's Fury (55th to 60th level)
- The Crypt of Nadox (50th to 55th level)
- The Torgiran Mines (45th to 50th level)
These Hot Spot zones are generally aimed at characters level 20 to 51. The Hot Spot zones will shift from time to time, so watch for messages giving clues as to where the new ones may be.
Hehe, Jahre zu spät