
Forum für öffentliche Diskussionen rund um das Online-Spiel "Everquest"


Beitragvon kthxbye » Do 01 Jul, 2004 08:14

Na welchen "Class Corespondent" habt ihr erwischt ?
Pals haben einen "Average Joe", ich nehme das mal als Vorteil.

Zusammen mit Mandrone bekommt das PoN Board nun regelmäßig aktuelle News aus den DevBoards.
Werde hier die wichtigsten Sachen immer wieder reinsetzen.


Basically, the spells were removed and replaced with runes that you can turn in to get the spells you need. The drop rate was lowered to compensate for the fact that you're now going to always get a spell you need when a rune drops instead of the random chance you had before. The NPCs that drop the runes/spells hasn't changed.

So, yes, the NPCs drop runes, but at a lower rate than they used to drop spells.


A new AA backend will be released on the July 8th patch. What this means is easier changes to the AA system and refunds for AA's that have been on hold for refunds such as the necro AA. Other refunds are also coming for Gates AA's that cost too much, but I have no idea which ones yet.

Also, level 4 focus effects are being worked on by the dev team. Whether this means they will work to level 70 at full power, at reduced power, or at all is not being released. Please read between the lines here.


The Vex Thal inter floor agro did turn out to still be going on, I know the cause of the problem but just haven't had a chance to work on it yet. It's not a new bug, it's unrelated to collision, and as people have reported it can generally be avoided by not using mounts but that's not 100% reliable either. Turns out the floors that are above each other are just barely in agro/assist range of each other. There's an easy "hack" that could fix this for Vex Thal (ie scale the z component of the distance check slightly), but I'd prefer to do it "right" so this might not get fixed right away since the right way to do it is to enable line of sight checks in the zone. This would require content testing however so I'm going to have to defer this for a bit until I get a chance to talk to some people about it.


Achja nochwas, Tipt und Vxed Trash ist bugged, so hart wie momentan sollte der nicht zuschlagen,
was für ein Wunder. :roll:


Edit: Aug Removal Kosten:

On test the cost to remove augs is rated by an augs class, it ranges from 1 to 18. Class 1 being 1 pp, and class 18 being 4000pp. The merchant is located in the butcherblock adventure camp.

I didn't own any class 18, but I did have a class 15 (70hp LDoN raid aug) and was it 1500pp to remove.

The 40hp augs were 1k to remove.

You do keep the item and aug upon removal.

Of course all of this is subject to change, so please don't take it as gospel!
[font=Arial]ph4T L3wTz I mehr Zeugs[/font]
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Beitragvon kthxbye » Fr 02 Jul, 2004 18:30

He is a gnome male located at the Butcherblock Wayfayer Camp.

You say, 'Hail, Mimzit Furnov'

Mimzit Furnov says 'Behold my latest invention!' The gnome sweeps his hand over a display of vials containing bubbling liquids of various colors. 'I alone have struck upon the formula to unseal augmentations without destroying them. Think of the possibilities!' A glint comes into his eyes as he eyes your money. 'I promise,' he assures you, 'you won't find these anywhere else.''


Mimzit Furnov tells you, 'That'll be 1 platinum 1 gold 9 silver 1 copper per Class I Augmentation Distiller.'

Mimzit Furnov tells you, 'That'll be 5 platinum 9 gold 5 silver 2 copper per Class II Augmentation Distiller.'

Mimzit Furnov tells you, 'That'll be 11 platinum 9 gold 5 copper per Class III Augmentation Distiller.'


Mimzit Furnov tells you, 'That'll be 29 platinum 7 gold 6 silver 2 copper per Class IV Augmentation Distiller.'

Mimzit Furnov tells you, 'That'll be 59 platinum 5 gold 2 silver 3 copper per Class V Augmentation Distiller.'

Mimzit Furnov tells you, 'That'll be 89 platinum 2 gold 8 silver 6 copper per Class VI Augmentation Distiller.'


Mimzit Furnov tells you, 'That'll be 119 platinum 4 silver 8 copper per Class VII Augmentation Distiller.'

Mimzit Furnov tells you, 'That'll be 148 platinum 8 gold 1 silver per Class VIII Augmentation Distiller.'

Mimzit Furnov tells you, 'That'll be 178 platinum 5 gold 7 silver 2 copper per Class IX Augmentation Distiller.'


Mimzit Furnov tells you, 'That'll be 297 platinum 6 gold 2 silver per Class X Augmentation Distiller.'

Mimzit Furnov tells you, 'That'll be 595 platinum 2 gold 3 silver 8 copper per Class XI Augmentation Distiller.'

Mimzit Furnov tells you, 'That'll be 892 platinum 8 gold 5 silver 7 copper per Class XII Augmentation Distiller.'


Mimzit Furnov tells you, 'That'll be 1190 platinum 4 gold 7 silver 6 copper per Class XIII Augmentation Distiller.'

Mimzit Furnov tells you, 'That'll be 1488 platinum 9 silver 6 copper per Class XIV Augmentation Distiller.'

Mimzit Furnov tells you, 'That'll be 1785 platinum 7 gold 1 silver 5 copper per Class XV Augmentation Distiller.'


Mimzit Furnov tells you, 'That'll be 2380 platinum 9 gold 5 silver 2 copper per Class XVI Augmentation Distiller.'

Mimzit Furnov tells you, 'That'll be 3571 platinum 4 gold 2 silver 8 copper per Class XVII Augmentation Distiller.'

Mimzit Furnov tells you, 'That'll be 4761 platinum 9 gold 5 copper per Class XVIII Augmentation Distiller.'
[font=Arial]ph4T L3wTz I mehr Zeugs[/font]
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Registriert: Di 23 Dez, 2003 12:29

Beitragvon kthxbye » So 04 Jul, 2004 20:44

Friday July 3rd Update 3:00pm

- Augment Buy Back System:

Players can now sell LDoN items back to adventure merchants and receive half of the points they spent (rounded up).

The Adventure Merchant Window now contains a "Sell" button, which is used similarly to the Sell button with regular merchants
click the item in your inventory or bag and the Sell button will enable. Only items with an adventure point cost, and that were bought from an adventure merchant can be sold back.

Nun muss das nur noch alles so live gehen - exzellent.
[font=Arial]ph4T L3wTz I mehr Zeugs[/font]
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Beitragvon Frexx » So 04 Jul, 2004 22:01

Ich blick da nimmer durch, wollen die das machen oder isses schon?, mhh.
Frexxor im WoW-ARSENAL und Frexx

Damals: Heldenfrexx in Everquest , auch im Ruhestand wie Quilla, aber nicht ganz so betagt, den Q hat die :faroah: noch live gesehen

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Beitragvon Thuloom » So 04 Jul, 2004 22:56

Bin mir nicht ganz sicher von wo genau, aber entweder kommt das aus dem Entwicklerzentrum oder vom Testserver (hmmmm letzteres kann ich ja eigentlich bei Gelegenheit mal antesten)

Wie auch immer die sollen zusehen das das alles Live geht (insbesondere das ausbauen von Augs und das zurückgeben von Items)
Viele Grüße


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Beitragvon kthxbye » Mo 05 Jul, 2004 07:19

Das letzte ist Testserver Patch MGS .
[font=Arial]ph4T L3wTz I mehr Zeugs[/font]
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Beitragvon Paragalla » Mo 05 Jul, 2004 08:01

weiss schon jemand wie die Augs eingeteilt werden ?
Woher weiss man welches Aug welchen Distiller benötigt ?
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Beitragvon Ghanur » Mo 05 Jul, 2004 13:59

Paragalla hat geschrieben:weiss schon jemand wie die Augs eingeteilt werden ?
Woher weiss man welches Aug welchen Distiller benötigt ?

Das wird im UI angezeigt, wenn man an das "Vogelbad" geht. Außerdem wird man jetzt gefragt ob man denn sicher sei (sowohl beim rein- wie auch rausmachen von Augments).

Die teuersten sind die aus High-End GoD - die 40HP-Teile aus LDoN selber sind auf 13 oder 14...

...und die Preise sind wie üblich vom CHA abhängig, die Zahlen stammen wohl von einem Troll :lol: - sollte für normale Leute also etwas günstiger sein.
Ghanur, Zwerg Jäger
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Beitragvon Ghanur » Mo 05 Jul, 2004 14:00

Ich kann es kaum erwarten meine Typ4 Augments in die neuen Waffen zu packen ;)
Ghanur, Zwerg Jäger
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Beitragvon kthxbye » Mo 05 Jul, 2004 14:26

Allein aus meinen abgelegten LDON Items samt Augs, kommt locker ein neues 40HP Aug for free raus.

Apropos Class18 Augs:

[font=Arial]ph4T L3wTz I mehr Zeugs[/font]
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Beitragvon Ghanur » Mo 05 Jul, 2004 18:30

Gorth, die BP ist per Cheat entstanden :evil:

Die 3 Augments stammen aus der Breakdown in Communication (BiC) Quest, und man konnte sich mit einer passenden Leiche (Augment auf Leiche lassen) zwei weitere besorgen. Das wird demnächst korrigiert.

Die sollten in den Fällen die Augments in "Sad Augment of Exploitation" verwandeln (-99 auf alles) - kann nicht entfernt werden :wink:
Ghanur, Zwerg Jäger
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Beitragvon kthxbye » Mo 05 Jul, 2004 19:22

Gorth, die BP ist per Cheat entstanden.

Ach wirklich ? *hust*
[font=Arial]ph4T L3wTz I mehr Zeugs[/font]
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Beitragvon kthxbye » Di 13 Jul, 2004 07:53

" ldon selling 70% on test now remember its just test but it might be 70% back now."
[font=Arial]ph4T L3wTz I mehr Zeugs[/font]
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Beitragvon kthxbye » Fr 30 Jul, 2004 08:25

Patch gestern war Tacvi Update. Einer der Devs hat was dazu gepostet.
Das Interessanteste ist folgendes:

"Finally, I've laid the groundwork for a change to how the zone works. Although this is the least noticeable of the changes, it's also the biggest. Tacvi currently works like other dynamic raid zones. Players gain lockout times based on their accomplishments in the zone. I'm in the process of changing Tacvi so that it will remember which bosses you have killed recently. Then, the next time you start up the dynamic zone, the zone will only spawn those NPCs that would have respawned since you last killed them. This will negate the need for lockout timers in Tacvi. The code to support this change is brand new and doesn't exist on live servers yet, so this change must wait until the next full patch to EverQuest before it can go in. In the meantime, the most noticeable difference you'll see is that all of the bosses in Tacvi are now up as soon as the zone spawns."

Man stelle sich ein VT in der Form vor. Ziemlich genial ausgetüftelt, mich würde brennend interessieren wie sie den Progress dabei speichern.
So langsam aber sicher ist EQ wirklich die EQ2 Beta geworden.
[font=Arial]ph4T L3wTz I mehr Zeugs[/font]
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Beitragvon madtom » Fr 30 Jul, 2004 10:42

klingt interessant ja schau ma mal obs das auch hinbekommen, waer natuerlich geil wenns sowas dann fuer vt zb auch einfuehren (was ich bezweifel)
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