Dev Post zum Thema, sehr interessanter Absatz:
"The GM client has the ability to auto-restart the melody upon failure. When in this mode, it can run indefinately and the logfile can be parsed to give precise fizzle rates over time including multiple fizzle rates. (The normal player client can't do this). I don't know when the designers expect to make use of this but they did express interest in being able to really confirm with solid proof that the game behaves the way we think & expect it does. A good 24 hours of straight /melody would convince me I think."
Auto Recast simple as that.
Das ist nur ein weiterer Schritt zum Thema God-of-God-Mode. Damit wird ein neuer lvl an exploits kommen. Wenns gut geht, dann bleibt /melody keine 3 Wochen im Spiel. Für die nächste Expansion, wir das auto-recast um 200% eine neue Caster AA.