Die Koreaner haben die alte Onyxia killed/sploited - sucht euch aus was besser passt.
Die neue Form wurde nun ebenfalls flexed.
http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/threa ... ost1112637
2 Items pro Kill sind noch "besser" als EQs 3-Item-Loot-Tables *cough*
Upcoming Zeugs:
"According to Computer Games who seems to have gotten atleast a little bit of new info out of them.
Dire maul - " Located in Feralas, Dire Maul will be a "winged" instance dungeon similar to the Scarlet Monstary. It's being tuned for groups of players ranging from levels 46-57. This dungeon should be a nice Kalimdor counterpart to Blackrock Depths."
Alterac Valley ( battlegrounds instance ) - only new information about this is it is geared for player lvls 51+
Ahn'Qiraj - " The gates of Ahn'Qiraj can only be opened by a mighty, player-driven quest. Once the gates are open, the spoils of Ahn'iraj will be available for any on the server who can rise to the challenge. This will be a full-bown raid zone, tuned for 40 players of maximum lvl. Encounters will be varied in the zone, with some taking place on the sprawling sand of this once epic city, and others taking place deep within the hive tunnels.
Blackwing Lair - "Blackwing lair is an upper-tier raid zone, designed for raid groups of 40 players of maximum lvl. The lair lies deep within blackrock spire in the heart of the Eastern Kingdoms."
Karazhan - "Karazhan is an instanced dungeon found in Deadwind Pass. Only the players of the highest level will be able to overcome the challenges of this dungeon. Unique in it's design, Karazhan will offer multiple sections, each of which will play as a dungeon in and of itself, with at least three seperate instance entrances."
Zul'Gurub - "Zul'Gurub will be a level 55-60 instanced exterior zone, similar to Zul'Farrak. Tuned for groups of 5, the instance should prove to be both challenging and rewarding for those who feel up to the task of conquering the saveage Trolls."
As far as pvp honor goes. The honor system will be much like an exp system/faction. You go up rank as you gain exp, but your exp will deterioate.
If you get to max lvl you will be able to buy gear that's on par with raid loot. Hopefully this will be a HUGE money sink though as a way for gold to exit the economy. Also I kinda got the idea that outside of battlegrounds defending
your city will net quite bit a faction. AND a feat like killing thrall or the general or whoever will also net quite a bit.
I also got the idea, that onyxia is meant to be a way a guild that is not quite as hardcore as some others to gear up. Where some claim molten core is easier, it'd take alot longer to go through. Article also hinted about lengendary and artifact items but didnt say if they are actually in or not. Just that they can only be found in raid zones."
Yeah, der PvP Exploiter wird dann mit gleicher Gear wie der Hardcore Raidspieler rumlaufen: Brave New World.