Battlegrounds mini-FAQ onemadogre 7:02:PST
We'd like to tell you what a great time we had in Battlegrounds, but it was very similar to our experience on the test server. A two hour queue followed by a decision to try again some other day. So pointers culled from experience and Blizzard's explanations.
1) Instances open up as players from both sides line up to play. If there aren't enough Horde player in for instance, your wait on alliance will be very long.
2) You will get into an instance much, much faster as individuals than as a group. Although Blizzard added a "join as group" function what that means is that in an instance that is already playing out, you will need to have a larger group than yours leave for your group to get in. Since most openings appear to be of the single variety, you might as well forget join as group if you are alliance on most servers.
3) Joining a group that is in queue does not put you in queue with them. Group leader would have to rejoin the queue for that to happen.
4) The summons for battlegrounds appears on your screen like a warlock summon. You do not need to be nearby. You do need to be at the keyboard. If you go afk, your spot in queue is forfeit automatically.
Good luck and good hunting. You should note that since Horde is outnumbered on most servers, Horde players should not experience nearly as much in terms of wait queues as Alliance players will.
Interessant ist vor allem Punkt 3 und 4...!