Patch 3.3.3

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Re: Patch 3.3.3

Beitragvon sepu » Di 02 Mär, 2010 19:13


Icecrown Citadel Zone-Buff is here
The optional zone buff in the Icecrown Citadel is now available and will make the instance easier for whoever wants to use it. The buff currently increases total health, healing done and damage dealt by 5% but higher versions are in-game and will probably be activated later.

* Strength of Wrynn (5%) / Hellscream's Warsong (5%)
* Strength of Wrynn (10%) / Hellscream's Warsong (10%)
* Strength of Wrynn (15%) / Hellscream's Warsong (15%)
* Strength of Wrynn (20%) / Hellscream's Warsong (20%)
* Strength of Wrynn (25%) / Hellscream's Warsong (25%)
* Strength of Wrynn (30%) / Hellscream's Warsong (30%)
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Re: Patch 3.3.3

Beitragvon Yænnik » Di 02 Mär, 2010 20:03

Muss den der ganze Schlachtzug annehmen oder können den auch einzelne Spieler nutzen? Find es nicht unbedingt schlecht. Vor allem damit sollte Modermiene auch wieder mal funktionieren :P

Wobei der mit 30% dann schon ziemlich stark ist :D
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Re: Patch 3.3.3

Beitragvon Hinatá » Di 02 Mär, 2010 22:07

das ist ein raid-weiter buff der ab mittwoch freigeschaltet ist. steigert sich dann langsam und ist soweit ich weis nur auf nonheroic verfügbar.
das ganze ist von anfang an so geplant gewesen also keine panik ;)
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Re: Patch 3.3.3

Beitragvon sepu » Di 02 Mär, 2010 22:30

naja was heisst 30% ist ziemlich stark? ich denke ab 10% wirds dann schon völliger farmstatus die komplette ini.
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Re: Patch 3.3.3

Beitragvon Hinatá » Di 02 Mär, 2010 22:40

na, denk ich nicht. zumindest für uns nicht ;)
bei uns liegts eher am movement und da bekommt man auch durchn raidbuff keine % drauf^^. wobei es klar ist das 5-6k dps von einigen eher an pdk kratzt und das wird natürlich etwas angehoben durch den buff.
mal schauen was die 5% am mittwoch ausmachen :)
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Re: Patch 3.3.3

Beitragvon Cyan » Mi 03 Mär, 2010 08:12

Zumindest Putricide sollte kein Problem mehr sein, sofern wir genügend Leute on haben. :wink: Den hatten wir zuletzt (is auch schon wieder länger her...) auch ohne dem Buff schon beinahe down.
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Re: Patch 3.3.3

Beitragvon Dokk » Mi 03 Mär, 2010 11:29


* The amount of Honor awarded for an Honorable Kill has been increased by 100% for characters of all levels. This change will effectively double the amount of Honor received from Honorable Kills, or for completing Battleground and Wintergrasp objectives; however, the amount of experience gained from completing Battleground objectives and the amount of Honor rewarded for completing each Wintergrasp quest remain unchanged.

Druid (Forums / Talent Calculator)

* Mangle: The debuff from this talent now lasts 60 seconds, up from 12 seconds.

Mage (Forums / Talent Calculator)

* Empowered Fire: This talent now also applies to Pyroblast damage.
* Torment the Weak: This talent now also applies to Pyroblast damage.

Rogue (Forums / Talent Calculator)

* Serrated Blades: This talent now allows the rogue to ignore up to 3/6/9% of the target's armor, rather than a fixed amount of armor ignored per level of the rogue.

Warrior (Forums / Talent Calculator)

* Improved Revenge: This talent can no longer trigger a stun, and instead causes Revenge to strike an additional target for 50/100% of Revenge's damage.


* Trauma: The debuff from this talent now lasts 60 seconds, up from 15 seconds.


* Glyph of Mangle: This glyph now provides 10% increased damage done by Mangle instead of increasing the duration of the debuff.


* Priest Tier-10 4-Piece Healing Set Bonus: Redesigned. This bonus now increases the effectiveness of the caster's Power Word: Shield and Renew spells by 5%.
* Shaman Tier-10 4-Piece Elemental set Bonus: This bonus has been slightly adjusted to account for the fact that haste now modifies Flame Shock's periodic damage ticks. The bonus now makes the shaman's Lava Burst cause Flame Shock to tick at least two additional times before expiring.


* Frame Rate: A maximum capacity of 200 frames per second has been added.

Super, enlich mal was gutes für Katzen :D
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Re: Patch 3.3.3

Beitragvon Yænnik » Mi 03 Mär, 2010 16:50

Todesgriff hat nun eine Mindestreichweite von 8 Meter.

Nie mehr Mobs herziehen, die eh schon vorm Tank stehen. Klasse! :)
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Re: Patch 3.3.3

Beitragvon Hinatá » Mo 15 Mär, 2010 23:06

Icecrown Citadel

* Blood-Queen Lana'thel: Pact of the Darkfallen now applies damage twice as often, but for half the damage. This change will make the removal of the spell a bit more responsive.
* Hellscream's Warsong and Strength of Wrynn now provide their bonuses to player pet health and damage, as well as the absorption amounts of Power Word: Shield and Sacred Shield.

Was auch immer die änderung bei der Queen ändern soll, aber naja^^

Edit: Patch NICHT diese Woche, wegen zuviel nervigen bugs
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Re: Patch 3.3.3

Beitragvon Bonifaz » Di 16 Mär, 2010 15:39

Hinatá hat geschrieben:Was auch immer die änderung bei der Queen ändern soll

Indem der Schaden häufiger tickt, merkst Du leichter, wenn der Debuff weggefallen ist.
Bonifaz formerly Ripuli aka Wolf

Wenn die Sonne der Kultur tief steht, werfen selbst Zwerge einen langen Schatten.
Karl Kraus
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Re: Patch 3.3.3

Beitragvon Hinatá » Di 16 Mär, 2010 16:16

am einfachsten merkt mans daran das der debuff in der debuff leister verschwindet :p
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Re: Patch 3.3.3

Beitragvon Thunderion » Di 23 Mär, 2010 06:38

I'm sure some of you noticed this in the 3.3.3 PTR patch notes:

* Frozo the Renowned has moved into the Dalaran Magus Commerce Exchange and will be trading your Frozen Orbs for various other trade goods.

For those curious, here are the items for which you can trade your Frozen Orbs to Frozo. These each cost 1 Frozen Orb unless noted otherwise in parentheses:

* Crusader Orb (6)
* Runed Orb (4)
* Eternal Fire
* Eternal Earth
* Eternal Water
* Eternal Air
* Eternal Life
* Eternal Shadow
* Frost Lotus
* Pattern: Frosty Flying Carpet [Tailors Only] (6)

Das Interessante ist, was da nicht steht sondern nur am Screenshot erkennbar ist. Nämlich dass Frost Lotus nicht 1 Frozen Orb sondern 3g20s kostet :shock:
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Re: Patch 3.3.3

Beitragvon Hinatá » Di 23 Mär, 2010 07:05

das war ein anzeigebug auf einen der ersten PTR versionen.
Protector (WoW)
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Re: Patch 3.3.3

Beitragvon Yænnik » Di 23 Mär, 2010 17:26

Laut Gamona ist es übrigens sicher, dass der Patch Mittwoch live geht. Bin schonmal gespannt, ob es für den DK ein Nerf ist oder ob es - wie Blizz es verspricht - gleich bleibt.
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Re: Patch 3.3.3

Beitragvon Hinatá » Di 23 Mär, 2010 17:41

* Icy Touch: This ability now causes a very high amount of threat while the death knight is in Frost Presence.
* Chains of Ice: The ability now innately applies Frost Fever to a target.
* Rune of Razorice: Now stacks 5 stacks of 2% Frost Vulnerability instead of 10 stacks of 1% Frost Vulnerability. Proc chance changed to 100%.


* Abomination's Might: This effect is now passive instead of being a proc on certain strikes. Rank 1 is 5% attack power and Rank 2 is 10% attack power. The self strength buff remains unchanged.
* Will of the Necropolis: There is no longer a cooldown on the frequency at which this talent can be activated. In addition, this ability can now also be triggered by damage which deals less than 5% of your health.


* Endless Winter: No longer causes Frost Fever to be applied by Chains of Ice, but instead grants 2/4% strength.
* Icy Talons: The personal haste benefit provided by this talent is no longer exclusive with other sources of melee haste. This will allow death knights to always swing 4/8/12/16/20% faster when Frost Fever is applied. Windfury Totem and the party/raid component of Improved Icy Talons still do not stack.
* Improved Icy Talons: This effect is now passive instead of being a proc. The self haste buff remains unchanged.
* Nerves of Cold Steel: Now increases off-hand damage by 8/16/25%, up from 5/10/15%.
* Unbreakable Armor: The amount of strength granted is now 20%, up from 10%.


* Scourge Strike: Now deals 70% weapon damage, plus 12% of physical damage done as shadow damage for each of the death knight's diseases on the target. The net result should be larger strikes with no diseases present, while maximum damage with all diseases applied to the target should stay the same.
* Unholy Blight: In addition to its previous effects, this talent now also prevents diseases from being dispelled from victims afflicted by Unholy Blight.


* Glyph of Disease: When this glyph causes Frost Fever to be refreshed, it will now also trigger a refresh of Icy Talons.
* Glyph of Icebound Fortitude: Now always grants at least 40% damage reduction.

wenn du mir jetz noch erklärst wo DKs genau generft werden bekommst 160 statt 80 kekse :p
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